
function Register-PSFSupportDataProvider {
        Registers additional data collection logic for the PSFramework Support Package.
        Registers additional data collection logic for the PSFramework Support Package.
        This allows your module to include its own debugging information for the support package.
        This logic is used in the New-PSFSupportPackage command.
        Name of the support data provider.
    .PARAMETER ScriptBlock
        Code that generates support data.
        Should provide information helpful with troubleshooting your code.
        PS C:\> Register-PSFSupportDataProvider -Name MyModule.MyData -ScriptBlock $code
        Registers the code in $code as a data provider for the support package.
        In case of somebody running the "New-PSFSupportPackage" this code will be executed and its results included in the file.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    process {
        $script:supportDataProviders[$Name] = $ScriptBlock