.SYNOPSIS Add a header to a Powershell file(s) .DESCRIPTION Generate a header using the script argument parameter list .PARAMETER FullName Full path name to file .PARAMETER Synopsis Standard synopsis to use .PARAMETER Description Standard description to use .PARAMETER Force Process signed PowerShell files .Example Add-ScriptHeader.ps1 .\MyFile.ps1 -Description "This will handle my stuff" -Synopsis "MyFile" Add a standard header for a single file .Example Get-ChildItem .\ | .\Add-ScriptHeader.ps1 -Description "Auto-generated header" Process this folder to add headers to all files. .Example Get-ChildItem .\ | .\Add-ScriptHeader.ps1 -WhatIf Process this folder to check all files for missing headers #> function Add-ScriptHeader { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string]$FullName, [string]$Synopsis, [string]$Description, [switch]$Force ) Begin { $argReg = [regex]"\[-\w+\]*" $skipCommon="[-WhatIf]","[-Confirm]","[-Verbose]" } Process { Write-Verbose "Input $FullName" #Only process PS1-file if ($FullName.Substring($FullName.Length-3) -ieq "ps1") { if (Test-Path $FullName) { #We do NOT process signed scripts $signed = Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $FullName if ($signed.Status -eq "NotSigned" -or $Force) { $hlp = Get-Help -Name $FullName -Full #No header help in place if help text length is same as synopsis if ($hlp.Length -eq $hlp.Synopsis.Length) { Write-Host "Add header to $FullName" $newScript = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new() [void]$newScript.AppendLine("<#") [void]$newScript.AppendLine(".SYNOPSIS") if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Synopsis)) { [void]$newScript.AppendLine("`t$($hlp.Name)") } else { [void]$newScript.AppendLine("`t$Synopsis") } [void]$newScript.AppendLine(".DESCRIPTION") [void]$newScript.AppendLine("`t$Description") $cmdArgs = $argReg.Matches($hlp.Synopsis) foreach($cmdArg in $cmdArgs) { if (!($skipCommon -icontains $cmdArg.Value)) { $param=$cmdArg.Value.TrimStart('[-').TrimEnd(']') [void]$newScript.Append(".PARAMETER ") [void]$newScript.AppendLine("$param") [void]$newScript.AppendLine("`t$param") } } [void]$newScript.AppendLine("#>") if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($FullName,'Append header to file ')) { [void]$newScript.Append($(Get-Content $FullName -Raw)) $newScript.ToString() | Out-File $FullName -Force } else { [ordered]@{Name=$FullName;Header=($newScript.ToString())} } } } else { Write-Verbose "Skip signed file $FullName. Signed files need to be re-signed if changed." [ordered]@{Name=$FullName;Header=($newScript.ToString())} } } } } End { } } |