
Function Set-HtmlTag {
        This function is the base function for all the html elements in pshtml.

        although it can be this function is not intended to be used directly.
    Set-HtmlTag -TagName div -PSBParameters $PSBoundParameters -MyCParametersKeys $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys

    Set-HtmlTag -TagName style -PSBParameters $PSBoundParameters -MyCParametersKeys $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.Keys

    Current version 3.1
            2018.10.24;@ChristopheKumor;include tag parameters to version 3.0

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSProvideCommentHelp", "", Justification = "Manipulation of text")]



        [ValidateSet('void', 'NonVoid')]


    Begin {

        Function GetCustomParameters {
            $CommonParameters = [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters + [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::OptionalCommonParameters
            $CleanedHash = @{}
            foreach($key in $Parameters.Keys){
                if(!($key -in $CommonParameters)){
                    $CleanedHash.$Key = $Parameters[$key]
                write-verbose "[GetCustomParameters] No custom parameters passed."
            Return $cleanedHash
        $CommonParameters = [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters + [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::OptionalCommonParameters
    Process {
        $attr = $output = ''
        $outcontent = $false

        $AttributesToSkip = "Content","Attributes","httpequiv","content_tag"

        $Attributes = GetCustomParameters -parameters $Parameters

        $KeysToPostProcess = @()
        foreach ($key in $Attributes.Keys) {
            if($key -notin $AttributesToSkip){

                $attr += '{0}="{1}" ' -f $key, $Attributes[$key]
                $KeysToPostProcess += $Key 


        foreach($PostKey in $KeysToPostProcess){

            switch ($PostKey) {
                'Content' { 
                    if ($Parameters[$($PostKey)] -is [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]) {
                        $outcontent = $Parameters[$($PostKey)].Invoke()
                    else {
                        $outcontent = $Parameters[$($PostKey)]
                'Attributes' { 
                    foreach ($entry in $Parameters['Attributes'].Keys) {
                        if ($entry -eq 'content' -or $entry -eq 'Attributes') {
                            write-verbose "[Set-HTMLTAG] attribute $($entry) is a reserved value, and should not be passed in the Attributes HashTable"
                        $attr += '{0}="{1}" ' -f $entry, $Parameters['Attributes'].$entry

                'httpequiv' {
                    $attr += 'http-equiv="{0}" ' -f $Parameters[$PostKey]
                'content_tag' {
                    $attr += 'content="{0}" ' -f $Parameters[$PostKey]
                default { 
                    write-verbose "[SET-HTMLTAG] Not found"

    #Generating OutPut string
        #$TagBegin - TagAttributes - <TagContent> - TagEnd

        $TagBegin = '<{0}' -f $TagName

        if($tagType -eq 'nonvoid'){
            $ClosingFirstTag = ">"
            $TagEnd = '</{0}>' -f $tagname
            $ClosingFirstTag = "/>"

            $TagAttributes = ' {0} {1} ' -f  $attr,$ClosingFirstTag
            $TagAttributes = ' {0}' -f  $ClosingFirstTag

        #Fix to avoid a additional space before the content
        $TagAttributes = $TagAttributes.TrimEnd(" ")

            $TagContent = -join $outcontent 

        $Data = $TagBegin + $TagAttributes + $TagContent + $TagEnd

        return $Data
