
Describe "Parameter Class: PsfFile Unit Tests" {
    BeforeAll {
        function Get-File {
            param (
            foreach ($entry in $Path) {

        $folder = New-PSFTempDirectory -ModuleName PSFTest -Name TempFolder
        $folder = (Resolve-Path -LiteralPath $folder).ProviderPath
        "Test" | Set-Content -Path "$folder\test1.txt"
        "Test" | Set-Content -Path "$folder\test2.txt"
        "Test" | Set-Content -Path "$folder\test3.txt"
        $null = New-Item -Path $folder -Name Test -ItemType Directory
        $file1 = Get-Item -Path "$folder\test1.txt"
        $file2 = Get-Item -Path "$folder\test2.txt"

        [PsfFile]::SetTypePropertyMapping('Test.Type', 'Path')

        $testObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
            PSTypeName = 'Test.Type'
            Fake       = "$folder\test4.txt"
            Path       = "$folder\test3.txt"
    AfterAll {
        Remove-PSFTempItem -ModuleName PSFTest -Name TempFolder

    It "Should process an explicit path without error" {
        Get-File -Path "$folder\test1.txt" | Should -Be "$folder\test1.txt"
    It "Should process wildcard paths, disregarding folders" {
        Get-File -Path "$folder\tes*" | Should -Be "$folder\test1.txt", "$folder\test2.txt", "$folder\test3.txt"
    It "Should error on folders" {
        { Get-File -Path "$folder\test" } | Should -Throw
    It "Should error on wildcard paths that do not resolve to at least one file" {
        { Get-File -Path "$folder\test\*" } | Should -Throw
    It "Should process multiple paths" {
        Get-File -Path "$folder\test[12].txt", "$folder\test3.txt" | Should -Be "$folder\test1.txt", "$folder\test2.txt", "$folder\test3.txt"
    It "Should accept a FileInfo object" {
        Get-File -Path $file1 | Should -Be $file1.FullName
    It "Should accept multiple FileInfo objects" {
        Get-File -Path $file1, $file2 | Should -Be "$folder\test1.txt", "$folder\test2.txt"
    It "Should deduplicate multiple same paths" {
        Get-File -Path $file1, $file1 | Should -Be "$folder\test1.txt"
    It "Should accept a mix of different types of objects" {
        Get-File -Path $file1, $file2, "$folder\test3.txt" | Should -Be "$folder\test1.txt", "$folder\test2.txt", "$folder\test3.txt"
    It "Should not accept a DirectoryInfo object" {
        { Get-File -Path (Get-Item -Path $folder) } | Should -Throw
    It "Should accept a custom object that has registered a conversion" {
        Get-File -Path $testObject | Should -Be "$folder\test3.txt"