
Function New-NetworkDrive {
        Create folder an ad group for network drive
        This function creates folders and groups for network drives.
        The groups can be used to give access via gpo.
        .PARAMETER Name
        Array object of names which will be the new network drives.
        .PARAMETER Path
        Path in which the folders will be created.
        .PARAMETER GroupDriveOrganizationalUnit
        AD Organizationl Unit to safe new AD group. Those groups can be used to give users the folder as network drive (GPO).
        .PARAMETER GroupAccessOrganizationalUnit
        AD Organizationl Unit to safe new AD group. Those groups can be used to give users access to the folder.
        New-NetworkDrive -Name @("drive1", "drive2") -Path "D:\data" -GroupDriveOrganizationalUnit (Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Identity "OU=Drives,OU=Groups,OU=test,DC=test,DC=local") -GroupAccessOrganizationalUnit (Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Identity "OU=Access,OU=Groups,OU=test,DC=test,DC=local")

    param (
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Name of the Folders/Networkdrives"

            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "Path in which the folders should be created."

            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "AD Organizationl Unit to safe new AD group. Those groups can be used to give users the folder as network drive (GPO)."

            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = "AD Organizationl Unit to safe new AD group. Those groups can be used to give users access to the folder."
    Begin {
    Process {
        $Name | ForEach-Object {
            #create folder
            $folder = New-Item -Path $Path -Name $_ -ItemType Directory

            #create groups
            $drivegroup = New-ADGroup -Name ('d_' + $_) -GroupScope Global -GroupCategory Security -Path $GroupDriveOrganizationalUnit -PassThru
            $accessreadgroup = New-ADGroup -Name ('a_' + $_ + '_r') -GroupScope Global -GroupCategory Security -Path $GroupAccessOrganizationalUnit -PassThru
            $accesswritegroup = New-ADGroup -Name ('a_' + $_ + '_rw') -GroupScope Global -GroupCategory Security -Path $GroupAccessOrganizationalUnit -PassThru

            #add access groups to drive group
            Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $drivegroup -Members $accessreadgroup,$accesswritegroup

            #format group to correct syntax
            $netbios = (Get-ADDomain).NetBIOSName
            $accessreadgroup = $netbios + '\' + $accessreadgroup.Name
            $accesswritegroup = $netbios + '\' + $accesswritegroup.Name

            #get current access rights
            $permission = Get-Acl $folder.FullName

            #disable inheritance but let permissions the same
            Set-Acl -AclObject $permission -Path $folder.FullName
            $permission = Get-Acl $folder.FullName

            #create new permissions for both groups
            $accessread = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($accessreadgroup,"ReadAndExecute, Synchronize","ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit", "None","Allow")
            $accesswrite = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($accesswritegroup,"DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles, Modify, Synchronize","ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit", "None","Allow")

            #remove permission for builtin users
            $builtinusers = New-Object System.Security.Principal.Ntaccount ("BUILTIN\Users")

            #set permissions to folder
            Set-Acl -AclObject $permission -Path $folder.FullName
    End {