<# .SYNOPSIS Starts the container. .DESCRIPTION Starts a container. This script should be called from the Dockerfile as the ENTRYPOINT (or from within the ENTRYPOINT). It should be deployed to the root of the container image. ~~~Dockerfile # Thank you Microsoft! Thank you PowerShell! Thank you Docker! FROM # Set the shell to PowerShell (thanks again, Docker!) SHELL ["/bin/pwsh", "-nologo", "-command"] # Run the initialization script. This will do all remaining initialization in a single layer. RUN --mount=type=bind,src=./,target=/Initialize ./Initialize/Container.init.ps1 ENTRYPOINT ["pwsh", "-nologo", "-file", "/Container.start.ps1"] ~~~ .NOTES Did you know that in PowerShell you can 'use' namespaces that do not really exist? This seems like a nice way to describe a relationship to a container image. That is why this file is using the namespace ''. (this does nothing, but most likely will be used in the future) #> using namespace '' param() $env:IN_CONTAINER = $true $PSStyle.OutputRendering = 'Ansi' $mountedFolders = @(if (Test-Path '/proc/mounts') { (Select-String "\S+\s(?<p>\S+).+rw?,.+symlinkroot=/mnt/host" "/proc/mounts").Matches.Groups | Where-Object Name -eq p | Get-Item -path { $_.Value } }) if ($mountedFolders) { "Mounted $($mountedFolders.Length) folders:" | Out-Host $mountedFolders | Out-Host } if ($args) { # If there are arguments, output them (you could handle them in a more complex way). "$args" | Out-Host $global:ContainerStartArguments = @() + $args #region Custom foreach ($arg in $args) { $argAsUri = $arg -as [uri] if ($argAsUri -and $argAsUri.LocalPath -match '\.git' -or $argAsUri.DnsSafeHost -eq '') { $branchName = '' $repoUrl = if ($argAsUri.DnsSafeHost -eq '') { # If there were only two segments, then it is a repo. if ($argAsUri.Segments -eq 3) { "$arg" } elseif ($argAsUri.Segments -match 'tree/$' -and $argAsUri.Segments.Length -ge 4) { $branchName = $argAsUri.Segments[4..$($argAsUri.Segments.Length - 1)] -join '' "$($argAsUri.Segments[0..2] -join '')" } } else { $arg } $clonedRepo = if ($branchName) { git clone --branch $branchName $repoUrl } else { git clone $repoUrl } $clonedRepo | Push-Location $foundConfigYaml = Get-ChildItem -Path $pwd -filter "_config.yml" -Recurse | Select-Object -First 1 if ($foundConfigYaml) { $foundConfigYaml | Split-Path | Push-Location } $jekyllJob = Start-PSJekyll while ($jekyllJob.State -notin 'Completed','Failed') { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds (Get-Random -Min 1000 -Max 10000) $jekyllJob | Receive-Job | Out-Host } } } #endregion Custom } else { # If there are no arguments, see if there is a Microservice.ps1 if (Test-Path './Microservice.ps1') { # If there is a Microservice.ps1, run it. . ./Microservice.ps1 } #region Custom else { # If a single drive is mounted, start the Jekyll server. if ($mountedFolders.Length -eq 1) { Push-Location $mountedFolders[0].Fullname Start-PSJekyll } elseif ($psJekyll.CurrentSite) { Push-Location $psJekyll.CurrentSite.Directory.FullName Start-PSJekyll } } #endregion Custom } # If you want to do something when the container is stopped, you can register an event. # This can call a script that does some cleanup, or sends a message as the service is exiting. Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier PowerShell.Exiting -Action { if (Test-Path '/Container.stop.ps1') { & /Container.stop.ps1 } } | Out-Null |