{ "Title": "Fun with GUIs", "Content": [ "PowerShell doesn't have to all be about Server administration, ops, or automation.", "It can also be fun!", "\n", "We've provided some fun examples below just to give you a taste of what PowerShell can do", "\n", "GUIs", "\n", "\tThe below code snippit will make a blue GUI. When you're more experienced you may", "\twant to start making GUIs for your scripts. This is just a quick example.", "\n", "\tCopy the below into PowerShell ISE to create the GUI!", "\n", "# Import Assemblies ", "[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Drawing')", "[void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Windows.Forms')", "\n", "\n", "# Create a new form object and assign it to the variable GUIExample", "$GUIExample = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form", "\n", "# Define the background image and then set the form to be the same height/width as the image", "$BackgroundImage = [System.Drawing.Image]", "$GUIExample.BackColor = 'Blue'", "$GUIExample.Width = 200", "$GUIExample.Height = 400", "\n", "# Make the GUI the topmost window and give it focus (make it the selected window)", "$GUIExample.TopMost = $True", "$GUIExample.Add_Shown({$GUIExample.Activate()})", "\n", "# Show the GUI", "[void]$GUIExample.ShowDialog()" ] } |