
function Set-ValuesFromExpressions {
            Returns the input object populated by Expression executions
            Enumerates a PSObject properties for code to run. The code to run is placed in brackets.
            For example "(Get-Process -Name 'NotePad')"
        .PARAMETER inputData
            Typically a PSCustomObject generated by using: Get-Content "someJsonFile.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
            $DriveInfo = New-Object psobject -Prop ([ordered] @{Name=((Get-PSDrive).Name); Free = ((Get-PSDrive).Free); Used = ((Get-PSDrive).Used)})
            $DriveInfo2 = New-Object psobject -Prop ([ordered] @{Name="((Get-PSDrive).Name)"; Free = "((Get-PSDrive).Free)"; Used = "((Get-PSDrive).Used)"})
            #$DriveInfo sames as $DriveInfo2 if piped to Set-ValuesFromExpressions
            $DriveInfo2 | Set-ValuesFromExpressions
            $json='{"paths": ["($ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.CurrentLocation.Path + ''\\logs'')","C:\\Temp"]}'
            $location=$json | ConvertFrom-Json | Set-ValuesFromExpressions
            Prefix a value with space to use a brackets in a JSON file - "note":" (This is NOT an expression)"

    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $False)]
    param (
    process {
        foreach($property in $ {

            #if ($property -eq "answer1") {
            # $haltOnThis=""

            #Write-Verbose ($property + ":" + $inputData.$property.GetType().Name)
            switch -Regex ($inputData.$property.GetType().Name) {
                'Object$' { 
                    Write-Verbose ("Recurse object: " + $inputData.$property)
                    $inputData.$property=Set-ValuesFromExpressions -inputData $inputData.$property
                '\[\]$' {
                    Write-Verbose ("Enum array: " + $property)
                    for ($n=0;$n -lt $inputData.$property.count ; $n++) {
                        Write-Verbose ("Evaluating prop: $property [" + $inputData.$property[$n].GetType().Name + "]")
                        if ($inputData.$property[$n].GetType().Name -match "Object$") {
                            Write-Verbose ("Recurse object: $property [$n]")
                            $inputData.$property[$n]=Set-ValuesFromExpressions -inputData $inputData.$property[$n]
                        } else {
                            if ($inputData.$property[$n].GetType().Name -eq "String" -and $inputData.$property[$n].SubString(0,1) -eq '(') {
                                Write-Verbose ("Expression: " + $inputData.$property[$n])
                                $inputData.$property[$n]=(Invoke-Expression -Command $inputData.$property[$n])
                'String' {
                    if ($inputData.$property.SubString(0,1) -eq '(') {
                        Write-Verbose ("Expression: " + $inputData.$property)
                        $inputData.$property=(Invoke-Expression -Command $inputData.$property)                        
        return $inputData