function Export-FalconConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Create an archive containing Falcon configuration files .DESCRIPTION Uses various PSFalcon commands to gather and export groups, policies and exclusions as a collection of Json files within a zip archive. The exported files can be used with 'Import-FalconConfig' to restore configurations to your existing CID or create them in another CID. .PARAMETER Select Selected items to export from your current CID, or leave unspecified to export all available items .PARAMETER Force Overwrite an existing file when present .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='ExportItem',SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ExportItem',Position=1)] [ValidateSet('ContentPolicy','DeviceControlPolicy','FileVantagePolicy','FileVantageRuleGroup','FirewallGroup', 'FirewallPolicy','HostGroup','IoaExclusion','IoaGroup','Ioc','MlExclusion','PreventionPolicy', 'ResponsePolicy','Script','SensorUpdatePolicy','SvExclusion')] [Alias('Items')] [string[]]$Select, [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ExportItem')] [switch]$Force ) begin { function Get-ItemContent ([string]$String) { # Request content for provided 'Item' Write-Host "[Export-FalconConfig] Exporting '$String'..." $ConfigFile = Join-Path $Location "$String.json" $Config = if ($String -match '^FileVantage(Policy|RuleGroup)$') { [string]$Filter = if ($String -eq 'FileVantagePolicy') { # Filter to user-created FileVantagePolicy '$_.created_by -ne "cs-cloud-provisioning" -and $ -notmatch "^Default Policy \((Linux|Mac|' + 'Windows)\)$"' } else { # Filter to user-created FileVantageRuleGroup '$_.created_by -ne "internal"' } $Param = @{ Detailed = $true; All = $true } if ($String -eq 'FileVantagePolicy' ) { $Param['include'] = 'exclusions' } @((Get-Command "Get-Falcon$String").Parameters.Type.Attributes.ValidValues).foreach{ # Retrieve FileVantagePolicy/RuleGroup for each 'Type' & "Get-Falcon$String" @Param -Type $_ 2>$null | Where-Object -FilterScript ([scriptblock]::Create($Filter)) } } elseif ($String -match '(?<!Content)Policy$') { @('Windows','Mac','Linux').foreach{ # Create policy exports in 'platform_name' order to retain precedence & "Get-Falcon$String" -Filter "platform_name:'$_'" -Detailed -All 2>$null } } else { & "Get-Falcon$String" -Detailed -All 2>$null } if ($Config) { if ($String -eq 'FirewallPolicy') { # Export firewall settings Write-Host "[Export-FalconConfig] Exporting 'FirewallSetting'..." $Setting = Get-FalconFirewallSetting -Id $ 2>$null foreach ($i in $Setting) { ($Config | Where-Object { $ -eq $i.policy_id }).PSObject.Properties.Add(( New-Object PSNoteProperty('settings',$i) )) } } elseif ($String -eq 'FileVantageRuleGroup') { # Update 'assigned_rules' with rule content inside FileVantage rule groups foreach ($i in $Config) { $RuleId = $ | Where-Object { ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) } if ($RuleId) { Write-Host "[Export-FalconConfig] Exporting rules for $($i.type) group '$($'..." $i.assigned_rules = @(Get-FalconFileVantageRule -RuleGroupId $ -Id $RuleId) } } } # Export results to json file and output created file name try { ConvertTo-Json @($Config) -Depth 32 | Out-File $ConfigFile -Append $ConfigFile } catch { throw "Unable to write to '$((Get-Location).Path)'. Try 'Export-FalconConfig' in a new location." } } } # Get current location and set output archive path $Location = (Get-Location).Path $ExportFile = Join-Path $Location "FalconConfig_$(Get-Date -Format FileDateTime).zip" } process { $OutPath = Test-OutFile $ExportFile if ($OutPath.Category -eq 'WriteError' -and !$Force) { Write-Error @OutPath } else { if (!$Select) { # Use items in 'ValidateSet' when not provided [string[]]$Select = @((Get-Command $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name).ParameterSets.Where({$_.Name -eq 'ExportItem'}).Parameters.Where({$_.Name -eq 'Select'}).Attributes.ValidValues).foreach{ $_ } } if ($Select -contains 'FileVantagePolicy' -and $Select -notcontains 'FileVantageRuleGroup') { # Force 'FileVantageRuleGroup' when exporting 'FileVantagePolicy' for 'rule_groups' [string[]]$Select = @($Select + 'FileVantageRuleGroup') } if ($Select -contains 'FirewallGroup') { # Force 'FirewallRule' when exporting 'FirewallGroup' [string[]]$Select = @($Select + 'FirewallRule') } if ($Select -match '^((Ioa|Ml|Sv)Exclusion|FileVantagePolicy|Ioc)$' -and $Select -notcontains 'HostGroup') { # Force 'HostGroup' when exporting exclusions or IOCs [string[]]$Select = @($Select + 'HostGroup') } # Retrieve results, export to Json and capture file name [string[]]$JsonFiles = foreach ($String in $Select) { ,(Get-ItemContent $String) } if ($JsonFiles -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ExportFile,'Compress-Archive')) { # Archive Json exports with content and remove them when complete $Param = @{ Path = @(Get-ChildItem).Where({$JsonFiles -contains $_.FullName -and $_.Length -gt 0}).FullName DestinationPath = $ExportFile Force = $Force } Compress-Archive @Param @($JsonFiles).foreach{ if (Test-Path $_) { Write-Log 'Export-FalconConfig' "Removing '$_'" Remove-Item $_ -Force } } } # Display created archive if (Test-Path $ExportFile) { Get-ChildItem $ExportFile | Select-Object FullName,Length,LastWriteTime } } } } function Import-FalconConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Import items from a 'FalconConfig' archive into your Falcon environment .DESCRIPTION Creates groups, policies, exclusions, rules and scripts within a 'FalconConfig' archive within your authenticated Falcon environment. Anything that already exists will be ignored and no existing items will be modified unless the relevant switch parameters are included. .PARAMETER Path FalconConfig archive path .PARAMETER AssignExisting Assign existing host groups with identical names to imported items .PARAMETER ModifyDefault Modify specified 'platform_default' policies to match import .PARAMETER ModifyExisting Modify existing specified items to match import .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=1)] [ValidatePattern('\.zip$')] [ValidateScript({ if (Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf) { $true } else { throw "Cannot find path '$_' because it does not exist or is not a file." } })] [string]$Path, [Alias('Force')] [switch]$AssignExisting, [ValidateSet('ContentPolicy','DeviceControlPolicy','PreventionPolicy','ResponsePolicy','SensorUpdatePolicy')] [string[]]$ModifyDefault, [ValidateSet('ContentPolicy','DeviceControlPolicy','FileVantagePolicy','FileVantageRuleGroup','FirewallGroup', 'FirewallPolicy','HostGroup','IoaExclusion','IoaGroup','Ioc','MlExclusion','PreventionPolicy', 'ResponsePolicy','Script','SensorUpdatePolicy','SvExclusion')] [string[]]$ModifyExisting ) begin { function Add-Result { # Create result object for CSV output param( [ValidateSet('Created','Modified','Ignored')] [string]$Action, [object]$Item, [string]$Type, [string]$Property, [string]$Old, [string]$New, [string]$Comment ) $Obj = [PSCustomObject]@{ time = Get-Date -Format o api_client_id = $Script:Falcon.ClientId type = $Type id = if ($Action -eq 'Ignored') { $null } elseif ($Item.instance_id) { $Item.instance_id } else { $ } name = if ($Item.value) { if ($Item.type) { $Item.type,$Item.value -join ':' } else { $Item.value } } elseif ($Item.precedence -and $Type -eq 'FileVantageRule') { $Item.precedence } else { $ } platform = if ($Item.platform) { if ($Item.platform -is [string[]]) { $Item.platform -join ',' } else { $Item.platform } } elseif ($Item.platforms) { $Item.platforms -join ',' } elseif ($Item.platform_name) { $Item.platform_name } elseif ($Type -match '^FileVantageRule(Group)?$') { $Item.type } elseif ($Type -eq 'FileVantageExclusion' -and $Item.policy_id) { @($Config.FileVantagePolicy.PSObject.Properties.Value).Where({$ -eq $Item.policy_id}).platform | Select-Object -Unique } else { $null } action = $Action property = $Property old_value = $Old new_value = $New comment = if ($Comment) { $Comment } elseif ($Item.rule_group_id -and $ { 'rule_group_id',$Item.rule_group_id -join ':' } elseif ($Item.policy_id -and $ { 'policy_id',$Item.policy_id -join ':' } } $Config.Result.Add($Obj) if ($Action -match '^(Created|Modified)$') { # Notify when items are created or modified [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$Notify = @('[Import-FalconConfig]',$Action) if ($Property) { $Notify.Add("'$Property' for") } if ($Obj.platform -and $Obj.platform -notmatch '(^all$|,)' -and $Type -ne 'FileVantageRule') { $Notify.Add($Obj.platform) } $Notify.Add($Type) if ($Type -eq 'FileVantageRule') { $Notify.Add("$($ in '$(@($Config.Ids.FileVantageRuleGroup).Where({$_.new_id -eq $Item.rule_group_id}).name)'.") } elseif ($Type -eq 'FileVantageExclusion') { $Notify.Add("'$($' in '$(@($Config.Ids.FileVantagePolicy).Where({$_.new_id -eq $Item.policy_id}).name)'.") } else { $Notify.Add("'$($'.") } Write-Host ($Notify -join ' ') } } function Compare-ImportData ([string]$Item) { if ($Config.$Item.Cid) { $Platform = @{} @('platform','platform_name').foreach{ if ($Config.$Item.Cid.$_) { @($Config.$Item.Cid.$_ | Select-Object -Unique).foreach{ $Platform[$_] = @{} } } } if ($Platform.Count -gt 0) { foreach ($Key in $Platform.Keys) { # Define properties for comparison between imported and existing items (by platform) @('Cid','Import').foreach{ $Platform.$Key[$_] = @($Config.$Item.$_).Where({$_.platform -eq $Key -or $_.platform_name -eq $Key}) } [string[]]$Available = ($Platform.$Key.Cid | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -Unique).Name [string[]]$Compare = @('name','type','value').Where({$Available -contains $_}) Write-Log 'Import-FalconConfig' "Evaluating $Key $Item using '$($Compare -join ',')'" $FilterScript = [scriptblock]::Create( (@($Compare).foreach{ "`$Platform.`$Key.Cid.$_ -notcontains `$_.$_" }) -join ' -and ' ) @($Platform.$Key.Import | Where-Object -FilterScript $FilterScript).foreach{ # Capture items for import (by platform) Write-Log 'Import-FalconConfig' "Selecting '$( if ($_.value) { if ($_.type) { $_.type,$_.value -join ':' } else { $_.value } } elseif ($_.precedence -and $Item -eq 'FileVantageRule') { $_.precedence } else { $ } )' for import" $_ } if ($ModifyExisting -contains $Item) { # Capture (non-policy) items to modify $FilterScript = [scriptblock]::Create( (@($Compare).foreach{ "`$Platform.`$Key.Cid.$_ -eq `$_.$_" }) -join ' -and ' ) @($Platform.$Key.Import | Where-Object -FilterScript $FilterScript).foreach{ Write-Log 'Import-FalconConfig' "Selecting '$( if ($_.value) { if ($_.type) { $_.type,$_.value -join ':' } else { $_.value } } elseif ($_.precedence -and $Item -eq 'FileVantageRule') { $_.precedence } else { $ } )' for modification" $Config.$Item.Modify.Add($_) } } } } else { # Define properties for comparison between imported and existing items [string[]]$Available = ($Config.$Item.Cid | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -Unique).Name [string[]]$Compare = @('name','type','value').Where({$Available -contains $_}) Write-Log 'Import-FalconConfig' "Evaluating $Item using '$($Compare -join ',')'" $FilterScript = [scriptblock]::Create( (@($Compare).foreach{ "`$Config.$Item.Cid.$_ -notcontains `$_.$_" }) -join ' -and ' ) @($Config.$Item.Import | Where-Object -FilterScript $FilterScript).foreach{ # Capture items for import Write-Log 'Import-FalconConfig' "Selecting '$( if ($_.value) { if ($_.type) { $_.type,$_.value -join ':' } else { $_.value } } elseif ($_.precedence -and $Item -eq 'FileVantageRule') { $_.precedence } else { $ } )' for import" $_ } if ($ModifyExisting -contains $Item) { # Capture (non-policy) items to modify $FilterScript = [scriptblock]::Create((@($Compare).foreach{ "`$Config.$Item.Cid.$_ -eq `$_.$_" }) -join ' -and ') @($Config.$Item.Import | Where-Object -FilterScript $FilterScript).foreach{ Write-Log 'Import-FalconConfig' "Selecting '$( if ($_.value) { if ($_.type) { $_.type,$_.value -join ':' } else { $_.value } } elseif ($_.precedence -and $Item -eq 'FileVantageRule') { $_.precedence } else { $ } )' for modification" $Config.$Item.Modify.Add($_) } } } } elseif ($Config.$Item.Import) { # Capture all items for import when none are present in target environment @($Config.$Item.Import) } } function Compare-Setting ([object]$New,[object]$Old,[string]$Type,[string]$Property,[switch]$Result) { if ($Type -eq 'ContentPolicy') { [string[]]$Select = foreach ($Ras in $New.settings.ring_assignment_settings) { foreach ($i in $ { # Check each 'ring_assignment_settings' for modified values using 'id' and 'ring_assignment' $NewRas = @($Ras).Where({$ -eq $i}).ring_assignment $OldRas = @($Old.settings.ring_assignment_settings).Where({$ -eq $i}).ring_assignment if ($NewRas -ne $OldRas) { # Capture result or output modified property name if ($Result) { Add-Result Modified $New $Type $i $OldRas $NewRas } else { $i } } } } # Output settings for modification if ($Select) { $New.settings } } elseif ($Type -eq 'DeviceControlPolicy') { [string[]]$Select = if ($Old) { foreach ($i in @($New.settings.PSObject.Properties)) { if ($i.Name -match '^(enforcement_mode|end_user_notification|enhanced_file_metadata)$') { if ($i.Value -ne $Old.settings.($i.Name)) { if ($Result) { # Capture result Add-Result Modified $New $Type $i.Name $Old.settings.($i.Name) $i.Value } else { # Output modified property name $i.Name } } } } } # Output settings to be modified by property name if ($Select) { $New.settings | Select-Object $Select } } elseif ($Type -eq 'SensorUpdatePolicy') { [string[]]$Select = if ($Old) { foreach ($i in @($New.settings.PSObject.Properties)) { # Check SensorUpdatePolicy settings sub-properties for changes if ($i.Name -match '^(scheduler|variants)$') { # Check 'scheduler' and 'variants' sub-properties if ($Result -and $null -eq $New.settings.($i.Name)) { @($Old.settings.($i.Name)).foreach{ @($_.PSObject.Properties).foreach{ Add-Result Modified $New $Type ($i.Name,$_.Name -join '.') $_.Value $null } } } else { [boolean[]]$SubProp = @($i.Value).foreach{ @($_.PSObject.Properties).foreach{ if ($_.Value -ne $Old.settings.($i.Name).($_.Name)) { if ($Result) { # Capture sub-property result Add-Result Modified $New $Type ($i.Name,$_.Name -join '.') $Old.settings.($i.Name).( $_.Name) $_.Value } else { # Output true for modified sub-property $true } } } } # Output property name when modified sub-properties are present if ($SubProp -eq $true) { $i.Name } } } else { if ($i.Value -ne $Old.settings.($i.Name)) { if ($Result) { # Capture result Add-Result Modified $New $Type $i.Name $Old.settings.($i.Name) $i.Value } else { # Output modified property name $i.Name } } } } } # Output settings to be modified by property name if ($Select) { $New.settings | Select-Object $Select } } elseif ($Type -match 'Policy$') { # Compare modified policy settings with 'id' and 'value' sub-properties $NewArr = if ($New.prevention_settings) { $New.prevention_settings } else { $New.settings } $OldArr = if ($Old.prevention_settings) { $Old.prevention_settings } else { $Old.settings } if ($OldArr -or $Result) { foreach ($Item in $NewArr) { if ($Item.value.PSObject.Properties.Name -eq 'enabled') { if ($OldArr.Where({$ -eq $}).value.enabled -ne $Item.value.enabled) { if ($Result) { # Capture modified result for boolean settings Add-Result Modified $New $Type $ ($OldArr.Where({$ -eq $}).value.enabled) $Item.value.enabled } else { # Output setting to be modified $Item | Select-Object id,value } } } else { foreach ($Name in $Item.value.PSObject.Properties.Name) { if ($OldArr.Where({$ -eq $}).value.$Name -ne $Item.value.$Name) { if ($Result) { # Capture modified result for sub-settings Add-Result Modified $New $Type ($,$Name -join ':') (($OldArr | Where-Object { $ -eq $ }).value.$Name) $Item.value.$Name } else { # Output setting to be modified $Item | Select-Object id,value } } } } } } else { # Output new settings if ($ { $NewArr | Select-Object id,value } else { $NewArr } } } elseif ($Result) { # Compare other modified item properties if ($Property -eq 'field_values') { foreach ($Name in $New.$ { # Track 'field_values' for IoaRule for each modified value $OldValue = @($Old.$Property).Where({$ -eq $Name}).values | ConvertTo-Json -Compress $NewValue = @($New.$Property).Where({$ -eq $Name}).values | ConvertTo-Json -Compress if ($NewValue -ne $OldValue) { Add-Result Modified $New $Type $Name $OldValue $NewValue } } } elseif ($Property) { if ($New.$Property -ne $Old.$Property) { Add-Result Modified $New $Type $Property $Old.$Property $New.$Property } } else { @($New.PSObject.Properties.Name).Where({$_ -notmatch '^(id|comment)$'}).foreach{ if ($New.$_ -ne $Old.$_) { Add-Result Modified $New $Type $_ $Old.$_ $New.$_ } } } } } function Compress-Property ([object]$Object) { # Remove unnecessary properties and values if ($Object.applied_globally -eq $true -and $Object.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'groups') { Set-Property $Object groups @('all') } if ($Object.prevention_settings.settings) { [object[]]$Object.prevention_settings = $Object.prevention_settings.settings | Select-Object id,value } if ($Object.settings.settings) { [object[]]$Object.settings = $Object.settings.settings | Select-Object id,value } @('groups','host_groups','ioa_rule_groups','policy_assignments','rule_group','rule_groups').foreach{ if ($Object.$ { [string[]]$Object.$_ = $Object.$ } } return $Object } function Get-CurrentBuild ([string]$String,[object[]]$List,[string]$Platform) { if ($String -match '\|') { # Match by sensor build tag, replacing suffix with wildcard for cloud disparities if ($String -match '^n\|tagged\|\d{1,}$') { $String = $String -replace '\d{1,}$','*' } @($List).Where({$_.platform -eq $Platform -and $ -like "*|$String"}) | Select-Object build,sensor_version } elseif ($String) { # Check for exact sensor build version match @($List).Where({$_.platform -eq $Platform -and $ -eq $String}) | Select-Object build,sensor_version,stage } else { $null } } function Import-ConfigData ([string]$FilePath) { # Load 'FalconConfig' archive into memory [hashtable]$Output = @{ Ids = @{}; Result = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]@() } $ByteStream = if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6) { Get-Content $FilePath -AsByteStream } else { Get-Content $FilePath -Encoding Byte -Raw } [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.IO.Compression') | Out-Null $FileStream = New-Object System.IO.MemoryStream $FileStream.Write($ByteStream,0,$ByteStream.Length) $ConfigArchive = New-Object System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive($FileStream) [string[]]$Msg = foreach ($FullName in $ConfigArchive.Entries.FullName) { # Import Json, exclude unnecessary properties, add to output and notify $Filename = $ConfigArchive.GetEntry($FullName) $Item = ($FullName | Split-Path -Leaf).Split('.')[0] $Import = ConvertFrom-Json (New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($Filename.Open())).ReadToEnd() $Output[$Item] = @{ Import = $Import; Modify = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]@() } $Output.Ids[$Item] = [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]@() $Item } if ($FileStream) { $FileStream.Dispose() } if ($Msg) { Write-Host "[Import-FalconConfig] Imported from $($FilePath): $($Msg -join ', ')." } $Output } function Invoke-CreateIoc ([object]$Object) { foreach ($i in ($Object.Value.Import | & "New-Falcon$($Object.Key)")) { if ($ { # Track created Ioc Update-Id $i $Object.Key Add-Result Created $i $Object.Key } elseif ($i.type -and $i.value -and $i.message) { @($Object.Value.Import).Where({ $_.type -eq $i.type -and $_.value -eq $i.value }).foreach{ # Ignore failed Ioc Add-Result Ignored $_ $Object.Key -Comment $i.message } } # Remove created and failed Ioc from 'Import' using 'id' value [string[]]$Remove = @($Object.Value.Import).Where({$_.type -eq $i.type -and $_.value -eq $i.value}).id $Object.Value.Import = @($Object.Value.Import).Where({$Remove -notcontains $}) } # Repeat until 'Import' is empty if ($Object.Value.Import) { Invoke-CreateIoc $Object } } function Invoke-PolicyAction ([string]$Type,[string]$Action,[string]$PolicyId,[string]$GroupId) { try { # Perform an action on a policy and output result if ($GroupId -and $PolicyId) { $PolicyId | & "Invoke-Falcon$($Type)Action" -Name $Action -GroupId $GroupId } elseif ($PolicyId) { $PolicyId | & "Invoke-Falcon$($Type)Action" -Name $Action } } catch { Write-Error $_ } } function Submit-Group ([string]$Type,[string]$Property,[object]$Object,[object]$Cid) { if ($Type -eq 'FileVantagePolicy') { if ($Property -eq 'rule_groups' -and $Object.rule_groups) { # Assign missing 'rule_groups' foreach ($OldId in $Object.rule_groups) { # Update rule_groups with new identifier(s) $Object.rule_groups = $Object.rule_groups -replace $OldId, @($Config.Ids.FileVantageRuleGroup).Where({$_.old_id -eq $OldId}).new_id } if ($Object.rule_groups) { # Filter to rule_groups that are missing [string[]]$Add = @($Object.rule_groups).Where({$Cid.rule_groups -notcontains $_ -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_)}) if ($Add) { # Assign and capture result @(Add-FalconFileVantageRuleGroup -PolicyId $ -Id $Add).foreach{ Add-Result Modified $_ $Pair.Key rule_groups ($Cid.rule_groups -join ',') ( $ -join ',') } } } } elseif ($Property -eq 'host_groups' -and $Object.host_groups) { # Filter to host_groups that are missing [string[]]$Add = @($Object.host_groups).Where({$Cid.host_groups -notcontains $_}) if ($Add) { # Assign and capture result @(Add-FalconFileVantageHostGroup -PolicyId $ -Id $Add).foreach{ Add-Result Modified $_ $Pair.Key host_groups ($Cid.host_groups -join ',') ( $ -join ',') } } } } else { # Assign group(s) to target object [string]$Invoke = if ($Property -eq 'ioa_rule_groups') { 'add-rule-group' } else { 'add-host-group' } [object[]]$Req = foreach ($Id in $Object.$Property) { if ($Cid.$Property -notcontains $Id) { @(Invoke-PolicyAction $Type $Invoke $ $Id).foreach{ # Output entire result if object is returned, otherwise return '$Property.$Id' if ($_.$Property) { $_ } else { $Id } } } } if ($Req) { if ($Req[-1].$ { # Capture result if entire object is returned Add-Result Modified $Req[-1] $Type $Property ($Cid.$Property -join ',') ( $Req[-1].$ -join ',') } else { # Combine '$Property.$Id' values Add-Result Modified $Object $Type $Property ($Cid.$Property -join ',') ($Req -join ',') } } } } function Update-Id ([object]$Item,[string]$Type) { if ($Config.Ids.$Type) { # Add 'new_id' to 'Ids' [string[]]$Compare = @('cid','platform_name','platform','type','value','name').foreach{ if ($Item.$_) { $_ } } [string]$Filter = (@($Compare).foreach{ "`$_.$($_) -eq '$($Item.$_)'" }) -join ' -and ' @($Config.Ids.$Type | Where-Object -FilterScript ([scriptblock]::Create($Filter))).foreach{ $_.new_id = if ($ { $ } else { $ } } } } [string[]]$Allowed = (Get-Command Export-FalconConfig).Parameters.Select.Attributes.ValidValues [string]$ArchivePath = $Script:Falcon.Api.Path($PSBoundParameters.Path) [string]$OutputFile = Join-Path (Get-Location).Path "FalconConfig_$(Get-Date -Format FileDateTime).csv" [regex]$PolicyDefault = '^(platform_default|Default Policy \((Linux|Mac|Windows)\))$' [string]$UserAgent = (Show-FalconModule).UserAgent [string[]]$ValidModify = (Get-Command Import-FalconConfig).Parameters.ModifyExisting.Attributes.ValidValues } process { # Import configuration files and capture identifiers for comparison if (!$ArchivePath) { throw "Failed to resolve '$($PSBoundParameters.Path)'." } $Config = Import-ConfigData $ArchivePath @($Config.Keys).Where({$_ -notmatch '^(Ids|FirewallRule|Result)$'}).foreach{ if ($Allowed -notcontains $_) { throw "'$($_,'json' -join '.')' is not a valid Json file name. Ensure that all files within '$( $ArchivePath)' correspond with output from 'Export-FalconConfig' [$(($Allowed | ForEach-Object { "'$_'" }) -join ',')]." } } # Attempt to retrieve CID using 'Get-FalconCcid' for evaluation [string]$Local:HomeCid = Confirm-CidValue (Get-FalconCcid -EA 0) foreach ($Pair in $Config.GetEnumerator().Where({$_.Value.Import})) { foreach ($Import in $Pair.Value.Import) { # Create a record of identifiers within CID to compare with imports $Import = Compress-Property $Import @($Import | Select-Object cid,name,platform,platforms,platform_name,type,value).foreach{ $Id = if ($ { $ } else { $ } Set-Property $_ old_id $Id Set-Property $_ new_id $null $Config.Ids.($Pair.Key).Add($_) } } } foreach ($Pair in $Config.GetEnumerator().Where({$_.Key -notmatch '^(Ids|Result)$'})) { $Pair.Value['Cid'] = try { if ($Pair.Key -match '^FileVantage(Policy|RuleGroup)$') { [string]$Property = if ($Pair.Key -eq 'FileVantagePolicy') { 'platform' } else { 'type' } [string]$Filter = if ($Pair.Key -eq 'FileVantagePolicy') { # Filter to user-created FileVantagePolicy '$_.created_by -ne "cs-cloud-provisioning" -and $ -notmatch "' + $PolicyDefault + '"' } else { # Filter to user-created FileVantageRuleGroup '$_.created_by -ne "internal"' } $Param = @{ Detailed = $true; All = $true } if ($Pair.Key -eq 'FileVantagePolicy' -and $Config.($Pair.Key).Import.exclusions) { # Include 'exclusions' if present in imported policies $Param['Include'] = 'exclusions' } @($Pair.Value.Import.$Property | Select-Object -Unique).foreach{ # Retrieve FileVantagePolicy/RuleGroup for each 'Type' and update identifiers Write-Host "[Import-FalconConfig] Retrieving $_ '$($Pair.Key)'..." foreach ($i in (& "Get-Falcon$($Pair.Key)" @Param -Type $_ | Where-Object -FilterScript ( [scriptblock]::Create($Filter)))) { if ($Pair.Key -eq 'FileVantageRuleGroup' -and $ -and @($Pair.Value.Import).Where({$_.type -eq $i.type -and $ -eq $})) { # Update FileVantageRuleGroup 'assigned_rules' with rule content when matching import is present $RuleId = $ | Where-Object { ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_) } if ($RuleId) { Write-Host "[Import-FalconConfig] Retrieving rules for $($i.type) group '$($'..." $i.assigned_rules = Get-FalconFileVantageRule -RuleGroupId $ -Id $RuleId } } Update-Id $i $Pair.Key Compress-Property $i } } } else { # Retrieve existing items from CID and update identifiers Write-Host "[Import-FalconConfig] Retrieving '$($Pair.Key)'..." $Param = @{ Detailed = $true; All = $true } # Include 'settings' with 'FirewallPolicy' if ($Pair.Key -eq 'FirewallPolicy') { $Param['Include'] = 'settings' } @(& "Get-Falcon$($Pair.Key)" @Param).foreach{ Update-Id $_ $Pair.Key Compress-Property $_ } } } catch { throw $_ } if ($Pair.Key -match 'Policy$') { $Pair.Value.Import = foreach ($Policy in $Pair.Value.Import) { if (!@($Config.($Pair.Key).Cid).Where({$ -eq $ -and (($Policy.platform_name -and $_.platform_name -eq $Policy.platform_name) -or ($Policy.platform -and $_.platform -eq $Policy.platform))})) { # Keep only missing policy items for each OS under 'Import' $Policy $Pair.Value.Modify.Add($Policy.PSObject.Copy()) } else { # Add to relevant 'Modify' list or add result as 'Ignored' if ($ -match $PolicyDefault) { if ($ModifyDefault -contains $Pair.Key) { $Pair.Value.Modify.Add($Policy.PSObject.Copy()) } else { Add-Result Ignored $Policy $Pair.Key -Comment NotModifyDefault } } elseif ($ModifyExisting -contains $Pair.Key) { $Pair.Value.Modify.Add($Policy.PSObject.Copy()) } else { Add-Result Ignored $Policy $Pair.Key -Comment NotModifyExisting } } } } elseif ($Pair.Key -ne 'FirewallRule') { foreach ($Item in $Pair.Value.Import) { # Track 'Ignored' items for final output [string]$Comment = if ($Item.deleted -eq $true) { 'Deleted' } elseif ($Item.type -and $Item.value -and @($Pair.Value.Cid).Where({$_.type -eq $Item.type -and $_.value -eq $Item.value})) { 'Exists' } elseif ($Item.type -and $ -and @($Pair.Value.Cid).Where({$_.type -eq $Item.type -and $ -eq $})) { 'Exists' } elseif ($Item.value -and @($Pair.Value.Cid).Where({$_.value -eq $Item.value})) { 'Exists' } elseif ($ -and @($Pair.Value.Cid).Where({$ -eq $})) { 'Exists' } if ($Comment -and $ModifyExisting -notcontains $Pair.Key) { # If 'Exists' but it could be modified, update comment if ($Comment -eq 'Exists' -and $ValidModify -contains $Pair.Key) { $Comment = 'NotModifyExisting' } Add-Result Ignored $Item $Pair.Key -Comment $Comment } } if ($Pair.Key -eq 'FileVantageRuleGroup') { $Pair.Value.Import = foreach ($i in $Pair.Value.Import) { if (!@($Pair.Value.Cid).Where({$_.type -eq $i.type -and $ -eq $})) { # Remove rule groups that will not be created from 'Import' $i } elseif ($ModifyExisting -contains $Pair.Key) { # Add rule groups for modification $Config.($Pair.Key).Modify.Add($i) } } } else { $Pair.Value.Import = Compare-ImportData $Pair.Key } } if ($Pair.Key -eq 'SensorUpdatePolicy' -and ($Pair.Value.Import -or $Pair.Value.Modify)) { # Retrieve available sensor build versions to update build versions [object[]]$BuildList = try { Write-Host "[Import-FalconConfig] Retrieving available sensor builds..." Get-FalconBuild } catch { throw "Failed to retrieve available sensor builds for '$( $Pair.Key)' import. Verify 'Sensor update policies: Write' permission." } foreach ($Item in @(@($Pair.Value.Import) + @($Pair.Value.Modify))) { # Update sensor builds with current available build values if ($ { [string]$pBuild = if ($ -match '|') { ($ -split '\|',2)[-1] } else { $ } $pNew = Get-CurrentBuild $pBuild $BuildList $Item.platform_name if ($pNew -and $ -ne $ { # Replace build with current tagged version Write-Log 'Import-FalconConfig' ( 'Replaced build "{0}" with "{1}" for {2} policy "{3}"' -f $,$, $Item.platform_name,$ @('build','sensor_version','stage').foreach{ Set-Property $Item.settings $_ $pNew.$_ } } elseif (!$pNew) { # Strip build if build match is not available Set-Property $Item.settings build $null } } if (!$ { # Strip build, sensor_version and stage if 'build' is not present in policy Write-Log 'Import-FalconConfig' ( 'Removed build values from {0} policy "{1}"' -f $Item.platform_name,$ @('build','sensor_version','stage').foreach{ Set-Property $Item.settings $_ $null } } if ($Item.settings.variants) { foreach ($Variant in $Item.settings.variants) { # Update sensor variants with current available variant build values [string]$vBuild = if ($ -match '|') { ($ -split '\|',2)[-1] } else { $ } $vNew = Get-CurrentBuild $vBuild $BuildList $Variant.platform if ($vNew -and $ -ne $ { # Replace build with current tagged version Write-Log 'Import-FalconConfig' ( 'Replaced build "{0}" with "{1}" for {2} variant for policy "{3}"' -f $, $,$Variant.platform,$ @('build','sensor_version','stage').foreach{ Set-Property $Variant $_ $vNew.$_ } } elseif (!$vNew) { # Strip build if match is not available Set-Property $Variant build $null } if (!$ { # Strip build and sensor_version if 'build' is not present Write-Log 'Import-FalconConfig' ( 'Removed build values from {0} variant for policy "{1}"' -f $Variant.platform,$ @('build','sensor_version','stage').foreach{ Set-Property $Variant $_ $null } } } } } } } foreach ($Pair in $Config.GetEnumerator().Where({$_.Key -eq 'HostGroup' -and $_.Value.Import})) { foreach ($HostGroup in ($Pair.Value.Import | & "New-Falcon$($Pair.Key)")) { # Create HostGroup to prepare for assignment Update-Id $HostGroup $Pair.Key Add-Result Created $HostGroup $Pair.Key } [void]$Pair.Value.Remove('Import') } foreach ($Pair in $Config.GetEnumerator().Where({$_.Value.Import -or $_.Value.Modify})) { # Update 'Import' and 'Modify' HostGroup ids @('Import','Modify').foreach{ foreach ($Item in $Pair.Value.$_) { @('groups','host_groups').foreach{ foreach ($OldId in $Item.$_) { [string]$NewId = @($Config.Ids.HostGroup).Where({$_.old_id -eq $OldId}).new_id if ($NewId) { [string[]]$Item.$_ = $Item.$_ -replace $OldId,$NewId if ($NewId -ne $OldId) { Write-Log 'Import-FalconConfig' ('Updated {0} "{1}" id "{2}" to "{3}"' -f $Pair.Key,$_,$OldId, $NewId) } } } } } } } foreach ($Pair in $Config.GetEnumerator().Where({$_.Key -match 'Policy$' -and $_.Value.Import})) { @($Pair.Value.Import | & "New-Falcon$($Pair.Key)").foreach{ # Create Policy Update-Id $_ $Pair.Key Add-Result Created $_ $Pair.Key } [void]$Pair.Value.Remove('Import') } foreach ($Pair in $Config.GetEnumerator().Where({$_.Key -ne 'FirewallRule' -and $_.Value.Import})) { if ($Pair.Key -eq 'FileVantageRuleGroup') { foreach ($Item in $Pair.Value.Import) { @($Item | & "New-Falcon$($Pair.Key)").foreach{ # Create FileVantageRuleGroup Set-Property $Item id $ Update-Id $_ $Pair.Key Add-Result Created $_ $Pair.Key } if ($Item.assigned_rules) { foreach ($FvRule in $Item.assigned_rules) { # Update FileVantageRule with new RuleGroup identifier, create rule and notify $FvRule.rule_group_id = $ @($FvRule | New-FalconFileVantageRule).foreach{ Add-Result Created $_ FileVantageRule } } } } } elseif ($Pair.Key -eq 'FirewallGroup') { foreach ($Item in $Pair.Value.Import) { [object]$FwGroup = $Item | Select-Object name,enabled,description,comment,rule_ids,platform if ($FwGroup) { if ($FwGroup.rule_ids) { # Select FirewallRule from import using 'family' as 'id' value [object[]]$Rules = foreach ($Id in $FwGroup.rule_ids) { $Config.FirewallRule.Import | Where-Object { $ -eq $Id -and $_.deleted -eq $false } } if ($Rules) { @($Rules).foreach{ # Trim rule names to 64 characters and use 'rules' as 'rule_ids' if ($ -gt 64) { $ = ($,63) } } Set-Property $FwGroup rules $Rules [void]$FwGroup.PSObject.Properties.Remove('rule_ids') } } @($FwGroup | & "New-Falcon$($Pair.Key)").foreach{ # Create FirewallGroup Set-Property $FwGroup id $_ Update-Id $FwGroup $Pair.Key Add-Result Created $FwGroup $Pair.Key } } } } elseif ($Pair.Key -eq 'IoaGroup') { foreach ($Item in $Pair.Value.Import) { # Create IoaGroup if (!$Item.comment) { Set-Property $Item comment ($UserAgent,"Import-FalconConfig" -join ': ') } [object]$IoaGroup = $Item | & "New-Falcon$($Pair.Key)" if ($IoaGroup) { Update-Id $IoaGroup $Pair.Key Add-Result Created $IoaGroup $Pair.Key if ($Item.rules) { # Create IoaRule [object[]]$IoaGroup.rules = foreach ($Rule in $Item.rules) { $Rule.rulegroup_id = $ if (!$Rule.comment) { Set-Property $Rule comment ($UserAgent,"Import-FalconConfig" -join ': ') } $Req = try { $Rule | New-FalconIoaRule } catch { Write-Error $_ } if ($Req) { Add-Result Created $Req IoaRule if ($Req.enabled -eq $false -and $Rule.enabled -eq $true) { $Req.enabled = $true } $Req } } if ($IoaGroup.rules.enabled -eq $true) { @($IoaGroup | Edit-FalconIoaRule).foreach{ @($_.rules).Where({$_.enabled -eq $true}).foreach{ # Enable IoaRule Add-Result Modified $_ IoaRule enabled $false $_.enabled } } } } if ($Item.enabled -eq $true -and $IoaGroup.enabled -ne $true) { @(& "Edit-Falcon$($Pair.Key)" -Id $ -Enabled $true).foreach{ # Enable IoaGroup Add-Result Modified $Item $Pair.Key enabled $false $_.enabled } } } } } elseif ($Pair.Key -eq 'Ioc') { # Create Ioc Invoke-CreateIoc $Pair } elseif ($Pair.Key -eq 'Script') { foreach ($Item in $Pair.Value.Import) { @($Item | & "Send-Falcon$($Pair.Key)").foreach{ # Create Script Add-Result Created ($Item | Select-Object name,platform) $Pair.Key } } } elseif ($Pair.Key -match '^((Ioa|Ml|Sv)Exclusion)$') { foreach ($Item in $Pair.Value.Import) { # Create Exclusion @($Item | & "New-Falcon$($Pair.Key)").foreach{ Update-Id $_ $Pair.Key Add-Result Created $_ $Pair.Key } } } [void]$Pair.Value.Remove('Import') } foreach ($Pair in $Config.GetEnumerator().Where({$_.Key -notmatch 'Policy$' -and $_.Value.Modify})) { if ($Pair.Key -eq 'FileVantageRuleGroup') { foreach ($Group in $Pair.Value.Modify) { $CidGroup = @($Config.($Pair.Key).Cid).Where({$_.type -eq $Group.type -and $ -eq $}) if ($CidGroup) { foreach ($Rule in $Group.assigned_rules) { $CidRule = @($CidGroup.assigned_rules).Where({$_.type -eq $Rule.type -and $ -eq $}) if ($CidRule) { # Evaluate and update each FileVantageRule when required [string[]]$Modified = @($Rule.PSObject.Properties.Name).Where({$_ -notmatch '^(type|(rule_group_)?id)$'}).foreach{ if (!$CidRule.$_ -or $CidRule.$_ -ne $Rule.$_) { if (($_ -eq 'content_files' -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($CidRule.$_) -or ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Rule.$_)) -or $_ -ne 'content_files') { $_ } } } if ($Modified) { @('id','rule_group_id').foreach{ $Rule.$_ = $CidRule.$_ } $Req = $Rule | Edit-FalconFileVantageRule if ($Req) { @($Modified).foreach{ Add-Result Modified $Req FileVantageRule $_ $CidRule.$_ $Req.$_ } } } } else { # Add rules that don't exist at the bottom of the existing FileVantageRuleGroup $Rule.rule_group_id = $ $Rule.precedence = $CidGroup.assigned_rules.precedence[-1] + 1 $Req = $Rule | New-FalconFileVantageRule if ($Req) { Add-Result Created $Req FileVantageRule } } } if (!$Modified -and $Rule.group_id -ne $ { # Add 'Ignored' result for unmodified FileVantageRuleGroup Add-Result Ignored $Group $Pair.Key -Comment Identical } } } } else { [string[]]$Select = switch ($Pair.Key) { # Select required properties for comparison (other than 'id') 'FirewallGroup' { 'name','enabled','rule_ids' } 'HostGroup' { 'group_type','name','assignment_rule' } 'IoaGroup' { 'enabled','name','platform','rules' } 'IoaExclusion' { 'name','pattern_id','pattern_name','cl_regex','ifn_regex','groups','applied_globally' } 'Ioc' { 'applied_globally','action','deleted','expiration','host_groups','mobile_action','platforms', 'severity','tags','type','value' } 'MlExclusion' { 'value','excluded_from','groups','applied_globally' } 'Script' { 'platform','permission_type','name','content' } 'SvExclusion' { 'value','groups','applied_globally' } } if ($Select) { [object[]]$EditList = foreach ($Item in ($Pair.Value.Modify | Select-Object @($Select + 'id'))) { # Compare each 'Modify' item against CID (excluding non-dynamic HostGroup) [string[]]$Compare = @('name','type','value').foreach{ if ($Select -contains $_) { $_ }} [string]$Filter = (@($Compare).foreach{ "`$_.$($_) -eq `$Item.$($_)" }) -join ' -and ' [object]$Cid = $Config.($Pair.Key).Cid | Select-Object $Select | Where-Object -FilterScript ( [scriptblock]::Create($Filter)) if ($Cid) { [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$Modify = @('id') @($Select).Where({$_ -ne 'id'}).foreach{ [object]$Diff = if ($null -ne $Item.$_ -and $null -ne $Cid.$_) { # Compare properties that exist in both 'Modify' and CID if ($Pair.Key -eq 'FirewallGroup' -and $_ -eq 'rule_ids') { # if ($Item.rule_ids) { # Select FirewallRule from import using 'family' as 'id' value # [object[]]$FwRule = foreach ($Rule in $Item.rule_ids) { # $Config.FirewallRule.Import | Where-Object { $ -eq $Rule -and # $_.deleted -eq $false } # } # if ($FwRule) { # Evaluate rules for modification # } # } } elseif ($Pair.Key -eq 'IoaGroup' -and $_ -eq 'rules') { foreach ($Rule in $Item.$_) { # Evaluate each IoaRule [object]$CidRule = $Cid.$_ | Where-Object { $_.ruletype_id -eq $Rule.ruletype_id -and $ -eq $ -and $Rule.deleted -ne $true } [string[]]$RuleDiff = if ($CidRule) { @('enabled','pattern_severity','action_label').foreach{ if (Compare-Object $Rule.$_ $CidRule.$_) { $_ } } foreach ($FieldValue in $Rule.field_values) { # Evaluate 'field_value' as a Json string for each IoaRule [object]$CidFieldValue = $CidRule.field_values | Where-Object { $ -eq $ -and $_.type -eq $FieldValue.type } if ($CidFieldValue) { if (Compare-Object ($FieldValue.values | ConvertTo-Json) ($CidFieldValue.values | ConvertTo-Json)) { 'field_values' } } } } if ($RuleDiff) { # Copy existing rule and modify properties [object]$RuleEdit = $CidRule.PSObject.Copy() @($RuleDiff).foreach{ $RuleEdit.$_ = $Rule.$_ } @(Edit-FalconIoaRule -RuleUpdate $RuleEdit -RuleGroupId ${ # Capture result for each updated setting against original @($RuleDiff).foreach{ Compare-Setting $RuleEdit $CidRule IoaRule $_ -Result } } } } } else { Compare-Object $Item.$_ $Cid.$_ } } # Output properties that differ, or are not present in CID if ($Diff -or ($null -ne $Item.$_ -and $null -eq $Cid.$_)) { $Modify.Add($_) } } # Output items with properties to be modified and remove from 'Modify' list if ($Modify.Count -gt 1) { $Item | Select-Object $Modify } } } if ($EditList) { foreach ($Edit in $EditList) { # Update with current 'id' and 'comment' when appropriate Set-Property $Edit id ($Config.Ids.($Pair.Key) | Where-Object { $_.old_id -eq $ }).new_id if ($Pair.Key -ne 'HostGroup') { Set-Property $Edit comment ($UserAgent,"Import-FalconConfig" -join ': ') } } if ($Pair.Key -eq 'FirewallGroup') { [hashtable[]]$DiffOp = @($EditList).foreach{ # Create 'DiffOperations' for FirewallGroup changes if ($null -ne $_.enabled) { @{ op = 'replace'; path = "/enabled"; value = $_.enabled }} } if ($DiffOp) { # Modify FirewallGroup $Req = $EditList | Edit-FalconFirewallGroup -DiffOperation $DiffOp if ($Req) { Compare-Setting $Item ($Config.($Pair.Key).Cid | Where-Object { $ -eq $ }) $Pair.Key -Result } } } else { foreach ($Item in ($EditList | & "Edit-Falcon$($Pair.Key)")) { foreach ($Result in ($EditList | Where-Object { $ -eq $ })) { @($Result.PSObject.Properties.Name).Where({$_ -ne 'id' -and $_ -ne 'comment'}).foreach{ # Modify item and capture result Compare-Setting $Item ($Config.($Pair.Key).Cid | Where-Object { $ -eq $ }) $Pair.Key $_ -Result } } } } } foreach ($Item in $Pair.Value.Modify) { if (($EditList -and $ -notcontains $ -or !$EditList) { # Record result for items that don't need modification [string]$Comment = if ($Pair.Key -eq 'HostGroup' -and $Item.group_type -ne 'dynamic') { 'Static' } else { 'Identical' } Add-Result Ignored $Item $Pair.Key -Comment $Comment } } } } [void]$Pair.Value.Remove('Modify') } foreach ($Pair in $Config.GetEnumerator().Where({$_.Key -match 'Policy$' -and $_.Value.Modify})) { foreach ($Policy in $Pair.Value.Modify) { # Update policy with current id value and use CID value for comparison [string]$ = @($Config.Ids.($Pair.Key)).Where({$_.cid -eq $Policy.cid -and $ -eq $ -and $_.platform_name -eq $Policy.platform_name}).new_id [object]$Cid = @($Config.($Pair.Key).cid).Where({$ -eq $}) if ($ -and $Pair.Key -eq 'FirewallPolicy') { # Check 'FirewallPolicy' for changes if ($Policy.settings.policy_id) { $Policy.settings.policy_id = $ } foreach ($Id in $Policy.settings.rule_group_ids) { [object]$Group = @($Config.Ids.FirewallGroup).Where({$_.old_id -eq $Id}) [string[]]$Policy.settings.rule_group_ids = if ($Group) { # Update 'rule_group_ids' with new id values Write-Log 'Import-FalconConfig' ('Updated FirewallGroup "{0}" to "{1}" under {2} "{3}"' -f $Id,$,$Pair.Key,$ $Policy.settings.rule_group_ids -replace $Id,$Group.new_id } else { # Remove unmatched 'rule_group_ids' values Write-Log 'Import-FalconConfig' ('Removed unmatched FirewallGroup "{0}" from {1} "{2}"' -f $Id,$Pair.Key,$ $Policy.settings.rule_group_ids -replace $Id,$null } } if (!$Policy.settings.rule_group_ids) { # Remove empty 'rule_group_ids' value before submission of 'settings' [void]$Policy.settings.PSObject.Properties.Remove('rule_group_ids') } if ($Policy.settings) { @($Policy.settings | Edit-FalconFirewallSetting).foreach{ # Apply FirewallSetting Set-Property $Policy settings $Policy.settings @('platform_id','default_inbound','default_outbound','enforce','test_mode','local_logging').foreach{ if ($Cid.settings.$_ -ne $Policy.settings.$_) { # Add individual modified settings to output Add-Result Modified $Policy $Pair.Key $_ $Cid.settings.$_ $Policy.settings.$_ } } if (Compare-Object $Cid.settings.rule_group_ids $Policy.settings.rule_group_ids) { # Add 'rule_group_ids' to output when modified Add-Result Modified $Policy $Pair.Key rule_group_ids $Cid.settings.rule_group_ids ( $Policy.settings.rule_group_ids) } } } } elseif ($ -and ($Policy.prevention_settings -or $Policy.settings)) { if (!$HomeCid -or ($HomeCid -and $Policy.cid -and $Policy.cid -eq $HomeCid)) { # Compare Policy settings for non-inherited policies if 'HomeCid' is available $Setting = Compare-Setting $Policy $Cid $Pair.Key if ($Setting) { try { # Modify Policy @(& "Edit-Falcon$($Pair.Key)" -Id $ -Setting $Setting).foreach{ Compare-Setting (Compress-Property $_) $Cid $Pair.Key -Result } } catch { Write-Error $_ } } } } if ($ -and $ -notmatch $PolicyDefault) { if ($Pair.Key -eq 'FileVantagePolicy') { if ($Policy.exclusions) { foreach ($Exclusion in $Policy.exclusions) { # Check for existing matching exclusion $Existing = @($Cid.exclusions).Where({$ -eq $}) if ($null -eq $Exclusion.repeated.PSObject.Properties.Name) { # Remove 'repeated' from imported exclusion when empty to prevent submission error $Exclusion.PSObject.Properties.Remove('repeated') } if ($Existing) { [string[]]$Modified = @($Exclusion.PSObject.Properties.Name).Where({$_ -notmatch '^((policy_)?id|\w+_timestamp)$'}).foreach{ # Compare existing exclusion against import to find new or modified properties if ($_ -eq 'repeated') { foreach ($i in $Exclusion.repeated.PSObject.Properties.Name) { if (!$Existing.repeated.$i -or $Existing.repeated.$i -ne $Exclusion.repeated.$i) { # Check each sub-property under 'repeated' 'repeated' } } } elseif (!$Existing.$_ -or $Exclusion.$_ -ne $Existing.$_) { $_ } } | Select-Object -Unique if ($Modified) { # Update identifiers and modify exclusion @('id','policy_id').foreach{ $Exclusion.$_ = $Existing.$_ } $Req = $Exclusion | Edit-FalconFileVantageExclusion if ($Req) { @($Modified).foreach{ if ($_ -eq 'repeated') { # Convert 'repeated' to a string for CSV output Add-Result Modified $Req FileVantageExclusion $_ ($Existing.$_ | Format-List | Out-String).Trim() ($Req.$_ | Format-List | Out-String).Trim() } else { Add-Result Modified $Req FileVantageExclusion $_ $Existing.$_ $Req.$_ } } } } } else { # Create FileVantageExclusion $Exclusion.policy_id = $ $Req = $Exclusion | New-FalconFileVantageExclusion if ($Req) { Add-Result Created $Req FileVantageExclusion } } } } # Assign rule_groups and host_groups @('rule_groups','host_groups').foreach{ if ($Policy.$_) { Submit-Group $Pair.Key $_ $Policy $Cid }} if ($Cid.enabled -ne $Policy.enabled) { # Enable/disable FileVantagePolicy $Req = $Policy | Edit-FalconFileVantagePolicy if ($Req) { Add-Result Modified $Req $Pair.Key enabled $Cid.enabled $Policy.enabled } } } else { # Assign IoaGroup and HostGroup if ($Policy.ioa_rule_groups) { Submit-Group $Pair.Key ioa_rule_groups $Policy $Cid } if ($Policy.groups) { Submit-Group $Pair.Key groups $Policy $Cid } if ($Policy.host_groups) { Submit-Group $Pair.Key host_groups $Policy $Cid } if ((!$HomeCid -or ($HomeCid -and $Policy.cid -and $Policy.cid -eq $HomeCid)) -and $Cid.enabled -ne $Policy.enabled) { # Enable/disable non-inherited policies if 'HomeCid' is available [string]$Action = if ($Policy.enabled -eq $true) { 'enable' } else { 'disable' } $Req = Invoke-PolicyAction $Pair.Key $Action $ if ($Req) { Add-Result Modified $Req $Pair.Key enabled $Cid.enabled $Policy.enabled } } } } } [void]$Pair.Value.Remove('Modify') } } end { if (@($Config.Result).Where({$_.action -ne 'Ignored'})) { # Output warning for existing policy precedence foreach ($Item in (@($Config.Result).Where({$_.action -eq 'Created' -and $_.type -match 'Policy$'}) | Select-Object type,platform -Unique)) { if (@($Config.($Item.type).Cid).Where({$_.platform_name -eq $Item.platform -and $ -ne 'platform_default'})) { $PSCmdlet.WriteWarning("[Import-FalconConfig] Existing $($Item.platform) $( $Item.type) items were found. Verify precedence!") } } } if ($Config.Result) { # Output results to CSV @($Config.Result).foreach{ try { $_ | Export-Csv $OutputFile -NoTypeInformation -Append } catch { $_ }} if (Test-Path $OutputFile) { Get-ChildItem $OutputFile | Select-Object FullName,Length,LastWriteTime } } } } |