<# .SYNOPSIS Delete an object in IdentityNow. .DESCRIPTION This function deletes an object in IdentityNow. .PARAMETER ObjectType The type of object to delete in IdentityNow. .PARAMETER Id The Id of the object to delete in IdentityNow. .EXAMPLE Remove-IDNWObject -ObjectType 'roles' -Id '50d47a8999f34e8a9e302248405ccfe8' .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS None #> function Remove-IDNWObject { [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = "High", SupportsPaging = $False, PositionalBinding = $True) ] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [ValidateSet("access-profiles", "roles", "public-identities", "requestable-objects", "segments")] [String] $ObjectType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [ValidateScript({ Test-IDNWId -Id $_ })] [String] $Id ) # Define POST method to update information $Method = 'DELETE' # Configure the Url $url = "$($script:IDNWEnv.BaseAPIUrl)/$ObjectType/$Id" # ShouldProcess to support -WhatIf if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id, "Delete $ObjectType")) { # Invoke Rest Request Write-Verbose ('Calling {0}' -f $url) $Result = Invoke-IDNWRestMethod -Url $url -Method $Method -Body $Body Write-Debug ('Calling {0} successful' -f $url) return $Result } } |