
Function section {
    Generates section HTML tag.


    section -Attributes @{"class"="MyClass";"id"="myid"} -Content {
        h1 "This is a h1"
            "This paragraph is part of a section with id 'myid'"

    Generates the following code:

    <section class="MyClass" id="myid" >
        <h1>This is a h1</h1>
            This paragraph is part of a section with id 'myid'


    section -Class "myclass" -Style "section {border:1px dotted black;}" -Content {
        h1 "This is a h1"
            "This paragraph is part of section with id 'myid'"

    Generates the following code:

    <section Class="myclass" Style="section {border:1px dotted black;}" >
    <h1>This is a h1</h1>
        This paragraph is part of section with id 'myid'

        Current version 3.1.0
        2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0
            2018.04.10;bateskevin; Updated to version 2.0
            2018.04.10;Stephanevg; Added parameters



        [Parameter(Position = 1)]

        [Parameter(Position = 2)]

        [Parameter(Position = 3)]

        [Parameter(Position = 4)]

            ValueFromPipeline = $true,
            Mandatory = $false,
            Position = 5
    Process {
        $tagname = "Section"

        Set-HtmlTag -TagName $tagname -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType nonVoid
