function Set-PSGSuiteConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets PSGSuite module configuration. Based off of the PSSlack Configuration functions found in that module: .DESCRIPTION Set PSGSuite module configuration, and $PSGSuite module variable. This data is used as the default info for the Get-GSToken function to get and access token. If a command takes either a token or a uri, tokens take precedence. WARNING: Use this to store the token or uri on a filesystem at your own risk. We use the DPAPI to store this. .PARAMETER P12KeyPath Specify the path to your service account's P12 Key Encrypted with the DPAPI .PARAMETER Scopes Specify the default scopes to use .PARAMETER AppEmail The service account's email address Encrypted with the DPAPI .PARAMETER AdminEmail The admin being impersonated's email address Encrypted with the DPAPI .PARAMETER CustomerID The CustomerID for the account. Used where applicable. Encrypted with the DPAPI .PARAMETER Domain The domain name for the account. Used where applicable. Encrypted with the DPAPI .PARAMETER Path If specified, save config file to this file path. Defaults to "$ModuleRoot\$env:USERNAME-$env:COMPUTERNAME-$env:PSGSuiteDefaultDomain-PSGSuite.xml" .PARAMETER Preference Preference of either Domain or CustomerID where either or is an option .FUNCTIONALITY Google Apps #> [cmdletbinding()] param( [string]$P12KeyPath, [string]$AppEmail, [string]$AdminEmail, [string]$CustomerID, [string]$Domain, [string]$Path = "$ModuleRoot\$env:USERNAME-$env:COMPUTERNAME-$env:PSGSuiteDefaultDomain-PSGSuite.xml", [ValidateSet("Domain","CustomerID")] [string]$Preference="CustomerID", [string]$ServiceAccountClientID ) if ($env:PSGSuiteDefaultDomain -eq "Default" -and $Domain -ne "Default" -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Domain)) { Set-PSGSuiteDefaultDomain -Domain $Domain if ($Path -eq "$ModuleRoot\$env:USERNAME-$env:COMPUTERNAME-Default-PSGSuite.xml") { $Path = "$ModuleRoot\$env:USERNAME-$env:COMPUTERNAME-$env:PSGSuiteDefaultDomain-PSGSuite.xml" } Write-Verbose "Cleaning up the default config: '$ModuleRoot\$env:USERNAME-$env:COMPUTERNAME-Default-PSGSuite.xml'" Remove-Item "$ModuleRoot\$env:USERNAME-$env:COMPUTERNAME-Default-PSGSuite.xml" -Force } if (!$Script:PSGSuite) { $Script:PSGSuite = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{ P12KeyPath = $null AppEmail = $null AdminEmail = $null CustomerID = $null Domain = $null Preference = $null ServiceAccountClientID = $null } } Switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'P12KeyPath'{$Script:PSGSuite.P12KeyPath = $P12KeyPath} 'AppEmail'{$Script:PSGSuite.AppEmail = $AppEmail} 'AdminEmail'{$Script:PSGSuite.AdminEmail = $AdminEmail} 'CustomerID'{$Script:PSGSuite.CustomerID = $CustomerID} 'Domain'{$Script:PSGSuite.Domain = $Domain} 'Preference'{$Script:PSGSuite.Preference = $Preference} 'ServiceAccountClientID'{$Script:PSGSuite.ServiceAccountClientID = $ServiceAccountClientID} } Function Encrypt { param([string]$string) if($String -notlike '') { ConvertTo-SecureString -String $string -AsPlainText -Force } } Write-Verbose "Setting PSGSuite config at: $Path" #Write the global variable and the xml $Script:PSGSuite | Select -Property @{N='P12KeyPath';E={Encrypt $_.P12KeyPath}}, @{N='AppEmail';E={Encrypt $_.AppEmail}}, @{N='AdminEmail';E={Encrypt $_.AdminEmail}}, @{N='CustomerID';E={Encrypt $_.CustomerID}}, @{N='Domain';E={Encrypt $_.Domain}}, @{N='Preference';E={Encrypt $_.Preference}}, @{N='ServiceAccountClientID';E={Encrypt $_.ServiceAccountClientID}} | Export-Clixml -Path $Path -Force } |