
Describe "Invoke-PSFProtectedCommand unit tests" -Tag "UnitTests" {
    BeforeAll {
        #region Functions
        function Get-Test {
            [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
            param (
                $Action = "Testing",
                $Target = 42,

            $global:__psf_failed = $false
            $param = @{
                Action          = $Action
                Target          = $Target
                EnableException = $EnableException
            if ($RetryCount) { $param.RetryCount = $RetryCount }
            if ($RetryWait) { $param.RetryWait = $RetryWait }
            if ($ErrorEvent) { $param.ErrorEvent = $ErrorEvent }
            $testVar = 1
            Write-PSFMessage -Message "Test Var: {0}" -StringValues $testVar
            $count = 0
            Invoke-PSFProtectedCommand @param -ScriptBlock {
                $testVar = 2
                if ($Fail) { throw "Failing!"}
                if ($count -ge $SucceedAfter) { "Success" }
                else {
                    throw "Still failing ($count / $SucceedAfter)"
            } -PSCmdlet $PSCmdlet
            Write-PSFMessage -Message "Test Var after: {0}" -StringValues $testVar
            if (Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt) {
                $global:__psf_failed = $true
        #endregion Functions

    AfterAll {

    # Simple Attempt
    It "Should just work most of the time" {
        { Get-Test } | Should -Not -Throw
        (Get-PSFMessage).Count | Should -Be 4
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Test Var: 1"
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Execution Confirmed: Testing"
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Execution Successful: Testing"
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Test Var after: 2"
        $global:__psf_failed | Should -BeFalse

    # Simple Attempt (Failed)
    It "Should fail correctly (With Enable Exception)" {
        { Get-Test -Fail -EnableException } | Should -Throw
        (Get-PSFMessage).Count | Should -Be 3
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Test Var: 1"
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Execution Confirmed: Testing"
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Failed to: Testing | Failing!"
        $global:__psf_failed | Should -BeFalse

    # Retry Attempt (No Failure)
    It "Should work with the retry options without issues when all is well" {
        { Get-Test -RetryCount 3 -RetryWait 1 } | Should -Not -Throw
        (Get-PSFMessage).Count | Should -Be 4
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Test Var: 1"
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Execution Confirmed: Testing"
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Execution Successful: Testing"
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Test Var after: 2"
        $global:__psf_failed | Should -BeFalse

    # Retry Attempt (Success on 3rd)
    It "Should work with the retry options when it only works after a few failures" {
        { Get-Test -RetryCount 3 -RetryWait 1 -SucceedAfter 2 } | Should -Not -Throw
        (Get-PSFMessage).Count | Should -Be 6
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Test Var: 1"
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Execution Confirmed: Testing"
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Failed 1 / 4 attempts, trying again: Testing"
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Failed 2 / 4 attempts, trying again: Testing"
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Execution Successful: Testing"
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Test Var after: 2"
        $global:__psf_failed | Should -BeFalse

    # Retry Attempt (Failed)
    It "Even with the retry options it should fail correctly, if success never happens" {
        { Get-Test -RetryCount 3 -RetryWait 1 -Fail -EnableException } | Should -Throw
        (Get-PSFMessage).Count | Should -Be 6
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Test Var: 1"
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Execution Confirmed: Testing"
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Failed 1 / 4 attempts, trying again: Testing"
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Failed 2 / 4 attempts, trying again: Testing"
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Failed 3 / 4 attempts, trying again: Testing"
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain "Failed to: Testing | Failing!"
        $global:__psf_failed | Should -BeFalse

    # Error Event
    It "Should error out as requested and still be able to execute the error event" {
        $event = { Write-PSFMessage "ErrorEvent Message" }
        { Get-Test -Fail -EnableException -ErrorEvent $event } | Should -Throw
        (Get-PSFMessage).Count | Should -Be 6
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain 'Test Var: 1'
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain 'Execution Confirmed: Testing'
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain 'Executing error event for "Testing" against 42'
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain 'ErrorEvent Message'
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain 'Successfully executed error event for "Testing" against 42'
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain 'Failed to: Testing | Failing!'
        $global:__psf_failed | Should -BeFalse

    # No Error failure
    It "Should handle failure without exception as expected, triggering the command termination flag" {
        { Get-Test -Fail } | Should -Not -Throw
        (Get-PSFMessage).Count | Should -Be 4
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain 'Test Var: 1'
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain 'Execution Confirmed: Testing'
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain 'Failed to: Testing | Failing!'
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain 'Test Var after: 2'
        $global:__psf_failed | Should -BeTrue

    # Error Event & No Error failure
    It "Should be able to handle both non-exception failure AND error events" {
        $event = { Write-PSFMessage "ErrorEvent Message" }
        { Get-Test -Fail -ErrorEvent $event } | Should -Not -Throw
        (Get-PSFMessage).Count | Should -Be 7
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain 'Test Var: 1'
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain 'Execution Confirmed: Testing'
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain 'Executing error event for "Testing" against 42'
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain 'ErrorEvent Message'
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain 'Successfully executed error event for "Testing" against 42'
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain 'Failed to: Testing | Failing!'
        (Get-PSFMessage).Message | Should -Contain 'Test Var after: 2'
        $global:__psf_failed | Should -BeTrue