
#region Declare runtime variable for the flow control component
$paramNewVariable = @{
    Name  = "psframework_killqueue"
    Value = (New-Object PSFramework.Utility.LimitedConcurrentQueue[int](25))
    Option = 'ReadOnly'
    Scope = 'Script'
    Description = 'Variable that is used to maintain the list of commands to kill. This is used by Test-PSFFunctionInterrupt. Note: The value tested is the hashcade from the callstack item.'

New-Variable @paramNewVariable
#endregion Declare runtime variable for the flow control component

#region Declare PSSession Cache
$paramNewVariable2 = @{
    Name  = "psframework_pssessions"
    Value = (New-Object PSFramework.ComputerManagement.PSSessionContainer)
    Option = 'ReadOnly'
    Scope = 'Script'
    Description = 'Variable containing the list of established powershell remoting sessions. This is used by Invoke-PSFCommand to track connections, disconnect expired sessions and reconnect sessions by name.'

New-Variable @paramNewVariable2
#endregion Declare PSSession Cache