@{ ModuleVersion ='0.1' Description = 'Scarily Simple Static Sites with Jekyll and PowerShell' Guid = '793784c4-0e1f-4928-b874-1e601f9a3d29' RootModule = 'PSJekyll.psm1' TypesToProcess = @('PSJekyll.types.ps1xml') FormatsToProcess = @('PSJekyll.format.ps1xml') Author = 'James Brundage' Copyright = '2024' CompanyName = 'PowerShellWeb' PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = 'PowerShellWeb','Jekyll','Docker','Container','GitHubAction','StaticSite' LicenseUri = '' ProjectUri = '' ReleaseNotes = @' ## PSJekyll 0.1 > Like It? [Star It]( > Love It? [Support It]( * Initial Release of PSJekyll * GitHub Action for PSJekyll * Docker Container for PSJekyll * PowerShell Module for PSJekyll ~~~PowerShell Install-Module -Name PSJekyll -Scope CurrentUser -Force -AllowClobber Import-Module PSJekyll -Force -PassThru | Split-Path | Push-Location $PSJekyll.Site ~~~ '@ } } } |