InModuleScope PSForge { Describe "New-DSCModule" { Mock Invoke-PlasterWrapper {} Mock Push-Location {} Mock Pop-Location {} Mock New-DSCResource {} Mock Get-DSCModuleGlobalConfig {} Mock Get-Item {} Mock BootstrapDSCModule {} It "Should fetch the global configuration" { New-DSCModule -ModuleName "test" Assert-MockCalled Get-DSCModuleGlobalConfig -Exactly 1 -Scope It } it "Should bootstrap the module dependencies" { New-DSCModule -ModuleName "test" Assert-MockCalled BootstrapDSCModule -Exactly 1 -Scope It } It "Should use Plaster to create the file structure" { New-DSCModule -ModuleName "test" Assert-MockCalled Invoke-PlasterWrapper -Exactly 1 -Scope It } It "Should create a new resource for each defined in parameters" { New-DSCModule -ModuleName "test" -ResourceNames @("a","b","c") Assert-MockCalled New-DscResource -ParameterFilter { $ResourceName -eq "a" } -Exactly 1 -Scope It Assert-MockCalled New-DscResource -ParameterFilter { $ResourceName -eq "b" } -Exactly 1 -Scope It Assert-MockCalled New-DscResource -ParameterFilter { $ResourceName -eq "c" } -Exactly 1 -Scope It } } Describe "Smoke tests" { $fakeConfigFile = @' { "username": "Test User", "company": "None" } '@ Mock Test-Path { $True } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "$HOME/DSCWorkflowConfig.json"} Mock Get-Content { $fakeConfigFile } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "$HOME/DSCWorkflowConfig.json"} Push-Location $TestDrive It 'Should be able to create a module' { { New-DSCModule "test-module" } | Should not Throw Test-Path $TestDrive\test-module\test-module.psm1 | Should be $True } It 'Should create a valid PSScriptAnalyzer config file' { Test-Path $TestDrive\test-module\PSScriptAnalyzerSettings.psd1 { Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory "$TestDrive\test-module" -FileName PSScriptAnalyzerSettings.psd1 } | Should not Throw } Pop-Location } } |