
function New-PSFTempDirectory {
        Create a temporary directory / folder.
        Create a temporary directory / folder.
        Name of the temporary directory item.
        Note: The actual foldername will be autogenerated and ignore this value.
    .PARAMETER DirectoryName
        Specify the exact name of the temporary directory to generate.
        By default, a generic name is autogenerated instead.
    .PARAMETER Timeout
        How long into the future this item is valid.
        Expired temporary items can be conveniently cleaned up using Remove-PSFTempItem.
    .PARAMETER ModuleName
        Name of the module the temp item belongs to.
        If called from within a module, this value will be detected automatically and needs not be specified.
        PS C:\> New-PSFTempDirectory -Name 'zipFolder'
        Creates a temporary directory item named 'zipFolder'

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [PsfValidateScript('PSFramework.Validate.SafeName', ErrorString = 'PSFramework.Validate.SafeName')]
        $ModuleName = [PSFramework.Utility.UtilityHost]::GetCallerInfo(1).CallerModule
    begin {
        $tempPath = Get-PSFPath -Name Temp
    process {
        $newPath = Join-Path -Path $tempPath -ChildPath "PSF_Temp_$(New-Guid)"
        if ($DirectoryName) { $newPath = Join-Path -Path $tempPath -ChildPath $DirectoryName }
        try { $null = New-Item -Path $newPath -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction Stop }
        catch { $PSCmdlet.ThrowTerminatingError($_) }
        $tempItem = [PSFramework.Temp.TempItemDirectory]::new($Name, $ModuleName, $newPath, $script:tempItems)
        if ($Timeout) { $tempItem.Timeout = $Timeout }