
function Get-PSFConfig {
            Retrieves configuration elements by name.
            Retrieves configuration elements by name.
            Can be used to search the existing configuration list.
        .PARAMETER FullName
            Default: "*"
            Search for configurations using the full name
        .PARAMETER Name
            Default: "*"
            The name of the configuration element(s) to retrieve.
            May be any string, supports wildcards.
        .PARAMETER Module
            Default: "*"
            Search configuration by module.
        .PARAMETER Persisted
            Rather than retrieving current settings, look for configuration entries that have been persisted on the machine.
        .PARAMETER Force
            Overrides the default behavior and also displays hidden configuration values.
            PS C:\> Get-PSFConfig 'Mail.To'
            Retrieves the configuration element for the key "Mail.To"
            PS C:\> Get-PSFConfig -Force
            Retrieve all configuration elements from all modules, even hidden ones.
            PS C:\> Get-PSFConfig -Persisted
            Retrieve all persisted settings.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSReviewUnusedParameter", "")]
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "FullName", HelpUri = '')]
    Param (
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "FullName", Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        $FullName = "*",
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Module", Position = 1)]
        $Name = "*",
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Module", Position = 0)]
        $Module = "*",

    begin {
        function ConvertFrom-ConfigPersisted {
            param (
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

            process {
                if (-not $Settings) { return }

                foreach ($value in $Settings.Values) {
                    $cfgValue = $value.Value
                    if ($value.KeepPersisted) {
                        $cfgValue = [PSFramework.Configuration.ConfigurationHost]::ConvertFromPersistedValue($value.Value)

                    New-Object PSFramework.Configuration.PersistedConfig -Property @{
                        FullName = $value.FullName
                        Scope    = $Scope
                        Value    = $cfgValue
    process {
        if ($Persisted) {
            $settings = foreach ($scope in [enum]::GetNames([PSFramework.Configuration.ConfigScope])) {
                Read-PsfConfigPersisted -Scope $scope | ConvertFrom-ConfigPersisted -Scope $scope

            $filter = $FullName
            if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Module') { $filter = "$Module.$Name" }
            $settings | Where-Object FullName -like $filter

        switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
            "Module" {
                [PSFramework.Configuration.ConfigurationHost]::Configurations.Values | Where-Object {
                    ($_.Name -like $Name) -and
                    ($_.Module -like $Module) -and
                    ((-not $_.Hidden) -or ($Force))
                } | Sort-Object Module, Name
            "FullName" {
                [PSFramework.Configuration.ConfigurationHost]::Configurations.Values | Where-Object {
                    ("$($_.Module).$($_.Name)" -like $FullName) -and
                    ((-not $_.Hidden) -or ($Force))
                } | Sort-Object Module, Name