# This example highlight how to write assets directly as content. # This is useful when you want to write the asset content directly in the HTML document so that they can be shared with all the dynamic content. import-module pshtml -Force $html = html { head { title "Asset Content" #Use -AsContent to write the asset content directly in the HTML document Write-PSHTMLAsset -AsContent } body { h1 "Asset Content" p "This is the asset content" $PieCanvasID = "piecanvas" canvas -Height 400px -Width 400px -Id $PieCanvasID { } Script -content { $Data1 = @(34,7,11,19) $Labels = @("Closed","Unresolved","Pending","Open") $colors = @("Lightgreen","red","Blue","Yellow") $dsp1 = New-PSHTMLChartPieDataSet -Data $data1 -label "March" -BackgroundColor $colors New-PSHTMLChart -type pie -DataSet $dsp1 -title "Pie Chart v2" -Labels $Labels -CanvasID $PieCanvasID } } } Out-PSHTMLDocument -HTMLDocument $html -OutPath "C:\Users\Stephane\Code\PSHTML\PSHTML\Examples\Example19\AssetContent.html" -Show |