BeforeAll { Import-Module (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "../PSJet.psm1") function Get-MacOSVersion { # Get macOS version using sw_vers command $version = (sw_vers -productVersion).Split('.') return [PSCustomObject]@{ Major = [int]$version[0] Minor = [int]$version[1] Patch = if ($version.Count -gt 2) { [int]$version[2] } else { 0 } } } } Describe "Get-DownloadsFolder" { It "Returns the correct folder path on Windows" { if ($IsWindows -or $PSVersionTable.PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') { Get-DownloadsFolder | Should -Be "$($env:USERPROFILE)\Downloads" } } It "Returns the correct folder path on macOS" { if ($IsMacOS) { $macOSVersion = Get-MacOSVersion if ($macOSVersion.Major -ge 14) { $expectedPath = "$($env:HOME)/Documents/Downloads" } else { $expectedPath = "$($env:HOME)/Downloads" } Get-DownloadsFolder | Should -Be $expectedPath } } It "Returns the correct folder path on Linux" { if ($IsLinux) { Get-DownloadsFolder | Should -Be "$($env:HOME)/Downloads" } } } |