InModuleScope PSForge { Describe "Dependency checking"{ Mock Invoke-ExternalCommand { "ruby 2.3.3p222 (2016-11-21 revision 56859) [x86_64-darwin16]" } -ParameterFilter { $Command -eq "ruby" } Context "Windows" { Mock getOSPlatform { return "windows"} It "Should be able to add to the PATH variable" { $PATH = $env:PATH addToPath "test" $env:PATH | should -BeLike "test;*" $env:PATH = $PATH } } Context "Unix" { Mock getOSPlatform { return "unix"} It "Should be able to add to the PATH variable" { $PATH = $env:PATH addToPath "test" $env:PATH | should -BeLike "test:*" $env:PATH = $PATH } } Context "Mono is not installed" { It "Should throw exception if Mono not installed on Unix" { Mock getOSPlatform { "unix" } Mock isOnPath { $False } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "mono" } Mock isOnPath { $True } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "git" } Mock isOnPath { $True } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "ruby" } { CheckDependencies } | Should Throw "PSForge has a dependency on 'mono' on Linux and MacOS - please install mono via the system package manager." } It "Should not throw exception if Mono not installed on Windows" { Mock getOSPlatform { "windows" } Mock isOnPath { $False } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "mono" } Mock isOnPath { $True } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "git" } Mock isOnPath { $True } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "ruby" } { CheckDependencies } | Should not Throw } } Context "Ruby is not installed" { $rubyException = "PSForge has a dependency on 'ruby' 2.3 or higher - please install ruby via the system package manager." $rubyVersionException = "PSForge has a dependency on 'ruby' 2.3 or higher. Current version of ruby is 2.2.2p222 - please update ruby via the system package manager." It "Should throw exception if Ruby not installed on Unix" { Mock getOSPlatform { "unix" } Mock isOnPath { $True } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "mono" } Mock isOnPath { $True } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "git" } Mock isOnPath { $False } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "ruby" } { CheckDependencies } | Should Throw $rubyException } It "Should not throw exception if Ruby not installed on Windows" { Mock getOSPlatform { "windows" } Mock isOnPath { $True } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "mono" } Mock isOnPath { $True } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "git" } Mock isOnPath { $False } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "ruby" } { CheckDependencies } | Should Throw $rubyException } It "Should throw exception if wrong Ruby installed on Unix" { Mock getOSPlatform { "unix" } Mock isOnPath { $True } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "mono" } Mock isOnPath { $True } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "git" } Mock isOnPath { $True } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "ruby" } Mock Invoke-ExternalCommand { "ruby 2.2.2p222 (2016-11-21 revision 56859) [x86_64-darwin16]"} -ParameterFilter { $Command -eq "ruby" -and $Arguments -eq @("--version") } { CheckDependencies } | Should Throw $rubyVersionException } It "Should throw exception if wrong Ruby installed on Windows" { Mock getOSPlatform { "windows" } Mock isOnPath { $True } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "mono" } Mock isOnPath { $True } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "git" } Mock isOnPath { $True } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "ruby" } Mock Invoke-ExternalCommand { "ruby 2.2.2p222 (2016-11-21 revision 56859) [x86_64-win32]"} -ParameterFilter { $Command -eq "ruby" -and $Arguments -eq @("--version")} { CheckDependencies } | Should Throw $rubyVersionException } } Context "Git is not installed" { $gitException = "PSForge has a dependency on 'git' - please install git via the system package manager." It "Should throw exception if Git not installed on Unix" { Mock getOSPlatform { "unix" } Mock isOnPath { $True } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "mono" } Mock isOnPath { $False } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "git" } Mock isOnPath { $True } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "ruby" } { CheckDependencies } | Should Throw $gitException } It "Should not throw exception if Git not installed on Windows" { Mock getOSPlatform { "windows" } Mock isOnPath { $True } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "mono" } Mock isOnPath { $False } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "git" } Mock isOnPath { $True } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "ruby" } { CheckDependencies } | Should Throw $gitException } } } Describe "InstallRuby" { Mock Push-Location {} Mock Pop-Location {} Mock addToPath {} Mock Invoke-ExternalCommand {} Mock Invoke-WebRequest {} Mock New-Item {} Mock Remove-Item {} Mock fixRubyCertStore {} Mock Test-Path { $False } Mock Write-Debug {} Context "Windows" { Mock isWindows { $True } installRuby It "Should run installers on Unix" { Assert-MockCalled addToPath -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Invoke-WebRequest -Exactly 1 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Invoke-ExternalCommand -Exactly 2 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Write-Debug -ParameterFilter { $InputObject -eq "Using system ruby on non-windows platforms" } -Exactly 0 -Scope Context } } Context "Unix" { Mock isWindows { $False } installRuby It "Should not run any installers on Unix" { Assert-MockCalled addToPath -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Invoke-WebRequest -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Invoke-ExternalCommand -Exactly 0 -Scope Context Assert-MockCalled Write-Debug -ParameterFilter { $Message -eq "Using system ruby on non-windows platforms" } -Exactly 1 -Scope Context } } } Describe "fixRubyCertStore" { Class FakeWebClient { DownloadFile($arg1, $arg2) {} } $fakeWebClient = New-Object FakeWebClient Mock isWindows { $True } Mock New-Item {} Mock New-Object { $fakeWebClient } -ParameterFilter { $TypeName -eq "System.Net.WebClient" } fixRubyCertStore It "Should create the directory to host the CACERT" { Assert-MockCalled New-Item -ParameterFilter { $Path -eq "C:\RUBY_SSL" } -Exactly 1 -Scope Describe } It "Should download the CACERT file" { Assert-MockCalled New-Object -ParameterFilter { $TypeName -eq "System.Net.WebClient" } -Exactly 1 -Scope Describe } } Describe "updateBundle" { . $PSScriptRoot\PesterHelpers.ps1 Mock isOnPath { $false } -ParameterFilter { $cmd -eq "bundler" } Mock Invoke-ExternalCommand {} Mock Invoke-ExternalCommandRealtime {} Mock Start-Process { return @{"ExitCode" = 1} } Mock Remove-Item {} It "Should install bundler gem if not on the path" { updateBundle Assert-MockCalled Invoke-ExternalCommand -ParameterFilter { $Command -eq "gem" -and (Compare-Array $Arguments @("install", "bundler")) } -Exactly 1 -Scope It } It "Should check for updates to bundled gems" { Mock Start-Process { return @{"ExitCode" = 1} } updateBundle Assert-MockCalled Start-Process -ParameterFilter { $FilePath -eq "bundle" -and $ArgumentList -eq "check" } -Exactly 1 -Scope It } It "Should not update bundle if there are no pending updates" { Mock Start-Process { return @{"ExitCode" = 0} } updateBundle Assert-MockCalled Invoke-ExternalCommandRealtime -ParameterFilter { $Command -eq "bundle" -and (Compare-Array $Arguments @("install", "--path", ".bundle")) } -Exactly 0 -Scope It } } Describe "isOnPath" { Mock Get-Command { return $True } -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq "installed_binary" } Mock Get-Command { return $False } -ParameterFilter { $Name -eq "non_installed_binary" } it "Should return true if a binary is on the path" { isOnPath "installed_binary" | should -eq $True } it "Should return false if a binary is not on the path" { isOnPath "non_installed_binary" | should -eq $True } } } |