
Class Gist {
    # This contructor works passing a gist response from the API directly into it.
    Gist([Object]$object) {
        $this.CommentsUrl = $object.comments_url
        $this.Comments = $object.comments
        $this.CommitsUrl = $object.commits_url
        $this.CreatedAt = $object.created_at
        $this.Description = $object.Description
        $this.Files = $object.files.PSObject.Properties.Value
        $this.Forks = $object.forks
        $this.ForksUrl = $object.forks_url
        $this.History = $object.history
        $this.HtmlUrl = $object.html_url
        $this.Id = $
        $this.Owner = $object.owner
        $this.Public =$object.public
        $this.PullUrl = $object.git_pull_url
        $this.PushUrl = $object.git_push_url
        $this.Truncated = $object.truncated
        $this.UpdatedAt = $object.updated_at
        $this.Url = $object.url

    # Constructor for manually defining properties.
    # these are the properties that are settable when creating a new Gist via the API.
    Gist([String]$Description, [GistFile[]]$Files, [Bool]$Public) {
        $this.Description = $Description
        $this.Files = $Files
        $this.Public = $Public

    # TODO: Create() and Delete() methods.

Class GistChangeStatus {

    # The change_status property of the Gist object can be passed directly into this constructor.
    GistChangeStatus([Object]$object) {
        $this.Additions = $object.additions
        $this.Deletions = $object.deletions
        $this.Total = $

Class GistComment {
    GistComment([Object]$object, [String]$id) {
        $this.Body = $object.body
        $this.CommentId = $
        $this.CreatedAt = $object.created_at
        $this.Id = $id
        $this.UpdatedAt = $object.updated_at
        $this.Url = $object.url
        $this.User = $object.user

Class GistFile {

    # These properties are hard to locate, but they are the ones we care about.
    # <GistObject>.files.PSObject.Properties.Value
    # If a Gist is retreived by any means other then the Id, the content, forks, and history are stripped.
    # This files property of the Gist object can be passed directoy into this constructor.
    GistFile([Object]$object) {
        $this.FileName = $object.filename
        $this.Language = $object.language
        $this.RawUrl = $object.raw_url
        $this.Size = $object.size
        $this.Type = $object.Type
        $this.Truncated = $object.truncated

        $this.Content = if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($object.content)) { 
        } else { 

    # Adds a method to get the content of a Gist file.
    # (Get-GitHubGist | Select -First 1).Files[0].GetContent()
    [String[]] GetFileContent() {
        return Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $this.RawUrl

Class GistFork {

    # The forks property of the Gist object can be passed directly into this constructor.
    GistFork([Object]$object) {
        $this.CreatedAt = $object.created_at
        $this.Id = $
        $this.UpdatedAt = $object.updated_at
        $this.User = $object.user
        $this.Url = $object.url

Class GistHistory {
    Hidden [String]$Id

    # The history propty of the Gist object can be passed directly into this constructor.
    GistHistory([Object]$object) {
        $this.ChangeStatus = $object.change_status
        $this.CommittedAt = $object.committed_at
        $this.Id = ([Uri]$object.url).Segments[2].TrimEnd('/')
        $this.Url = $object.url
        $this.User = $object.user
        $this.Version = $object.version

    [GistFile[]] GetFile() {
        return ((Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $this.Url).Content | ConvertFrom-Json).files.PSObject.Properties.Value

Class GistUser {

    # The owner object returned from the API call to a Gist can be passed directly into this constructor.
    GistUser([Object]$object) {
        $this.AvatarUrl = $object.avatar_url
        $this.EventsUrl = $object.events_url
        $this.FollowersUrl = $object.followers_url
        $this.FollowingUrl = $object.following_url
        $this.GistsUrl = $object.gists_url
        $this.GravatarId = $object.gravatar_id
        $this.HtmlUrl = $object.html_url
        $this.Id = $object.Id
        $this.Login = $object.login
        $this.OrganizationsUrl = $object.organizations_url
        $this.ReceivedEventsUrl = $object.received_events_url
        $this.ReposUrl = $object.repos_url
        $this.SiteAdmin = $object.site_admin
        $this.StarredUrl = $object.starred_url
        $this.SubscriptionsUrl = $object.subscriptions_url
        $this.Type = $object.type
        $this.Url = $object.url