
Describe "Select-PSFPropertyValue Unit Tests" -Tag "Unit" {
    BeforeAll {
        # Place here all things needed to prepare for the tests
    AfterAll {
        # Here is where all the cleanup tasks go
    #region Signature Test
    Describe "Ensuring unchanged command signature" {
        It "should have the expected parameter sets" {
            (Get-Command Select-PSFPropertyValue).ParameterSets.Name | Should -Be 'Default', 'Fallback', 'Select', 'Join', 'Format'
        It 'Should have the expected parameter Property' {
            $parameter = (Get-Command Select-PSFPropertyValue).Parameters['Property']
            $parameter.Name | Should -Be 'Property'
            $parameter.ParameterType.ToString() | Should -Be System.String[]
            $parameter.IsDynamic | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets.Keys | Should -Be '__AllParameterSets'
            $parameter.ParameterSets.Keys | Should -Contain '__AllParameterSets'
            $parameter.ParameterSets['__AllParameterSets'].IsMandatory | Should -Be $True
            $parameter.ParameterSets['__AllParameterSets'].Position | Should -Be 0
            $parameter.ParameterSets['__AllParameterSets'].ValueFromPipeline | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets['__AllParameterSets'].ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets['__AllParameterSets'].ValueFromRemainingArguments | Should -Be $False
        It 'Should have the expected parameter Fallback' {
            $parameter = (Get-Command Select-PSFPropertyValue).Parameters['Fallback']
            $parameter.Name | Should -Be 'Fallback'
            $parameter.ParameterType.ToString() | Should -Be System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
            $parameter.IsDynamic | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets.Keys | Should -Be 'Fallback'
            $parameter.ParameterSets.Keys | Should -Contain 'Fallback'
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Fallback'].IsMandatory | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Fallback'].Position | Should -Be -2147483648
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Fallback'].ValueFromPipeline | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Fallback'].ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Fallback'].ValueFromRemainingArguments | Should -Be $False
        It 'Should have the expected parameter Select' {
            $parameter = (Get-Command Select-PSFPropertyValue).Parameters['Select']
            $parameter.Name | Should -Be 'Select'
            $parameter.ParameterType.ToString() | Should -Be System.String
            $parameter.IsDynamic | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets.Keys | Should -Be 'Select'
            $parameter.ParameterSets.Keys | Should -Contain 'Select'
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Select'].IsMandatory | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Select'].Position | Should -Be -2147483648
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Select'].ValueFromPipeline | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Select'].ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Select'].ValueFromRemainingArguments | Should -Be $False
        It 'Should have the expected parameter JoinBy' {
            $parameter = (Get-Command Select-PSFPropertyValue).Parameters['JoinBy']
            $parameter.Name | Should -Be 'JoinBy'
            $parameter.ParameterType.ToString() | Should -Be System.String
            $parameter.IsDynamic | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets.Keys | Should -Be 'Join'
            $parameter.ParameterSets.Keys | Should -Contain 'Join'
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Join'].IsMandatory | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Join'].Position | Should -Be -2147483648
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Join'].ValueFromPipeline | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Join'].ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Join'].ValueFromRemainingArguments | Should -Be $False
        It 'Should have the expected parameter FormatWith' {
            $parameter = (Get-Command Select-PSFPropertyValue).Parameters['FormatWith']
            $parameter.Name | Should -Be 'FormatWith'
            $parameter.ParameterType.ToString() | Should -Be System.String
            $parameter.IsDynamic | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets.Keys | Should -Be 'Format'
            $parameter.ParameterSets.Keys | Should -Contain 'Format'
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Format'].IsMandatory | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Format'].Position | Should -Be -2147483648
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Format'].ValueFromPipeline | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Format'].ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets['Format'].ValueFromRemainingArguments | Should -Be $False
        It 'Should have the expected parameter InputObject' {
            $parameter = (Get-Command Select-PSFPropertyValue).Parameters['InputObject']
            $parameter.Name | Should -Be 'InputObject'
            $parameter.ParameterType.ToString() | Should -Be System.Object
            $parameter.IsDynamic | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets.Keys | Should -Be '__AllParameterSets'
            $parameter.ParameterSets.Keys | Should -Contain '__AllParameterSets'
            $parameter.ParameterSets['__AllParameterSets'].IsMandatory | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets['__AllParameterSets'].Position | Should -Be -2147483648
            $parameter.ParameterSets['__AllParameterSets'].ValueFromPipeline | Should -Be $True
            $parameter.ParameterSets['__AllParameterSets'].ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName | Should -Be $False
            $parameter.ParameterSets['__AllParameterSets'].ValueFromRemainingArguments | Should -Be $False
    #endregion Signature Test
    $object = [pscustomobject]@{
        Length   = 42
        Name     = "Foo"
        FullName = "Foo.Bar.Com"
        Empty    = ""
        Null     = $null
        Zero     = 0
    Describe "Testing parameterset Default" {
        It "Should select a single property correctly" {
            $object | Select-PSFPropertyValue -Property 'Length' | Should -Be 42
        It "Should select multiple properties correctly" {
            $object | Select-PSFPropertyValue -Property 'Length', 'Name' | Should -Be 42, 'Foo'
    Describe "Testing parameterset Fallback" {
        It "Testing Fallback: All exist, nothing special" {
            $object | Select-PSFPropertyValue -Property 'Length', 'Name' -Fallback | Should -Be 42
        It "Testing Fallback: Null and filled" {
            $object | Select-PSFPropertyValue -Property 'Null', 'Name' -Fallback | Should -Be 'Foo'
        It "Testing Fallback: Zero and filled" {
            $object | Select-PSFPropertyValue -Property 'Zero', 'Name' -Fallback | Should -Be 0
        It "Testing Fallback: Empty string and filled" {
            $object | Select-PSFPropertyValue -Property 'Empty', 'Name' -Fallback | Should -Be 'Foo'
    Describe "Testing parameterset Select" {
        It "Should select the largest property value" {
            $object | Select-PSFPropertyValue -Property Name, FullName, Length -Select Largest | Should -Be 'Foo.Bar.Com'
        It "Should select the lowest property value" {
            $object | Select-PSFPropertyValue -Property Name, FullName, Length -Select  Lowest| Should -Be 42
    Describe "Testing parameterset Join" {
        It "Should correctly join selected properties" {
            $object | Select-PSFPropertyValue 'Name', 'Length' -JoinBy "|" | Should -Be 'Foo|42'
    Describe "Testing parameterset Format" {
        It "Should insert values into the specified format" {
            $object | Select-PSFPropertyValue 'Name', 'Length', 'FullName' -FormatWith '{0} | {2} | {1:D3}' | Should -Be 'Foo | Foo.Bar.Com | 042'