
function Get-GraphiteTimestamp {
        Create a timestamp suitable for Graphite (Unix Epoch).
        Calling this function will return a timestamp suitable for Graphite:
            - If a timestamp is provided it will be parsed and converted.
            - If no timestamp is provided the current date/time will be used.
        $timestamp = Get-GraphiteTimestamp
        Write-Host "Current Unix Epoch is: $timestamp"
        $timestamp = Get-GraphiteTimestamp -Timestamp '2022-09-07T14:51:57Z'
        Write-Host "Unix Epoch for 2022-09-07T14:51:57Z is: $timestamp"
        $timestamp = Get-GraphiteTimestamp -Timestamp '1662562317'
        Write-Host "Unix Epoch for 1662562317 is, you guessed it...: $timestamp"

    param (
        # Specifies the timstamp to parse, if provided.
        [string] $Timestamp

    process {
        Write-Debug "Input timestamp: $Timestamp"

        # Check if already a Unix Epoch string
        if ($Timestamp -notmatch '^\d{10}$') {
            if (-Not $Timestamp) {
                $date = [DateTime]::UtcNow
                Write-Debug "Generated new timestamp: $($date.ToString('yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ'))"
            else {
                $date = [DateTime]::Parse($Timestamp)

            # Convert to Unix Epoch
            $Timestamp = Get-Date $date.ToUniversalTime() -UFormat %s
            Write-Debug "Converted to timestamp Unix Epoch: $Timestamp"

        # Output Unix Epoch