
    Configuration_ValidateLanguage                          = '{0} is not recognized as a legal language code, such as "en-US" or "de-DE"'
    # Remove-PSFConfig
    'Configuration.Remove-PSFConfig.ShouldRemove'          = 'Removing configuration item from memory'
    'Configuration.Remove-PSFConfig.InvalidConfiguration' = 'The configuration setting "{0}" could not be found!'
    'Configuration.Remove-PSFConfig.DeleteSuccessful'      = 'Successfully remove configuration setting: {0}'
    'Configuration.Remove-PSFConfig.DeleteFailed'          = 'Failed to remove configuration setting: {0} | Can be deleted: {1} | Enforced by policy {2}'
    # Schema: default
    # Schema: metajson
    'Configuration.Schema.MetaJson.ProcessResource'          = 'Processing resource: {0}'
    'Configuration.Schema.MetaJson.ProcessFile'              = 'Reading Node: {0}'
    'Configuration.Schema.MetaJson.ResolveFile'              = 'Cannot resolve path: {0}'
    'Configuration.Schema.MetaJson.InvalidJson'              = 'Failed to access json content from: {0}'
    'Configuration.Schema.MetaJson.UnknownVersion'          = 'Unknown version "{1}" in: {0}'
    'Configuration.Schema.MetaJson.NestedError'              = 'An error happened when importing config file {0}'