if((get-module | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "Plaster" }).Count -eq 0) { Import-Module Plaster } function addToPath { param( [string]$path ) if(-not ($env:PATH -split ";") -contains $path) { $env:PATH = $path,$env:PATH -join ";" } } function getEnvironmentOSVersion { return [Environment]::OSVersion } function getOSPlatform { $osPlatform = (getEnvironmentOSVersion).Platform if($osPlatform -like "Win*") { return "windows" } if($osPlatform -eq "Unix") { $uname = Invoke-Expression "uname" if($uname -eq "Darwin") { return "mac" } return ($uname).toLower() } return "unknown" } function isWindows { return ((getOSPlatform) -eq "windows") } function isUnix { return (@("linux","mac","freebsd","sunos","openbsd")).contains((getOSPlatform)) } function isOnPath { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=1)] [string]$cmd ) $bin = Get-Command -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue" $cmd return ($bin -ne $null) } function checkDependencies { if(isUnix) { if(-not (isOnPath "mono")) { throw New-Object System.Exception ("PSForge has a dependency on 'mono' on Linux and MacOS - please install mono via the system package manager.") } } if(-not (isOnPath "ruby")) { throw New-Object System.Exception ("PSForge has a dependency on 'ruby' 2.3 or higher - please install ruby via the system package manager.") } if(-not (isOnPath "git")) { throw New-Object System.Exception ("PSForge has a dependency on 'git' - please install git via the system package manager.") } [string]$longRubyVersion = (Invoke-Expression "ruby --version").split(' ')[1] [double]$shortRubyVersion = ($longRubyVersion.split('.')[0,1]) -join '.' if($shortRubyVersion -lt 2.3) { throw New-Object System.Exception ("PSForge has a dependency on 'ruby' 2.3 or higher. Current version of ruby is ${longRubyVersion} - please update ruby via the system package manager.") } } function installRuby { $Activity = "Installing Ruby" $rubyURL = "" $rubyInstaller = "$PSScriptRoot\ruby.7z" Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status "Downloading Ruby archive" -percentComplete 20 Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $rubyURL -OutFile $rubyInstaller Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status "Extracting Ruby archive" -percentComplete 60 & $PSScriptRoot\7zip\7za.exe x $rubyInstaller -o"${PSScriptRoot}" | Out-Null Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -percentComplete 100 -Completed Remove-Item $rubyInstaller } function isProjectRoot { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=1)] [string]$path ) return Test-Path "${path}\.git" } function getProjectRoot { $projectRoot = Invoke-Expression "git rev-parse --show-toplevel" if(-Not (Test-Path $projectRoot)) { throw New-Object System.Exception ("No .git directory found in ${PWD} or any of its parent directories.") } return $projectRoot } function updateBundle{ if(-not (isOnPath "bundler")) { Invoke-Expression "gem install bundler" | Out-Null } $bundle = Start-Process -FilePath "bundle" -ArgumentList "check" -Wait -NoNewWindow -RedirectStandardOutput stdout -PassThru Remove-Item stdout if($bundle.Exitcode -ne 0) { Invoke-Expression "bundle install --path .bundle" } } function Invoke-Paket { Push-Location "$(getProjectRoot)" BootstrapDSCModule generatePaketFiles if(isWindows) { $paketBin = ".paket\paket.exe" } else { $paketBin = "mono .paket\paket.exe" } $commandArgs = $args -join " " Invoke-Expression "$paketBin $commandArgs".TrimEnd() clearPaketFiles Pop-Location } function New-DSCModule { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=1)] [string]$ModuleName, [string[]]$ResourceNames, [string]$Version="1.0.0", [string]$Description="" ) CheckUserConfig $config = Get-DSCModuleGlobalConfig $Activity = "Bootstrapping Powershell DSC Module" $PlasterParams = @{ TemplatePath = "$PSScriptRoot\plaster-powershell-dsc-module"; DestinationPath = $ModuleName project_name = $ModuleName version = $Version full_name = $config.username company = $ project_short_description = $Description } Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status "Scaffolding module filestructure" -percentComplete 30 Invoke-Plaster @PlasterParams -NoLogo *> $null Push-Location $ModuleName $currentDirectory = (Get-Item -Path ".\" -Verbose).FullName foreach ($resource in $ResourceNames) { New-DSCResource -ResourceName $resource } BootstrapDSCModule Write-Output "Module bootstrapped at $currentDirectory" Pop-Location } function New-DSCResource { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True,Position=1)] [string]$ResourceName ) Push-Location "$(getProjectRoot)" CheckUserConfig Write-Output "Scaffolding new DSC resource: $resource" $ModuleName = (Get-Item -Path ".\" -Verbose).BaseName if(-not (Test-Path "${ModuleName}.psd1")) { throw New-Object System.Exception ("'${ModuleName}.psd1' not found. Are you in the module root?") } BootstrapDSCModule $PlasterParams = @{ TemplatePath = "$PSScriptRoot\plaster-powershell-dsc-resource"; DestinationPath = "DSCResources\${ResourceName}" project_name = $ResourceName } Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory "." -FileName "${ModuleName}.psd1" -BindingVariable metadata $ = $metadata.CompanyName $PlasterParams.project_short_description = $ModuleName $PlasterParams.full_name = $metadata.Author $PlasterParams.version = "1.0.0" Invoke-Plaster @PlasterParams -NoLogo *> $null Write-Output "New resource has been created at $(Get-Item DSCResources\$ResourceName)" Pop-Location } function Export-DSCModule { param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position=1)] [string]$Version ) Push-Location "$(getProjectRoot)" BootstrapDSCModule Invoke-Paket update Invoke-Paket pack output .\output version $version Pop-Location } function Test-DSCModule { param ( [ValidateSet('create', 'converge', 'verify', 'test','destroy','login')] [string] $Action = 'verify', [switch] $Debug ) Push-Location "$(getProjectRoot)" Write-Output "Action: $Action" BootstrapDSCModule $azureRMCredentials = "$HOME/.azure/credentials" if( -not (Test-Path $azureRMCredentials)) { throw New-Object System.Exception ("Create an azure credentials file at $HOME/.azure/.credentials as described here:") } if (-not (Test-Path env:AZURERM_SUBSCRIPTION)) { Write-Output "The environment variable AZURERM_SUBSCRIPTION has not been set." Write-Output "" Write-Output "Setting the value of AZURERM_SUBSCRIPTION" $firstLine,$remainingLines = Get-Content $azureRMCredentials $defaultValue = $firstLine -replace '[[\]]','' $prompt = Read-Host "Input your Azure Subscription ID [$($defaultValue)]" $prompt = ($defaultValue,$prompt)[[bool]$prompt] $env:AZURERM_SUBSCRIPTION = $prompt } $KitchenParams = $Action if($Debug) { $KitchenParams += " --log-level Debug" } updateBundle Invoke-Paket update Invoke-Expression "bundle exec kitchen ${KitchenParams}" Pop-Location } function Get-DSCModuleGlobalConfig { $configFile = "$HOME/DSCWorkflowConfig.json" if(-Not (Test-Path $configFile)) { return @{} } return Get-Content -Raw -Path $configFile | ConvertFrom-Json } function Set-DSCModuleGlobalConfig { param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position=1)] [string] $Key, [parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position=2)] [string] $Value ) $configFile = "$HOME/DSCWorkflowConfig.json" $json = Get-DSCModuleGlobalConfig $Key = $Key.ToLower() $json | Add-Member NoteProperty $Key $Value -Force $json | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100 | Out-File $configFile -encoding utf8 } function CheckUserConfig { $config = Get-DSCModuleGlobalConfig if(!$config.username) { $defaultValue = $ENV:USERNAME $username = Read-Host "What is your username? [$($defaultValue)]" $username = ($defaultValue,$username)[[bool]$username] Set-DSCModuleGlobalConfig "username" "$username" } if(!$ { $defaultValue = "None" $company = Read-Host "What is your company name? [$($defaultValue)]" $company = ($defaultValue,$company)[[bool]$company] Set-DSCModuleGlobalConfig "company" "$company" } } function BootstrapDSCModule { $Activity = "Bootstrapping Powershell DSC Module" if(isWindows) { $RubyPath = "$PSScriptRoot\ruby-2.3.3-i386-mingw32\bin\" addToPath $RubyPath if(-not (Test-Path "$RubyPath\ruby.exe")) { installRuby . $PSScriptRoot\helper_scripts\fixRubyCertStore.ps1 } } checkDependencies if(!(Test-Path ".\.git")) { Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -Status "Initialising local Git repository" -percentComplete 60 Invoke-Expression "git init" | Out-Null } Write-Progress -Activity $Activity -percentComplete 100 -Completed } function clearPaketFiles { Remove-Item -Recurse -Force .paket -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item -Force paket.dependencies -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Remove-Item -Force paket.template -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } function generatePaketFiles { $ModuleName = (Get-Item -Path ".\" -Verbose).BaseName Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory "." -FileName "${ModuleName}.psd1" -BindingVariable moduleManifest Import-LocalizedData -BaseDirectory "." -FileName "dependencies.psd1" -BindingVariable dependenciesManifest Push-Location "$PSScriptRoot\paket" if(-not (Test-Path ".\paket.exe")) { if(isWindows) { Invoke-Expression ".\paket.bootstrapper.exe" } else { Invoke-Expression "mono .\paket.bootstrapper.exe" } } Pop-Location clearPaketFiles Copy-Item -Recurse $PSScriptRoot\paket .\.paket | Out-Null New-Item paket.dependencies | Out-Null New-Item paket.template | Out-Null ForEach($nugetFeed in $dependenciesManifest.NugetFeeds) { "source $nugetFeed" | Out-File paket.dependencies -Append -Encoding utf8 } ForEach($nugetPackage in $dependenciesManifest.NugetPackages) { "nuget $nugetPackage" | Out-File paket.dependencies -Append -Encoding utf8 } @" type file id ${ModuleName} version $($moduleManifest.ModuleVersion) authors $($moduleManifest.Author) description $($moduleManifest.Description) files ${ModuleName}.psd1 ==> . DSCResources ==> DSCResources dependencies "@ | Out-File paket.template -Append -Encoding utf8 ForEach($nugetPackage in $dependenciesManifest.NugetPackages) { " $(($nugetPackage -Split " ")[0]) == LOCKEDVERSION" | Out-File paket.template -Append -Encoding utf8 } } Export-ModuleMember -function *-* |