<# .SYNOPSIS Get the specified objects from IdentityNow. .DESCRIPTION This function gets the specified objects from IdentityNow. The function will return the object details. .PARAMETER ObjectType The type of object to get from IdentityNow. .PARAMETER Id The Id of the object to get from IdentityNow. .PARAMETER Filters The filters to apply to the query. .EXAMPLE Get-IDNWObject -ObjectType 'roles' -Id '50d47a8999f34e8a9e302248405ccfe8' .EXAMPLE $filters = @() $filters += @{ field = "firstname" operator = "eq" value = "John" } $filters += @{ field = "identityState" operator = "eq" value = "ACTIVE" } Get-IDNWObject -ObjectType 'public-identities' -Filters $filters .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS System.Object .LINK #> function Get-IDNWObject { [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $False, ConfirmImpact = "None", SupportsPaging = $False, PositionalBinding = $True) ] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'byId')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'byFilter')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'all')] [ValidateSet("access-profiles", "roles", "segments", "public-identities")] [String] $ObjectType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'byId')] [ValidateScript({ Test-IDNWId -Id $_ })] [String] $Id, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'byFilter')] [ValidateScript({ Test-IDNWFilter -Filters $_ })] [Hashtable[]] $Filters ) # Initialize empty hashtable $Splat = @{} # Configure the Url $url = "$($script:IDNWEnv.BaseAPIUrl)/$ObjectType" switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'byId' { # Add the ID to the URL $url = "$url/$Id" } 'byFilter' { # Add the filters to the URL $FilterItems = @() $Filters | ForEach-Object { # Convert the operator to the IdentityNow API format switch ($_.operator.ToLower()) { 'containsall' { $operator = "ca"} 'contains' { $operator = "co" } 'present' { $operator = "pr" } 'startswith' { $operator = "sw" } default { $operator = $_ } } $field = $_.field $value = $_.value # Handle operators that don't require a value if ($operator -eq 'pr') { $FilterItems += ('{0} {1}' -f $operator, $field) } elseif ($operator -eq 'isnull') { $FilterItems += ('{0} {1}' -f $field, $operator) } # Handle cases where the value is a collection (e.g., "ca", "in") elseif ($value -is [array]) { $formattedValues = ("""" + ($value -join '","') + """") # Add quotes and commas $FilterItems += ('{0} {1} ({2})' -f $field, $operator, $formattedValues) } # Handle numeric values elseif ($value -is [int]) { $FilterItems += ('{0} {1} {2}' -f $field, $operator, $value) } # Handle boolean values elseif ($value -is [bool]) { $FilterItems += ('{0} {1} {2}' -f $field, $operator, $value.ToString().ToLower()) } # Handle string values (add quotes and escape special characters) elseif ($value -is [string]) { $escapedValue = $value.Replace('"', '\"') # Escape double quotes $FilterItems += ('{0} {1} "{2}"' -f $field, $operator, $escapedValue) } # Handle date values (format to ISO 8601) elseif ($value -is [datetime]) { $isoDate = $value.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ") $FilterItems += ('{0} {1} {2}' -f $field, $operator, $isoDate) } # Fallback for unknown types else { throw "Unsupported value type for field '$field' and operator '$operator'." } } # Join the filter items with "and" $FilterString = ($FilterItems -join ' and ') # Add the filters to URL parameters $UrlParams = @{ filters = $FilterString } } } # Invoke the API $Splat.Add('Url', $url) if ($UrlParams) { $Splat.Add('UrlParams', $UrlParams) } $response = Invoke-IDNWRestMethod @Splat # Return the object return $response } |