Function Set-HtmlTag { <# .Synopsis This function is the base function for all the html elements in pshtml. .Description although it can be this function is not intended to be used directly. .EXAMPLE Set-HtmlTag -TagName div -Attributes @{"Class"="myClass123"} .EXAMPLE Set-HtmlTag -TagName style -Attributes @{"Class"="myClass123"} .NOTES Current version 0.7 History: 2018.05.07;stephanevg;Creation #> [Cmdletbinding()] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSProvideCommentHelp", "", Justification="Manipulation of text")] Param( #[system.web.ui.HtmlTextWriterTag] $TagName, [HashTable] $Attributes, [ValidateSet("void","NonVoid")] $TagType, $Content ) $attr = "" $CommonParameters = ("Attributes", "Content","tagname","tagtype") + [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::CommonParameters + [System.Management.Automation.PSCmdlet]::OptionalCommonParameters $CustomParameters = $PSBoundParameters.Keys | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -notin $CommonParameters } $par = $PSBoundParameters if($CustomParameters){ foreach ($entry in $CustomParameters){ $Attr += "{0}=`"{1}`" " -f $entry,$PSBoundParameters[$entry] } } if($Attributes){ foreach($entry in $Attributes.Keys){ if($entry -eq "content" -or $entry -eq "Attributes"){ continue } $attr += "{0}=`"{1}`" " -f $entry,$Attributes[$Entry] } } if($Attributes.Attributes){ foreach($at in $Attributes.Attributes.keys){ $attr += "{0}=`"{1}`" " -f $at,$Attributes.Attributes[$at] } } if($TagType -eq "void"){ $Closingtag = "/" if($attr){ "<{0} {1} {2}>" -f $tagname,$attr,$Closingtag }else{ "<{0} {1}>" -f $tagname,$Closingtag } }else{ #tag is of type "non-void" if($attr){ "<{0} {1} >" -f $tagname,$attr }else{ "<{0}>" -f $tagname } if($Attributes.Keys -contains "content"){ if($Attributes['content'] -is [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]){ $Attributes['content'].Invoke() }else{ $Attributes['content'] } } "</{0}>" -f $tagname } } |