
    'New-PSFSupportPackage.Header'                  = @"
Gathering information...
Will write the final output to: {0}
Be aware that this package contains a lot of information including your input history in the console.
Please make sure no sensitive data (such as passwords) can be caught this way.
Ideally start a new console, perform the minimal steps required to reproduce the issue, then run this command.
This will make it easier for us to troubleshoot and you won't be sending us the keys to your castle.
 # $filePathZip, (Get-PSFConfigValue -FullName 'psframework.supportpackage.contactmessage' -Fallback '')
    'New-PSFSupportPackage.Messages'              = "Collecting PSFramework logged messages (Get-PSFMessage)" #
    'New-PSFSupportPackage.MsgErrors'              = "Collecting PSFramework logged errors (Get-PSFMessage -Errors)" #
    'New-PSFSupportPackage.ConsoleBuffer'          = "Trying to collect copy of console buffer (what you can see on your console)" #
    'New-PSFSupportPackage.OperatingSystem'          = "Collecting Operating System information (Win32_OperatingSystem)" #
    'New-PSFSupportPackage.CPU'                      = "Collecting CPU information ({0})" #
    'New-PSFSupportPackage.RAM'                      = "Collecting Ram information ({0})" #
    'New-PSFSupportPackage.PSVersion'              = "Collecting PowerShell & .NET Version (`$PSVersionTable)" #
    'New-PSFSupportPackage.History'                  = "Collecting Input history (Get-History)" #
    'New-PSFSupportPackage.Modules'                  = "Collecting list of loaded modules (Get-Module)" #
    'New-PSFSupportPackage.Snapins'                  = "Collecting list of loaded snapins (Get-PSSnapin)" #
    'New-PSFSupportPackage.Assemblies'              = "Collecting list of loaded assemblies (Name, Version, and Location)" #
    'New-PSFSupportPackage.Variables'              = "Adding variables specified for export: {0}" # ($Variables -join ", ")
    'New-PSFSupportPackage.PSErrors'              = "Adding content of `$Error" #
    'New-PSFSupportPackage.DbaTools.Messages'      = "Collecting dbatools logged messages (Get-DbatoolsLog)" #
    'New-PSFSupportPackage.DbaTools.Errors'          = "Collecting dbatools logged errors (Get-DbatoolsLog -Errors)" #
    'New-PSFSupportPackage.Export.Failed'          = "Failed to export dump to file!" #
    'New-PSFSupportPackage.ZipCompression.Failed' = "Failed to pack dump-file into a zip archive. Please do so manually before submitting the results as the unpacked xml file will be rather large." #
    'Resolve-PSFPath.Path.ParentExistsNot'          = "Failed to resolve path" #
    'Resolve-PSFPath.Path.MultipleParents'          = "Could not resolve to only a single parent path!" #
    'Resolve-PSFPath.Path.WrongProvider'          = "Resolved provider is {0} when it should be {1}" # $parentPath.Provider.Name, $Provider
    'Resolve-PSFPath.Path.ExistsNot'              = "Failed to resolve path" #
    'Resolve-PSFPath.Path.MultipleItems'          = "Could not resolve to only a single path!" #