
        Create a new object in IdentityNow.

        This function creates a new object in IdentityNow. The function will return the object details.

    .PARAMETER ObjectType
        The type of object to create in IdentityNow.

        The data to create the object with.

        $data = @{
            name = "New Role"
            owner = @{
                type = "IDENTITY"
                id = "31dbc420411c4c2adf9a7434d33666f8"
        New-IDNWObject -ObjectType 'roles' -Data $data



function New-IDNWObject {
        SupportsShouldProcess = $True,
        ConfirmImpact = "None",
        SupportsPaging = $False,
        PositionalBinding = $True)
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
        [ValidateSet("access-profiles", "roles", "public-identities", "requestable-objects", "segments")]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]

    # Define POST method to update information
    $Method = 'POST'

    # Convert hashtable to JSON
    $Body = $Data | ConvertTo-Json

    # Configure the Url
    $url = "$($script:IDNWEnv.BaseAPIUrl)/$ObjectType"

    # ShouldProcess to support -WhatIf
    if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ObjectType, "Create object")){
        # Invoke Rest Request
        Write-Verbose ('Calling {0}' -f $url)
        Write-Debug ('Body: {0}' -f $Body)
        $Result = Invoke-IDNWRestMethod -Url $url -Method $Method -Body $Body
        Write-Debug ('Calling {0} successful' -f $url)
        return $Result