
$script:GitKeyHandlers = @()

$script:foundGit = $false
$script:bashPath = $null
$script:grepPath = $null

function SetupGitPaths() {
    if (-not $script:foundGit) {
        if ($IsLinux -or $IsMacOS) {
            # TODO: not tested on Mac
            $script:foundGit = $null -ne $(Get-Command git -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
            $script:bashPath = 'bash'
            $script:grepPath = 'grep'
        } else {
            $gitInfo = Get-Command git.exe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            $script:foundGit = $null -ne $gitInfo
            if ($script:foundGit) {
                $gitPathLong = Split-Path (Split-Path $gitInfo.Source -Parent) -Parent
                # hack to get short path:
                $a = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject
                $f = $a.GetFolder($gitPathLong)
                $script:bashPath = Join-Path $f.ShortPath "bin\bash.exe"
                $script:bashPath = Resolve-Path $script:bashPath
                $script:grepPath = Join-Path ${gitPathLong} "usr\bin\grep.exe"
    return $script:foundGit
function SetGitKeyBindings($enable) {
    if ($enable) {
        if (-not $(SetupGitPaths)) {
            Write-Error "Failed to register git key bindings - git executable not found"

        if (Get-Command Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
            @('ctrl+g,ctrl+f', 'Select Git files via fzf', { Invoke-PsFzfGitFiles }), `
            @('ctrl+g,ctrl+s', 'Select Git hashes via fzf', { Invoke-PsFzfGitHashes }), `
            @('ctrl+g,ctrl+b', 'Select Git branches via fzf', { Invoke-PsFzfGitBranches }) | ForEach-Object {
                $script:GitKeyHandlers += $_[0]
                Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord $_[0] -Description $_[1] -ScriptBlock $_[2]
        else {
            Write-Error "Failed to register git key bindings - PSReadLine module not loaded"

function RemoveGitKeyBindings() {
    $script:GitKeyHandlers | ForEach-Object {
        Remove-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Chord $_

function IsInGitRepo() {
    git rev-parse HEAD 2>&1 | Out-Null
    return $?

function Get-ColorAlways($setting=$null) {
    if ($RunningInWindowsTerminal -or -not $IsWindowsCheck) {
        if ($null -ne $setting) {
            return $setting
        } else {
            return ' --color=always'
    else {
        return ''

function Get-HeaderStrings() {
    if ($RunningInWindowsTerminal -or -not $IsWindowsCheck) {
        $header = "`n`e[7mCTRL+A`e[0m Select All`t`e[7mCTRL+D`e[0m Deselect All`t`e[7mCTRL+T`e[0m Toggle All"
    else {
        $header = "`nCTRL+A-Select All`tCTRL+D-Deselect All`tCTRL+T-Toggle All"

    $keyBinds = 'ctrl-a:select-all,ctrl-d:deselect-all,ctrl-t:toggle-all'
    return $Header, $keyBinds
function Invoke-PsFzfGitFiles() {
    if (-not (IsInGitRepo)) {

    if (-not $(SetupGitPaths)) {
        Write-Error "git executable could not be found"

    $previewCmd = "${script:bashPath} \""" + $(Join-Path $PsScriptRoot 'helpers/') + "\"" {-1}" + $(Get-ColorAlways) + " \""$($pwd.ProviderPath)\"""
    $result = @()

    $headerStrings = Get-HeaderStrings

    # add git add and reset keyboard shortcuts:
    if ($RunningInWindowsTerminal -or -not $IsWindowsCheck) {
        $gitCmdsHeader = "`n`e[7mALT+S`e[0m Git Add`t`e[7mALT+R`e[0m Git Reset"
    } else {
        $gitCmdsHeader = "`nALT+S-Git Stage`tALT+R-Git Reset"
    $headerStr = $headerStrings[0] + $gitCmdsHeader
    $statusCmd = "git $(Get-ColorAlways '-c color.status=always') status --short"

    $reloadBindCmd = "reload($statusCmd)"
    $stageScriptPath = Join-Path $PsScriptRoot 'helpers/'
    $gitStageBind = "alt-s:execute-silent(" + "${script:bashPath} ${stageScriptPath} {+2..})+down+${reloadBindCmd}"
    $resetScriptPath = Join-Path $PsScriptRoot 'helpers/'
    $gitResetBind = "alt-r:execute-silent(" + "${script:bashPath} ${resetScriptPath} {+2..})+down+${reloadBindCmd}"

    Invoke-Expression "& $statusCmd" | `
        Invoke-Fzf -Multi -Ansi `
        -Preview "$previewCmd" -Header $headerStr `
        -Bind $headerStrings[1],"""$gitStageBind""","""$gitResetBind""" | `
        foreach-object {
            $result += $_.Substring('?? '.Length)
    if ($result.Length -gt 0) {
        $result = $result -join " "
function Invoke-PsFzfGitHashes() {
    if (-not (IsInGitRepo)) {

    if (-not $(SetupGitPaths)) {
        Write-Error "git executable could not be found"

    $previewCmd = "${script:bashPath} \""" + $(Join-Path $PsScriptRoot 'helpers/') + "\"" {}" + $(Get-ColorAlways) + " \""$pwd\"""
    $result = @()

    & git log --date=short --format="%C(green)%C(bold)%cd %C(auto)%h%d %s (%an)" $(Get-ColorAlways).Trim()  | `
        Invoke-Fzf -Ansi -NoSort -Multi -Bind ctrl-s:toggle-sort `
        -Header 'CTRL+S-toggle sort' `
        -Preview "$previewCmd" | ForEach-Object {
        if ($_ -match '\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\s+([a-f0-9]+)\s+') {
            $result += $Matches.1

    if ($result.Length -gt 0) {
        $result = $result -join " "

function Invoke-PsFzfGitBranches() {
    if (-not (IsInGitRepo)) {

    if (-not $(SetupGitPaths)) {
        Write-Error "git executable could not be found"

    $previewCmd = "${script:bashPath} \""" + $(Join-Path $PsScriptRoot 'helpers/') + "\"" {}" + $(Get-ColorAlways) + " \""$pwd\"""
    $result = @()
    git branch -a | & "${script:grepPath}" -v '/HEAD\s' |
    ForEach-Object { $_.Substring('* '.Length) } | Sort-Object | `
        Invoke-Fzf -Ansi -Multi -PreviewWindow "right:70%" -Preview "$previewCmd" | ForEach-Object {
        $result += $_

    if ($result.Length -gt 0) {
        $result = $result -join " "