<# .SYNOPSIS Get the secret value for the specified secret name. .DESCRIPTION This function gets the secret value for the specified secret name. The function will return the secret value as a string. .EXAMPLE Get-IDNWSecret -Name 'idnw-acc-base-url' .PARAMETER Name The name of the secret to retrieve. .PARAMETER AsPlainText Defines how the secret value should be retrieved. .PARAMETER UseSecretManagement Use the Secrets Management module to retrieve the secret. .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS System.String System.Securiy.SecureString #> function Get-IDNWSecret { param ( [string]$Name, [switch]$AsPlainText = $false, [switch]$UseSecretManagement = $false ) if ($UseSecretManagement) { try { return Get-Secret -Name $Name.ToUpper() -AsPlainText:$AsPlainText } catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] { Write-Verbose "Secret $Name not found. Attempting to retrieve secret in lowercase." return Get-Secret -Name $Name.ToLower() -AsPlainText:$AsPlainText } catch { throw $_ } } else { # Try both original and lowercase formatted versions $formattedNames = @( $name.ToUpper().Replace('-', '_'), $name.ToLower().Replace('-', '_') ) foreach ($formattedName in $formattedNames) { $value = [environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($formattedName) if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) { return $value } } throw "Secret $Name not found." } } |