
function HaveProperty
    param (
        $shouldTestValue = $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WithValue')
        if ($null -eq $ActualValue)
            if ($shouldTestValue)
                if ($Negate.IsPresent)
                    $failureMessage = 'Expected: value "{0}" to contain the property "{1}" where the value was not "{2}" but the input object was null.' -f $ActualValue, $PropertyName, $WithValue
                    $failureMessage = 'Expected: value "{0}" to contain the property "{1}" where the value was "{2}" but the input object was null.' -f $ActualValue, $PropertyName, $WithValue
                if ($Negate.IsPresent)
                    $failureMessage = 'Expected: value "{0}" to not contain the property "{1}" but the input object was null.' -f $ActualValue, $PropertyName
                    $failureMessage = 'Expected: value "{0}" to contain the property "{1}" but the input object was null.' -f $ActualValue, $PropertyName
            return [PSCustomObject]@{
                Succeeded       = $false
                FailureMessage = $failureMessage
        $property = $ActualValue.psobject.Properties[$PropertyName]
        $hasProperty = [bool]$property
        if (-not $shouldTestValue)
            $succeeded = $hasProperty
            if ($Negate.IsPresent)
                $succeeded = -not $succeeded
            if (-not $succeeded)
                if ($Negate.IsPresent)
                    $failureMessage = 'Expected: value "{0}" to not contain the property "{1}" but it did.' -f $ActualValue, $PropertyName
                    $failureMessage = 'Expected: value "{0}" to contain the property "{1}" but it did not.' -f $ActualValue, $PropertyName
            return [PSCustomObject]@{
                Succeeded       = $succeeded
                FailureMessage = $failureMessage
        if (-not $hasProperty)
            if ($Negate.IsPresent)
                $failureMessage = 'Expected: value "{0}" to contain the property "{1}" where the value was not "{2}" but the property did not exist.' -f $ActualValue, $PropertyName, $WithValue
                $failureMessage = 'Expected: value "{0}" to contain the property "{1}" where the value was "{2}" but the property did not exist.' -f $ActualValue, $PropertyName, $WithValue
            return [PSCustomObject]@{
                Succeeded       = $false
                FailureMessage = $failureMessage
        $succeeded = $WithValue -eq $property.Value
        if ($Negate.IsPresent)
            $succeeded = -not $succeeded
            $failureMessage = 'Expected: value "{0}" to contain the property "{1}" where the value was not "{2}" but it was.' -f $ActualValue, $PropertyName, $WithValue
            $failureMessage = 'Expected: value "{0}" to contain the property "{1}" where the value was not "{2}" but the actual value was "{3}".' -f $ActualValue, $PropertyName, $WithValue, $property.Value
            Succeeded       = $succeeded
            FailureMessage = $failureMessage
Add-AssertionOperator -Name HaveProperty -Test $function:HaveProperty