@{ Name = 'Seq' Description = 'Sends log data to the designated Seq server web service' Configuration = @{ Url = @{Required = $true; Type = [string]; Default = $null } ApiKey = @{Required = $false; Type = [string]; Default = $null } Properties = @{Required = $false; Type = [hashtable]; Default = $null } Level = @{Required = $false; Type = [string]; Default = $Logging.Level } } Logger = { param( [hashtable] $Log, [hashtable] $Configuration ) $allProperties = @{} if($null -ne $Configuration.Properties) { $allProperties += $Configuration.Properties } # use all properies from log $allProperties += $Log # remove not needed values (dont need to safe data twice) $allProperties.Remove("args") $allProperties.Remove("message") $allProperties.Remove("level") $allProperties.Remove("levelno") $allProperties.Remove("rawmessage") $allProperties.Remove("timestamp") $allProperties.Remove("timestamputc") $allProperties.Remove("execinfo") # default use the already parsed message $messageTemplate = $Log.Message # check if there are any args given if ($Log.args.count -gt 0) { # args are given, use the raw message with {...} text $messageTemplate = $Log.RawMessage; # check if labels are given (same amount of labels are args are necessary) $labels_given = ($null -ne $Log.body.labels -and $Log.args.count -eq $Log.body.labels.count) foreach($argument in $Log.args) { if($labels_given) { # labels are given, add the argument as a value and the label as the named index $allProperties.Add($Log.body.labels[$Log.args.IndexOf($argument)], $argument) # replace the messagetemplated e.g. {0} -> {named} $messageTemplate = $messageTemplate.replace("{$($Log.args.IndexOf($argument))}", "{$($Log.body.labels[$Log.args.IndexOf($argument)])}") } else { # no labels are given, add the number as an argument so seq can handle the text correctly $allProperties.Add("$($Log.args.IndexOf($argument))", $argument) } } # remove the labels, they have added to allProperties already if($labels_given) { $allProperties.body.Remove("labels") } } else { $allProperties += @{ Text = $Log.Message; } } # if body is empty, remove it if($allProperties.body.count -eq 0) { $allProperties.Remove("body") } # exception handling $exception = $null if ($Log.ExecInfo) { $exception = $Log.ExecInfo.ToString() $exception += [System.Environment]::NewLine + $Log.ExecInfo.ScriptStackTrace } # use the $Body = @{ "Events" = @( @{ "Timestamp" = $Log.TimestampUtc "Level" = $Log.Level.substring(0,1).toupper()+$Log.Level.substring(1).tolower() "MessageTemplate" = $messageTemplate "Properties" = $allProperties "Exception" = $exception } ) } if ($Configuration.ApiKey) { $Url = '{0}/api/events/raw?apiKey={1}' -f $Configuration.Url, $Configuration.ApiKey } else { $Url = '{0}/api/events/raw' -f $Configuration.Url } Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Url -Body ($Body | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 5) -Method POST -ContentType "application/json" | Out-Null } } |