<# .SYNOPSIS Checks if the filters are valid. .DESCRIPTION This function checks if the filters are valid. If the filters are not valid, the function will throw an error. .EXAMPLE Test-Filters -Filters $Filters .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None #> function Test-IDNWFilter { param ( [Hashtable[]]$Filters ) foreach ($Filter in $Filters) { # Ensure required keys are present based on the operator if (-not $Filter.ContainsKey('field') -or -not $Filter.ContainsKey('operator')) { throw "Each filter must contain at least 'field' and 'operator'. Invalid filter: $($filter.GetEnumerator().ForEach({ "$($_.Name)=$($_.Value)" }))" } $operator = $Filter['operator'].ToLower() # Operators that don't require a 'value' $noValueOperators = @('pr', 'isnull') if ($operator -in $noValueOperators) { if ($Filter.ContainsKey('value') -and $null -ne $Filter['value']) { throw "The 'value' key must not be present or must be null for operator '$operator'. Invalid filter: $($filter.GetEnumerator().ForEach({ "$($_.Name)=$($_.Value)" }))" } } # All other operators require a 'value' else { if (-not $Filter.ContainsKey('value')) { throw "The 'value' key is required for operator '$operator'. Invalid filter: $($filter.GetEnumerator().ForEach({ "$($_.Name)=$($_.Value)" }))" } $value = $Filter['value'] # Validate the type of 'value' if (-not ( $value -is [string] -or $value -is [array] -or $value -is [int] -or $value -is [bool] -or $value -is [datetime] ) ) { throw "Invalid value type for field '$($Filter['field'])' with operator '$operator'. Allowed types: string, array, int, bool, datetime. Invalid filter: $($filter.GetEnumerator().ForEach({ "$($_.Name)=$($_.Value)" }))" } } # Ensure the operator is valid if (-not ($operator -in @('eq', 'ne', 'co', 'contains', 'sw', 'startswith', 'pr', 'present', 'isnull', 'ca', 'containsall', 'gt', 'lt', 'ge', 'le', 'in'))) { throw "Invalid operator '$operator' in filter. Allowed operators: eq, ne, co, contains, sw, startswith, pr, present, isnull, ca, containsall, gt, lt, gte, lte, in." } } return $true } |