
        Get the secret value for the specified secret name.

        This function gets the secret value for the specified secret name. The function will return the secret value as a string.

        Get-IDNWSecret -Name 'idnw-acc-base-url'

        The name of the secret to retrieve.

    .PARAMETER AsPlainText
        Defines how the secret value should be retrieved.

    .PARAMETER UseSecretManagement
        Use the Secrets Management module to retrieve the secret.



function Get-IDNWSecret {
    param (
        [switch]$AsPlainText = $false,
        [switch]$UseSecretManagement = $false
    if ($UseSecretManagement) {
        try {
            return Get-Secret -Name $Name.ToUpper() -AsPlainText:$AsPlainText
        catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {
            Write-Verbose "Secret $Name not found. Attempting to retrieve secret in lowercase."
            return Get-Secret -Name $Name.ToLower() -AsPlainText:$AsPlainText
        catch {
            throw $_
    } else {
        # Try both original and lowercase formatted versions
        $formattedNames = @(
            $name.ToUpper().Replace('-', '_'),
            $name.ToLower().Replace('-', '_')

        foreach ($formattedName in $formattedNames) {
            $value = [environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($formattedName)
            if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) {
                return $value

        throw "Secret $Name not found."
