
[PSFramework.Runspace.RSWorker]::WorkerCode = {
    # $__PSF_Workflow --> Workload Workflow provided by worker
    # $__PSF_Worker --> Current Worker Definition

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
    trap {
        Write-PSFMessage -Level Error -Message "Runspace Worker Code failed" -ErrorRecord $_
        $__PSF_Worker.State = 'Failed'
        throw $_

    # Generally, Constants are to be avoided. To guarantee no childcode can override the code to be executed, this is made constant.
    Set-Variable -Name __PSF_Begin -Value $__PSF_Worker.GetBegin() -Option Constant
    Set-Variable -Name __PSF_ScriptBlock -Value $__PSF_Worker.ScriptBlock -Option Constant
    Set-Variable -Name __PSF_End -Value $__PSF_Worker.GetEnd() -Option Constant

    # Consume per-Runspace Values as variables
    foreach ($key in $__PSF_Worker.PerRSValues.Keys) {
        Set-Variable -Name $key -Value $__PSF_Worker.PerRSValues[$key].Dequeue()
    if ($__PSF_Begin) {
        try { $null = & $__PSF_Begin }
        catch {
            $__PSF_Worker.LastError = $_

            # End worker right away to ensure the error is not drowned in subsequent errors

    $validStates = 'Starting', 'Running'
    while ($validStates -contains $__PSF_Worker.State) {
        # Inqueue is closed and all items processed?
        if ($__PSF_Worker.IsDone) { break }
        if ($__PSF_Worker.MaxItems -and $__PSF_Worker.MaxItems -le $__PSF_Worker.CountInputCompleted) { break }

        if ($__PSF_Worker.Throttle) {

        $inputData = $null
        $success = $__PSF_Worker.GetNext([ref]$inputData)
        if (-not $success) {
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 250

        try {
            $results = $__PSF_ScriptBlock.InvokeGlobal($inputData)
            foreach ($result in $results) {
        catch {
            $__PSF_Worker.LastError = $_

    if ($__PSF_End) {
        try { $null = & $__PSF_End }
        catch {
            $__PSF_Worker.LastError = $_
