
Function base {
    Create a base title in an HTML document.

    The <base> tag specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a document.

    There can be at maximum one <base> element in a document, and it must be inside the <head> element.


    base "woop1" -Class "class"

    Author: Stéphane van Gulick
    Current Version: 3.1
        2018.11.1; Stephanevg;Updated to version 3.1
        2018.10.30;@ChristopheKumor;Updated to version 3.0
        2018.05.11;@Stephanevg; fixed minor bugs
        2018.05.09;@Stephanevg; Creation



        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [ValidateSet("_self", "_blank", "_parent", "_top")]




    $tagname = "base"

        $PSBoundParameters.Target = "_self"

    Set-htmltag -TagName $tagName -Parameters $PSBoundParameters -TagType void
