
InModuleScope PSForge {

    Describe "Smoke tests" {
        $fakeConfigFile = @'
"username": "Test User",
"company": "None"

        Mock Test-Path { $True } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "$HOME/DSCWorkflowConfig.json"}
        Mock Get-Content { $fakeConfigFile } -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "$HOME/DSCWorkflowConfig.json"}

        Push-Location $TestDrive
        New-DSCModule test-module
        Push-Location $TestDrive/test-module
        $modulePath = [io.path]::combine($TestDrive, 'test-module') 

        Context "GetDependenciesManifest" {
            It 'Should have created a dependency manifest' {
                Test-Path $TestDrive/test-module/dependencies.psd1 | Should be $True
            It 'Should not throw an exception when fetching the dependency manifest' {
                { GetDependenciesManifest } | Should not Throw
            It 'Should be able to fetch the dependencies manifest as a hashtable' {
               GetDependenciesManifest | Should not be $null

            It 'Should have no dependencies by default' {
                (GetDependenciesManifest).nugetPackages | Should be @()

            It 'Should have default nuget feeds' {
                (GetDependenciesManifest).nugetFeeds | Should be @("", "")

        Context "GetProjectRoot" {
            It "Output same folder if you're in root already" {
                getProjectRoot | should be $modulePath

            It "Output correct folder if you're in a subfolder" {
                Push-Location $TestDrive/test-module/DSCResources
                getProjectRoot | should be $modulePath 

            It "Throws an exception if you're not in a module folder" {
                Push-Location $TestDrive
                { getProjectRoot } | Should Throw "No .git directory found in"


