
    # Computer Management
    'Assembly.ComputerManagement.SessionContainer.NoPSSessionKey' = 'Session Container for "{0}" does not contain a PSSession connection.'
    'Assembly.ComputerManagement.SessionContainer.NoCimSessionKey' = 'Session Container for "{0}" does not contain a CimSession connection.'
    # Configuration
    'Assembly.ConfigurationHost.ConfigNotFound' = 'The configuration item {0} could not be found in the configuration system'
    # Utility
    Assembly_UtilityHost_AliasNotFound = 'Failed to find alias: {0}'
    Assembly_UtilityHost_AliasProtected = 'The alias "{0}" is protected and cannot be removed!'
    Assembly_UtilityHost_AliasReadOnly  = 'The alias "{0}" is read only! To remove it, also specify the "-Force" parameter.'