Function Convert-ScriptToFunction { [cmdletbinding()] [OutputType('System.String')] [alias('csf')] Param( [Parameter( Position = 0, Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, HelpMessage = 'Enter the path to your PowerShell script file.' )] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ })] [ValidatePattern('\.ps1$')] [string]$Path, [Parameter( Position = 1, Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, HelpMessage = 'What is the name of your new function?')] [ValidateScript({ if ($_ -match '^\w+-\w+$') { $true } else { Throw 'Your function name should have a Verb-Noun naming convention' $False } })] [string]$Name, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, HelpMessage = 'Specify an optional alias for your new function. You can define multiple aliases separated by commas.')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]]$Alias ) DynamicParam { <# If running this function in the PowerShell ISE or VS Code, define a ToEditor switch parameter #> If ($ -match 'ISE|Code') { $paramDictionary = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary # Defining parameter attributes $attributeCollection = New-Object -Type System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $attributes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $attributes.ParameterSetName = '__AllParameterSets' $attributeCollection.Add($attributes) # Defining the runtime parameter $dynParam1 = New-Object -Type System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('ToEditor', [Switch], $attributeCollection) $paramDictionary.Add('ToEditor', $dynParam1) return $paramDictionary } # end if } #end DynamicParam Begin { Write-Verbose "Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" Write-Verbose 'Initializing' $new = [System.Collections.Generic.list[string]]::new() } #begin Process { #normalize $Path = Convert-Path $path $Name = Format-FunctionName $Name Write-Verbose "Processing $path" $AST = _getAST $path if ($ast.extent) { Write-Verbose 'Getting any comment based help' $ch = $astTokens | Where-Object { $_.kind -eq 'comment' -AND $_.text -match '\.synopsis' } if ($ast.ScriptRequirements) { Write-Verbose 'Adding script requirements' if ($ast.ScriptRequirements.RequiredPSVersion) { $new.Add("#requires -version $($ast.ScriptRequirements.RequiredPSVersion.ToString())") } if ($ast.ScriptRequirements.RequiredModules) { Foreach ($m in $ast.ScriptRequirements.RequiredModules) { #test for version requirements $ver = ${ $ -match 'version' -AND $_.value }) if ($ver) { $new.Add("#requires -module @{ModuleName = '$($';$($ver.Name) = '$($ver.value)'}") } else { $new.add("#requires -module $($m.Name)") } } } if ($ast.ScriptRequirements.IsElevationRequired) { $new.Add('#requires -RunAsAdministrator') } If ($ast.ScriptRequirements.requiredPSEditions) { $new.add("#requires -PSEdition $($ast.ScriptRequirements.requiredPSEditions)") } $new.Add("`n") } else { Write-Verbose 'No script requirements found' } $head = @" # Function exported from $Path Function $Name { "@ $new.add($head) if ($ch) { $new.Add($ch.text) $new.Add("`n") } else { Write-Verbose 'Generating new comment based help from parameters' if ($ast.ParamBlock) { New-CommentHelp -ParamBlock $ast.ParamBlock | ForEach-Object { $new.Add("$_") } } else { New-CommentHelp -TemplateOnly | ForEach-Object { $new.Add("$_") } } $new.Add("`n") } [regex]$rx = '\[cmdletbinding\(.*\)\]' if ($rx.IsMatch($ast.Extent.text)) { Write-Verbose 'Using existing cmdletbinding' #use the first match $cb = $rx.match($ast.extent.text).Value $new.Add("`t$cb") } else { Write-Verbose 'Adding [cmdletbinding()]' $new.Add("`t[cmdletbinding()]") } if ($alias) { Write-Verbose "Adding function alias definition $($alias -join ',')" $new.Add("`t[Alias('$($alias -join "','")')]") } if ($ast.ParamBlock) { Write-Verbose 'Adding defined Param() block' [void]($ast.ParamBlock.ToString().split("`n").Foreach({ $new.add("`t$_") }) -join "`n") $new.Add("`n") } else { Write-Verbose 'Adding Param() block' $new.add("`tParam()") } if ($ast.DynamicParamBlock) { #assumes no more than 1 dynamic parameter Write-Verbose 'Adding dynamic parameters' [void]($ast.DynamicParamBlock.ToString().split("`n").Foreach({ $new.Add($_) }) -join "`n") } if ($ast.BeginBlock.Extent.text) { Write-Verbose 'Adding defined Begin block' [void]($ast.BeginBlock.Extent.ToString().split("`n").Foreach({ $new.Add($_) }) -join "`n") $UseBPE = $True } if ($ast.ProcessBlock.Extent.text) { Write-Verbose 'Adding defined Process block' [void]($ast.ProcessBlock.Extent.ToString().split("`n").Foreach({ $new.add($_) }) -join "`n") } if ($ast.EndBlock.Extent.text) { if ($UseBPE) { Write-Verbose 'Adding opening End{} block' $new.Add("`tEnd {") } Write-Verbose 'Adding the remaining code or defined endblock' [void]($ast.Endblock.Statements.foreach({ $_.ToString() }).Foreach({ $new.Add($_) })) if ($UseBPE) { Write-Verbose 'Adding closing End {} block' $new.Add("`t}") } } else { $new.Add('End { }') } Write-Verbose 'Closing the function' $new.Add( "`n} #close $name") if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ToEditor')) { Write-Verbose 'Opening result in editor' if ($ -match 'ISE') { $NewFile = $psISE.CurrentPowerShellTab.Files.add() $NewFile.Editor.InsertText(($new -join "`n")) $, 1, 1, 1) } elseif ($ -match 'Code') { $psEditor.Workspace.NewFile() $ctx = $psEditor.GetEditorContext() $ctx.CurrentFile.InsertText($new -join "`n") } else { $new -join "`n" | Set-Clipboard Write-Warning "Can't detect the PowerShell ISE or VS Code. Output has been copied to the clipboard." } } else { Write-Verbose "Writing output [$($new.count) lines] to the pipeline" $new -join "`n" } } #if ast found else { Write-Warning 'Failed to find a script body to convert to a function.' } } #process End { Write-Verbose "Ending $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)" } } |