#requires -version 7.4 #a proof of concept to convert scripts to a new module Import-Module PSFunctionTools -Force $NewModuleName = "PSMagic" $Description = "A sample PowerShell module" $ParentPath = $env:TEMP $path = New-Item -Name $NewModuleName -Path $ParentPath -ItemType Directory -Force #create the module structure "docs", "functions", $(Get-Culture).name, "formats" | ForEach-Object { New-Item -Path $path -Name $_ -ItemType Directory } #file data $data = @" "Path","Name" "$PSScriptRoot\SampleScript.ps1","Get-Foo" "$PSScriptRoot\SampleScript2.ps1","Set-Foo" "$PSScriptRoot\SampleScript3.ps1","Invoke-Foo" "$PSScriptRoot\SampleScript4.ps1","Remove-Foo" "$PSScriptRoot\SampleScript5.ps1","Test-Foo" "@ $csv = $data | ConvertFrom-Csv foreach ($item in $csv) { $out = Join-Path $path\functions "$($" $item | Convert-ScriptToFunction | Out-File -FilePath $out Get-Item $out } #foreach item #create the root module $psm1 = @" Get-ChildItem `$PSScriptRoot\functions\*.ps1 | ForEach-Object { . `$_.FullName } "@ $psm1 | Out-File "$path\$NewModuleName.psm1" #create the module manifest $splat = @{ Path = "$path\$NewModuleName.psd1" RootModule = "$NewModuleName.psm1" ModuleVersion = "0.1.0" Author = $env:USERNAME Description = $Description FunctionsToExport = $ PowerShellVersion = "5.1" CompatiblePSEditions = "Desktop" } New-ModuleManifest @splat Get-ChildItem $path |