
function Read-PsfConfigPersisted
        Reads configurations from persisted file / registry.
        Reads configurations from persisted file / registry.
    .PARAMETER Scope
        Where to read from.
    .PARAMETER Module
        Load module specific data.
        Use this to load on-demand configuration only when the module is imported.
        Useful when using the config system as cache.
    .PARAMETER ModuleVersion
        The configuration version of the module-settings to load.
    .PARAMETER Hashtable
        Rather than returning results, insert them into this hashtable.
    .PARAMETER Default
        When inserting into a hashtable, existing values are overwritten by default.
        Enabling this setting will cause it to only insert values if the key does not exist yet.
        Read-PsfConfigPersisted -Scope 127
        Read all persisted default configuration items in the default mandated order.

    Param (
        $ModuleVersion = 1,
        #region Helper Functions
        function New-ConfigItem
            [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
            param (
                FullName      = $FullName
                Value         = $Value
                Type          = $Type
                KeepPersisted = $KeepPersisted
                Enforced      = $Enforced
                Policy        = $Policy
        function Read-Registry
            param (
            if (-not (Test-Path $Path)) { return }
            $common = 'PSPath', 'PSParentPath', 'PSChildName', 'PSDrive', 'PSProvider'
            foreach ($item in ((Get-ItemProperty -Path $Path -ErrorAction Ignore).PSObject.Properties | Where-Object Name -NotIn $common))
                if ($item.Value -like "Object:*")
                    $data = $item.Value.Split(":", 2)
                    New-ConfigItem -FullName $item.Name -Type $data[0] -Value $data[1] -KeepPersisted -Enforced:$Enforced -Policy
                    New-ConfigItem -FullName $item.Name -Value ([PSFramework.Configuration.ConfigurationHost]::ConvertFromPersistedValue($item.Value)) -Policy
        #endregion Helper Functions
        if (-not $Hashtable) { $results = @{ } }
        else { $results = $Hashtable }
        if ($Module) { $filename = "$($Module.ToLower())-$($ModuleVersion).json" }
        else { $filename = "psf_config.json" }
        #region File - Computer Wide
        if ($Scope -band 64)
            foreach ($item in (Read-PsfConfigFile -Path (Join-Path $script:path_FileSystem $filename)))
                if (-not $Default) { $results[$item.FullName] = $item }
                elseif (-not $results.ContainsKey($item.FullName)) { $results[$item.FullName] = $item }
        #endregion File - Computer Wide
        #region Registry - Computer Wide
        if (($Scope -band 4) -and (-not $script:NoRegistry))
            foreach ($item in (Read-Registry -Path $script:path_RegistryMachineDefault))
                if (-not $Default) { $results[$item.FullName] = $item }
                elseif (-not $results.ContainsKey($item.FullName)) { $results[$item.FullName] = $item }
        #endregion Registry - Computer Wide
        #region File - User Shared
        if ($Scope -band 32)
            foreach ($item in (Read-PsfConfigFile -Path (Join-Path $script:path_FileUserShared $filename)))
                if (-not $Default) { $results[$item.FullName] = $item }
                elseif (-not $results.ContainsKey($item.FullName)) { $results[$item.FullName] = $item }
        #endregion File - User Shared
        #region Registry - User Shared
        if (($Scope -band 1) -and (-not $script:NoRegistry))
            foreach ($item in (Read-Registry -Path $script:path_RegistryUserDefault))
                if (-not $Default) { $results[$item.FullName] = $item }
                elseif (-not $results.ContainsKey($item.FullName)) { $results[$item.FullName] = $item }
        #endregion Registry - User Shared
        #region File - User Local
        if ($Scope -band 16)
            foreach ($item in (Read-PsfConfigFile -Path (Join-Path $script:path_FileUserLocal $filename)))
                if (-not $Default) { $results[$item.FullName] = $item }
                elseif (-not $results.ContainsKey($item.FullName)) { $results[$item.FullName] = $item }
        #endregion File - User Local
        #region Registry - User Enforced
        if (($Scope -band 2) -and (-not $script:NoRegistry))
            foreach ($item in (Read-Registry -Path $script:path_RegistryUserEnforced -Enforced))
                if (-not $Default) { $results[$item.FullName] = $item }
                elseif (-not $results.ContainsKey($item.FullName)) { $results[$item.FullName] = $item }
        #endregion Registry - User Enforced
        #region Registry - System Enforced
        if (($Scope -band 8) -and (-not $script:NoRegistry))
            foreach ($item in (Read-Registry -Path $script:path_RegistryMachineEnforced -Enforced))
                if (-not $Default) { $results[$item.FullName] = $item }
                elseif (-not $results.ContainsKey($item.FullName)) { $results[$item.FullName] = $item }
        #endregion Registry - System Enforced