# Internal Functions #region Interal Functions function WriteMessage { [CmdletBinding()] param ( # The Type of message you'd like, its just a prefix to the message. [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=0)] [string] $Type, # The message to display [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)] [string] $Message, # Color of the message, it will default to the hosts' verbose color. [Parameter(Position=2)] [ConsoleColor] $ForegroundColor = ($host.PrivateData.VerboseForegroundColor|ConvertColor), # Background color of the message, it will default to the hosts' verbose color. [Parameter(Position=3)] [ConsoleColor] $BackgroundColor = ($host.PrivateData.VerboseBackgroundColor|ConvertColor -default "black") ) #todo check to see if the preference is on or off Write-Host "$($Type.ToUpper()): $Message" -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor -BackgroundColor $BackgroundColor } function ConvertColor { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $color, $default="yellow" ) if(!$color) { [consolecolor]$default } elseif(($color -as [ConsoleColor]) -ne $null) { [consolecolor]$color } else { if("system.Windows.Media.Color" -as [type]) { #if its a transparent color, just use the background color of the host if($color -eq "#00FFFFFF") {$color = $host.PrivateData.ConsolePaneBackgroundColor} if($color -is [string]){ $color = [System.Windows.Media.Color]$color } [int]$bright = if($color.R -gt 128 -bor $color.G -gt 128 -bor $color.B -gt 128){8}else{0} [int]$r = if($color.R -gt 64){4}else{0} [int]$g = if($color.G -gt 64){2}else{0} [int]$b = if($color.B -gt 64){1}else{0} [consolecolor]($bright -bor $r -bor $g -bor $b) } else { throw "Unable to process hosts default colors $color" } } } #endregion function Get-RootFolder { #.Synopsis # Search up the directory tree recursively for a git root (and corresponding .git folder) [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="IndexAndWorkDir")] param ( # Where to start searching [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$Root = $Pwd ) end { # Git Repositories are File System Based, and don't care aabout PSDrives [LibGit2Sharp.Repository]::Discover((Convert-Path $Root)) } } # TODO: DOCUMENT ME function Get-Change { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="IndexAndWorkDir")] param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$Root = $Pwd, [Parameter(Position = 0)] [String[]]$PathSpec, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="WorkDirOnly", Mandatory=$true)] [Switch]$UnStagedOnly, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="IndexOnly", Mandatory=$true)] [Switch]$StagedOnly, [Parameter()] [switch] $HideUntracked, [Parameter()] [switch] $HideSubmodules, [Parameter()] [switch] $ShowIgnored ) end { $Path = [LibGit2Sharp.Repository]::Discover((Convert-Path $Root)) if(!$Path) { Write-Warning "The path is not in a git repository!" return } $PathSpec = $PathSpec | Where { "$_".Trim().Length -gt 0 } try { $repo = New-Object LibGit2Sharp.Repository $Path $Path = $repo.Info.WorkingDirectory $Options = New-Object LibGit2Sharp.StatusOptions $Options.Show = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName # Don't touch PathSpec unless you're serious, it breaks the output if($PathSpec) { $Options.PathSpec = $PathSpec } $Options.DetectRenamesInWorkDir = $true if($HideSubmodules) { $Options.ExcludeSubmodules = $true } $status = $repo.RetrieveStatus($Options) } finally { $repo.Dispose() } # Unaltered, Added, Staged, Removed, RenamedInIndex, StagedTypeChange, # Untracked, Modified, Missing, TypeChanged, RenamedInWorkDir, # Unreadable, Ignored, Nonexistent # Output staged changes, if any foreach($file in $status.Added) { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ PSTypeName = "PSGit.FileStatus" Staged = $true Change = "Added" Path = $file.FilePath + $(if(Test-Path (Join-Path $Path $File.FilePath) -Type Container){ "\" }) } } foreach($file in $status.RenamedInIndex) { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ PSTypeName = "PSGit.FileStatus" Staged = $true Change = "Renamed" Path = $file.FilePath + $(if(Test-Path (Join-Path $Path $File.FilePath) -Type Container){ "\" }) OldPath = $File.HeadToIndexRenameDetails.OldFilePath + $(if(Test-Path (Join-Path $Path $File.HeadToIndexRenameDetails.OldFilePath) -Type Container){ "\" }) } } foreach($file in $status.Removed) { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ PSTypeName = "PSGit.FileStatus" Staged = $true Change = "Removed" Path = $file.FilePath + $(if(Test-Path (Join-Path $Path $File.FilePath) -Type Container){ "\" }) } } foreach($file in $status.Staged) { #BUGBUG: hides rename + edit, but avoids double-outputs (and behaves like git) if(($file.State -band [LibGit2Sharp.FileStatus]::RenamedInIndex) -eq 0) { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ PSTypeName = "PSGit.FileStatus" Staged = $true Change = "Modified" Path = $file.FilePath + $(if(Test-Path (Join-Path $Path $File.FilePath) -Type Container){ "\" }) } } } # Output unstaged changes, if any foreach($file in $status.RenamedInWorkDir) { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ PSTypeName = "PSGit.FileStatus" Staged = $false Change = "Renamed" Path = $file.FilePath + $(if(Test-Path (Join-Path $Path $File.FilePath) -Type Container){ "\" }) OldPath = $File.IndexToWorkDirRenameDetails.OldFilePath + $(if(Test-Path (Join-Path $Path $File.IndexToWorkDirRenameDetails.OldFilePath) -Type Container){ "\" }) } } foreach($file in $status.Modified) { #BUGBUG: hides rename + edit, but avoids double-outputs (and behaves like git) if(($file.State -band [LibGit2Sharp.FileStatus]::RenamedInWorkDir) -eq 0) { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ PSTypeName = "PSGit.FileStatus" Staged = $false Change = "Modified" Path = $file.FilePath + $(if(Test-Path (Join-Path $Path $File.FilePath) -Type Container){ "\" }) } } } foreach($file in $status.Missing) { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ PSTypeName = "PSGit.FileStatus" Staged = $false Change = "Removed" Path = $file.FilePath + $(if(Test-Path (Join-Path $Path $File.FilePath) -Type Container){ "\" }) } } # Optional output if(!$HideUntracked) { foreach($file in $status.Untracked) { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ PSTypeName = "PSGit.FileStatus" Staged = $false Change = "Added" Path = $file.FilePath + $(if(Test-Path (Join-Path $Path $File.FilePath) -Type Container){ "\" }) } } } if($ShowIgnored) { foreach($file in $status.Ignored) { New-Object PSCustomObject -Property @{ PSTypeName = "PSGit.FileStatus" Staged = $false Change = "Ignored" Path = $file.FilePath + $(if(Test-Path (Join-Path $Path $File.FilePath) -Type Container){ "\" }) } } } } } $BranchProperties = @{ Name="Branch"; Expr={$_.Name}}, @{ Name="IsHead"; Expr={ $_.IsCurrentRepositoryHead}}, "IsRemote", "IsTracking", @{ Name="Tip"; Expr={$_.Tip.Sha}}, @{ Name="Remote"; expr = { $_.Remote.Url } }, @{ Name="Ahead"; Expr= { $_.TrackingDetails.AheadBy }}, @{ Name="Behind"; Expr = { $_.TrackingDetails.BehindBy }}, @{ Name="CommonAncestor"; Expr={ $_.TrackingDetails.CommonAncestor.Sha }}, @{ Name="GitDir"; Expr= {$_.Repository.Info.WorkingDirectory}} # TODO: DOCUMENT ME function Get-Info { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$Root = $Pwd ) end { $Path = [LibGit2Sharp.Repository]::Discover((Convert-Path $Root)) if(!$Path) { Write-Warning "The path is not in a git repository!" return } try { $repo = New-Object LibGit2Sharp.Repository $Path # We have to transform the object to keep the data around after .Dispose() $repo.Head | Select-Object $BranchProperties | ForEach-Object { $_.PSTypeNames.Insert(0,"PSGit.Branch"); $_ } } finally { if($null -ne $repo) { $repo.Dispose() } } } } # TODO: DOCUMENT ME function Get-Branch { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$Root = $Pwd, [Switch]$Force ) end { $Path = [LibGit2Sharp.Repository]::Discover((Convert-Path $Root)) if(!$Path) { Write-Warning "The path is not in a git repository!" return } try { $repo = New-Object LibGit2Sharp.Repository $Path $( # In the initialized state, there are no "Branches" if([Linq.Enumerable]::Count($repo.Branches) -eq 0) { # But really, there is the master! $repo.Head } elseif($Force) { $repo.Branches } else { $repo.Branches | Where-Object { !$_.IsRemote } } # We have to transform the object to keep the data around after .Dispose() ) | Select-Object $BranchProperties | ForEach-Object { $_.PSTypeNames.Insert(0,"PSGit.Branch"); $_ } } finally { if($null -ne $repo) { $repo.Dispose() } } } } Set-Alias "Branch" "Get-Branch" function Get-Status { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$Root = $Pwd ) Get-Info -Root $Root | Add-Member -Type NoteProperty -Name Changes -Value ( Get-Change -Root $Root ) -Passthru } # TODO: DOCUMENT ME function Show-Status { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$Root = $Pwd ) $status = Get-Status -Root $Root $changes = $status.Changes $status | Out-Default if($info.BehindBy) { WriteMessage "Action" " (use `git pull` to merge the remote branch into yours)" } $staged = $changes | where { $_.Staged } $unstaged = $changes | where { !$_.Staged} $added = $unstaged | where { $_.Change -eq "Added" } $unstaged = $unstaged | where { $_.Change -ne "Added" } if($staged) { WriteMessage "Changes to be committed" "`n (use ``git reset HEAD `${file}`` to unstage)" -ForegroundColor "Green" # $fg, $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor, "Green" $staged | Out-Default # $Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = $fg } if($unstaged) { WriteMessage "Changes not staged for commit" "`n (use ``git add `${file}`` to update what will be committed)`n (use ``git checkout -- `${file}`` to discard changes in the working directory)" -ForegroundColor "DarkYellow" $unstaged | Out-Default } if($added) { WriteMessage "Untracked Files" "`n (use ``git add `${file}`` to include them in what will be committed)" -ForegroundColor "Red" $added | Out-Default } } Set-Alias "Status" "Show-Status" # Export-ModuleMember -Function *-* -Alias * # For PSTypes?? # Update-TypeData -TypeName LibGit2Sharp.StatusEntry -MemberType ScriptMethod -MemberName ToString -Value { $this.FilePath } # OR -Value { # switch($this.State){ # "Ignored" { } # "Untracked" { "?? " + $this.FilePath } # "Added" { "A " + $this.FilePath } # "Modified" { " M " + $this.FilePath} # "Added, Modified" { "AM " + $this.FilePath} # default { $this.State + " " + $this.FilePath} # } # } -Force # TODO: DOCUMENT ME function New-Repository { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String]$Root = $Pwd ) end { $Path = Convert-Path $Root # Not sure why this is needed, but if you do a folder on the root it fails $Path = Join-Path $path "." $null = mkdir $Root -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue try { $rtn = [LibGit2Sharp.Repository]::Init($Path) } finally {} } } . $PSScriptRoot\PSGitPrompt.ps1 . $PSScriptRoot\PSGitPowerline.ps1 |