Function map { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates map HTML tag. .DESCRIPTION The map must be used in conjunction with area. Pass an 'area' parameter with its arguments in the 'Content' parameter .EXAMPLE map -Content {area -href "map.png" -coords "0,0,50,50" -shape circle -target top } Generates the following code <map> <area href="map.png" coords="0,0,50,50" shape="circle" target="top" > </map> .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position = 1)] [String]$Class, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(Position = 3)] [String]$Style, [Parameter(Position = 4)] [Hashtable]$Attributes, [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $false, Position = 5 )] [scriptblock] $Content ) Process{ $attr = "" $boundParams = $PSBoundParameters $CommonParameters = @( "Debug", "ErrorAction", "ErrorVariable", "InmapationAction", "InmapationVariable", "OutVariable", "OutBuffer", "PipelineVariable", "Verbose", "WarningAction", "WarningVariable" ) foreach ($cp in $CommonParameters){ $null = $boundParams.Remove($cp) } foreach ($entry in $boundParams.Keys){ if ($entry -eq 'content'){ continue } $attr += "$($entry)=`"$($boundParams[$entry])`" " } if($attr){ "<map $attr>" }else{ "<map>" } if($Content){ $Content.Invoke() } '</map>' } } |