
    Displays a message to the user and waits for a key press.

    The Show-KeyPressPrompt function displays a message (default or custom)
    to the console using Write-Information and waits for the user to press any key.

    .PARAMETER Message
    A custom message that will be displayed to the user.
    If not provided, defaults to 'Press any key to continue...'.

    Displays the default message 'Press any key to continue...' and waits for a key press.

    Show-KeyPressPrompt -Message 'Press a key to proceed...'
    Displays the custom message 'Press a key to proceed...' and waits for a key press.

function Show-KeyPressPrompt {
        [string]$Message = 'Press any key to continue...'

    Write-Information $Message -InformationAction Continue
    $null = [Console]::ReadKey()