
function Test-LeanKitAuthIsSet{
    Write-Warning "Test-LeankitAuthIsSet is deprecated and now checks the default profile, please use Get-LeanKitProfile instead."
        return $true;
        return $false;

function Get-LeanKitDateFormat{
        # URL of the leankit account
        # PSCredentialsObject with the username and password needed to auth against leankit
        # Name of the profile to load

    # Pass any common parameters on to the superordinate cmdlet
    $private:BaseParams = Merge-LeanKitProfileDataWithExplicitParams -ProfileData $(Get-LeanKitProfile -ProfileName $ProfileName) -ExplicitParams $PsBoundParameters
    if($private:BaseParams.Credential -and $private:BaseParams.ProfileName){$private:BaseParams.remove('ProfileName')}
    $private:BaseParams.ErrorAction = 'Stop'
    # Get a board from the list
    $private:Board = Find-LeanKitBoard @private:BaseParams | Get-Random
    Write-Verbose "Looking for user in $($private:Board.Id)"

    # Get board details
    $private:Params = $private:BaseParams.clone();
    $private:Params.BoardID = $private:Board.Id
    $private:Board = Get-LeanKitBoard @private:Params

    $global:board = $private:Board

    # Find the DateFormat from the user
    if(!($private:LeanKitDateFormat = ($private:Board.BoardUsers | ?{$_.EmailAddress -eq $private:BaseParams.Credential.UserName}).DateFormat)){
        Write-Error "Failed to get DateFormat for some reason";
    return $private:LeanKitDateFormat


        Creates a file in USERPROFILE\PSLeanKit containing the credentials pass

function Add-LeanKitProfile{

        # Optional profile name to allow you to store defaults for multiple leankit organisations
        [string]$ProfileName = 'default',
        # Optional parameter specifying the folder where profiles are stored
        [string]$ProfileLocation = "$env:USERPROFILE\PSLeankit\"

    # Strip http/s from the URL if it's provided
    $private:url = $url -replace 'http[s]?://', ''

    # Build the leankit Profile
    $private:Configuration = @{
        "url" = $private:url
        "credential" = @{
            "username" = $private:credential.UserName
            "password" = $private:credential.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString

    # Create the profile folder if need be
    New-Item $private:ProfileLocation -ItemType container -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $private:ProfilePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\PSLeankit\$ProfileName-$env:COMPUTERNAME.json"
    # Check for the existence of a matching profile for this computer and confirm if we find it
    if((Test-Path $private:ProfilePath) -and !($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($private:ProfilePath, "Overwrite"))){
        # User opted not to overwrite

    Set-Content -Path $private:ProfilePath -Value $($private:Configuration| ConvertTo-Json)

    return $private:Configuration


        Deletes the stored credentials in a LeanKitProfile

function Remove-LeanKitProfile{
        # Optional profile name to allow you to store defaults for multiple leankit organisations
        [string]$ProfileName = 'default',
        # Optional parameter specifying the folder where profiles are stored
        $private:ProfileLocation = "$env:USERPROFILE\PSLeankit\"
    $private:ProfilePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\PSLeankit\$ProfileName-$env:COMPUTERNAME.json"
    if(!(Test-Path $private:ProfilePath)){
        Write-Error "Profile does not exist at $private:ProfilePath"
        return $false;

    # Get confirmation
    if($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess($private:ProfilePath, "Delete")){
        Remove-Item $private:ProfilePath -Force
        return $true
        Write-Verbose "User decided not to delete"
        return $false

        Helper function to merge explicitly defined params with profile defaults.

function Merge-LeanKitProfileDataWithExplicitParams{
        # The ProfileData hashtable (you can usefully merge with a blank hashtable to filter out irrelevant params)
        $ProfileData = @{},
        # The Explicit Params hashtable
        # Optional switch to error if we don't end up with a full profile

    # Ensure $ProfileData is a hashtable rather than $null
    if(!$ProfileData){$ProfileData = @{}}
    # Ensure $ProfileData is a hashtable
    if($ProfileData.GetType().name -ne "HashTable"){
        $Private:ProfileHashTable = @{}
        $private:ProfileData | Get-Member | ?{$_.MemberType -eq "NoteProperty"} | %{$private:ProfileHashTable.add($, $private:ProfileData.$($}
        $private:ProfileData = $Private:ProfileHashTable

    # We're only interested in a few params to merge into the profile
    $private:ParamsToSearchFor = @("URL", "Credential")

    # Loop through only those parameters we're interested in
    foreach($private:Parameter in $ExplicitParams.keys | ?{$private:ParamsToSearchFor -contains $_}){
        Write-Verbose "Found explicit $private:Parameter";
        # Merge this param into the profile properties
        $ProfileData.$private:Parameter = $ExplicitParams.$private:Parameter

    # Do we want to validate if we have a full dataset?
        return $Private:ProfileData

    # Generate a list of any missing properties
    Write-Verbose "Checking we have all the variables we need to authenticate against the API"
    $private:MissingProperties = $private:ParamsToSearchFor | ?{$private:ProfileData.Keys -notcontains $_}

    $global:profiledata = $private:ProfileData  #debug

    # Throw an error if we have missing properties
    if($private:MissingProperties.Count -gt 0){
        $private:ErrorMessage =  "You are missing the following properties `r`n`t" + 
                         "{0}`r`n" -f $($private:MissingProperties -join ', ') +
                         "Please populate defaults using Initialize-LeankitDefaults or pass these values as parameters" 
        Write-Error $private:ErrorMessage

    return $Private:ProfileData

function Get-LeanKitProfile{
        # Name of the profile we wish to load

    # Set a ProfileName if it's null
    if(!$ProfileName){$ProfileName = 'Default'}

    # Check for the existence of a matching profile for this computer and load it if we find it
    $private:ProfilePath = "$env:USERPROFILE\PSLeankit\$ProfileName-$env:COMPUTERNAME.json"
    if(Test-Path $private:ProfilePath){

        Write-Verbose "Loading defaults from $private:ProfilePath"
        $private:ProfileProperties = Get-Content $private:ProfilePath | Out-String | ConvertFrom-Json
        Write-Verbose "Could not find $private:ProfilePath"

    # Convert the credential property into a PSCredentials object if it exists
        $private:Params = @{ArgumentList = @($ProfileValues.credential.username, $(ConvertTo-SecureString $ProfileValues.credential.password))}
        $private:ProfileProperties.credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential @private:Params

    # Return the defaults merged with the params
    return $private:ProfileProperties