
function Invoke-TagScript {
  process {
    [string]$ScriptPath = Join-Path (Show-FalconModule).ModulePath 'script'
    [string[]]$Tag = $String -replace 'SensorGroupingTags/',$null
    $Output = [PSCustomObject]@{
      cid = $Object.cid
      device_id = $Object.device_id
      tags = $null
      offline_queued = $false
      session_id = $null
      cloud_request_id = $null
      status = $null
    if (@('Linux','Mac','Windows') -notcontains $Object.platform_name) {
      $Output.status = 'UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM'
    } else {
      try {
        # Determine if uninstallation token is required, if host is online, and current SensorTag values
        [string]$Protection = $Object.device_policies.sensor_update.uninstall_protection
        [string]$State = (Get-FalconHost -Id $Object.device_id -State).state
        [string[]]$Existing = @($Object.tags).Where({$_ -match 'SensorGroupingTags/'}) -replace
        [string]$TagString = if ($Existing -and $Action -ne 'Set') {
          if ($Action -eq 'Add') {
            # Select tag(s) to append
            [boolean]$Append = $false
            @($Tag).foreach{ if ($Append -eq $false -and $Existing -notcontains $_) { $Append = $true } }
            if ($Append -eq $true) { (@($Existing + $Tag) | Select-Object -Unique) -join ',' }
          } elseif ($Action -eq 'Remove') {
            # Select tag(s) to remove
            [boolean]$Remove = $false
            @($Tag).foreach{ if ($Remove -eq $false -and $Existing -contains $_) { $Remove = $true } }
            if ($Remove -eq $true) {
              (@($Existing).Where({$Tag -notcontains $_}) | Select-Object -Unique) -join ','
        } else {
          # Use new tag(s) when none are currently assigned, or when using 'Set-FalconSensorTag'
          ($Tag | Select-Object -Unique) -join ','
        if ((!$TagString -and $Tag) -or (!$Existing -and !$Tag) -or ($Object.platform_name -ne 'Windows' -and
        $Protection -eq 'ENABLED')) {
          # Output host properties and 'tags' value when no changes are made
          $Output.tags = $Existing -join ','
          $Output.status = if ($Object.platform_name -ne 'Windows' -and $Protection -eq 'ENABLED') {
            # Abort when uninstallation token is required but 'platform_name' is not Windows
          } elseif ($Action -eq 'Add' -and $Tag) {
          } elseif ($Action -eq 'Remove' -and !$Tag) {
          } else {
        } elseif ($QueueOffline -eq $true -or ($QueueOffline -eq $false -and $State -eq 'online')) {
          # Add quotes around tag value string for Windows script use
          if ($Object.platform_name -eq 'Windows' -and $TagString) { $TagString = ('"{0}"' -f $TagString) }
          [string]$CmdLine = if ($Protection -eq 'ENABLED') {
            # Retrieve uninstallation token and add to 'CommandLine' when host is 'online'
            [string]$Token = (Get-FalconUninstallToken -Id $Object.device_id -AuditMessage (($Action,
              'FalconSensorTag' -join '-'),"[$((Show-FalconModule).UserAgent)]" -join ' ')).uninstall_token
            if ($TagString) { $TagString,$Token -join ' ' } else { $Token }
          } elseif ($TagString) {
          # Import RTR script content and run script via RTR
          [string]$ScriptName = if ($Action -eq 'Remove' -and !$TagString) {
          } else {
            if ($Action -eq 'Set') { 'add_sensortag' } else { ($Action.ToLower(),'sensortag' -join '_') }
          [string]$Extension = switch ($Object.platform_name) {
            'Linux' { 'sh' }
            'Mac' { 'zsh' }
            'Windows' { 'ps1' }
          [string]$ScriptFile = (Join-Path $ScriptPath ($ScriptName,$Extension -join '.'))
          Write-Log ($Action,'FalconSensorTag' -join '-') "Importing '$ScriptFile'..."
          $Script = Get-Content $ScriptFile -Raw
          $Param = @{
            Command = 'runscript'
            Argument = '-Raw=```{0}```' -f $Script
            HostId = $Object.device_id
            QueueOffline = if ($QueueOffline) { $QueueOffline } else { $false }
          if ($CmdLine) { $Param.Argument += (' -CommandLine=```{0}```' -f $CmdLine) }
          @(Invoke-FalconRtr @Param).foreach{
            $Output.tags = if ($_.errors) {
            } elseif ($_.stderr) {
            } elseif ($_.offline_queued -eq $true) {
              $Output.status = 'PENDING_QUEUE'
              $Existing -join ','
            } else {
              $Output.status = if ($Action -eq 'Add') {
              } elseif ($Action -eq 'Remove') {
                if ($TagString) { 'TAG_REMOVED' } else { 'TAG_CLEARED' }
              } else {
              $Result = ($_.stdout).Trim()
              if ($Result -match 'Maintenance Token>') { ($TagString).Trim('"') } else { $Result }
            foreach ($Property in @('offline_queued','session_id','cloud_request_id')) {
              $Output.$Property = $_.$Property
        } else {
          # Output existing tags when device is offline and not queued
          $Output.tags = $Existing -join ','
          $Output.status = 'HOST_OFFLINE_AND_NOT_QUEUED'
      } catch {
        Write-Error $_
function Add-FalconSensorTag {
Use Real-time Response to add SensorGroupingTags to a host
Provided SensorGroupingTag values will be appended to any existing tags. If no new tag values are supplied, a list
of the current tags will be output for the target host. To overwrite existing values, use 'Set-FalconSensorTag'.
Requires 'Hosts: Read', 'Sensor update policies: Write', 'Real time response: Read', and
'Real time response (admin): Write'.
SensorGroupingTag value ['SensorGroupingTags/<string>']
.PARAMETER QueueOffline
Add command request to the offline queue
Host identifier

        if ((Test-RegexValue $_) -eq 'tag') {
        } else {
          throw "Valid values include letters numbers, hyphens, unscores and forward slashes. ['$_']"
  begin { [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$List = @() }
  process { if ($Id) { @($Id).foreach{ $List.Add($_) }}}
  end {
    if ($List) {
      foreach ($i in @(Get-FalconHost -Id $List | Select-Object cid,device_id,platform_name,device_policies,
      tags)) {
        Invoke-TagScript $i 'Add' $QueueOffline $Tag
function Get-FalconSensorTag {
Display SensorGroupingTags assigned to hosts
Returns 'cid', 'device_id', and any SensorGroupingTags listed under 'tags' within a 'Get-FalconHost' result.
Requires 'Hosts: Read'.
Host identifier

  begin { [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$List = @() }
  process { if ($Id) { @($Id).foreach{ $List.Add($_) }}}
  end {
    if ($List) {
      @(Get-FalconHost -Id $List | Select-Object cid,device_id,tags).foreach{
          cid = $_.cid
          device_id = $_.device_id
          tags = @($_.tags).Where({$_ -match 'SensorGroupingTags/'}) -replace 'SensorGroupingTags/',
            $null -join ','
function Remove-FalconSensorTag {
Use Real-time Response to remove SensorGroupingTags from a host
When provided, SensorGroupingTag values will be removed from list of existing tags and others will be left
unmodified. If no tags are provided, all existing tags will be removed.
Requires 'Hosts: Read', 'Sensor update policies: Write', 'Real time response: Read', and
'Real time response (admin): Write'.
SensorGroupingTag value ['SensorGroupingTags/<string>']
Host identifier
.PARAMETER QueueOffline
Add command request to the offline queue

        if ((Test-RegexValue $_) -eq 'tag') {
        } else {
          throw "Valid values include letters, numbers, hyphens, unscores and forward slashes. ['$_']"
  begin { [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$List = @() }
  process { if ($Id) { @($Id).foreach{ $List.Add($_) }}}
  end {
    if ($List) {
      foreach ($i in @(Get-FalconHost -Id $List | Select-Object cid,device_id,platform_name,device_policies,
      tags)) {
        Invoke-TagScript $i 'Remove' $QueueOffline $Tag
function Set-FalconSensorTag {
Use Real-time Response to set SensorGroupingTags on a host
Provided SensorGroupingTag values will overwrite any existing tags. To append to existing values, use
Requires 'Hosts: Read', 'Sensor update policies: Write', 'Real time response: Read', and
'Real time response (admin): Write'.
SensorGroupingTag value ['FalconSensorTags/<string>']
.PARAMETER QueueOffline
Add command request to the offline queue
Host identifier

        if ((Test-RegexValue $_) -eq 'tag') {
        } else {
          throw "Valid values include letters numbers, hyphens, unscores and forward slashes. ['$_']"
  begin { [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]$List = @() }
  process { if ($Id) { @($Id).foreach{ $List.Add($_) }}}
  end {
    if ($List) {
      foreach ($i in @(Get-FalconHost -Id $List | Select-Object cid,device_id,platform_name,device_policies,
      tags)) {
        Invoke-TagScript $i 'Set' $QueueOffline $Tag
function Uninstall-FalconSensor {
Use Real-time Response to uninstall the Falcon sensor from a host
This command uses information from the registry and/or relevant Falcon command line utilities of the target host
to uninstall the Falcon sensor. If the sensor is damaged or malfunctioning, Real-time Response may not work
properly and/or the uninstallation may not succeed.
Requires 'Hosts: Read', 'Sensor update policies: Write', 'Real time response: Read', and 'Real Time Response
(Admin): Write'.
.PARAMETER QueueOffline
Add command request to the offline queue
Include additional properties
Host identifier

  process {
    try {
      [string[]]$Select = 'cid','device_id','platform_name','device_policies'
      if ($Include) { $Select += $Include }
      $HostList = Get-FalconHost -Id $Id | Select-Object $Select
      if ($HostList.platform_name -notmatch '^(Windows|Linux)$') {
        throw 'Only Windows and Linux hosts are currently supported for uninstallation using PSFalcon.'
      [string]$Filename = if ($Platform -eq 'Linux') { '' } else { 'uninstall_sensor.ps1' }
      [string]$Script = Get-Content (Join-Path (Join-Path (Show-FalconModule).ModulePath 'script') $Filename) -Raw
      $Param = @{
        Command = 'runscript'
        Argument = '-Raw=```{0}```' -f $Script
        Timeout = 120
        QueueOffline = if ($QueueOffline) { $QueueOffline } else { $false }
      [string]$IdValue = switch ($HostList.device_policies.sensor_update.uninstall_protection) {
        'ENABLED' { $HostList.device_id }
      if ($IdValue) {
        [string]$Token = ($IdValue | Get-FalconUninstallToken -AuditMessage ("Uninstall-FalconSensor [$(
        if ($Token) { $Param.Argument += (' -CommandLine=```{0}```' -f $Token) }
      $Request = $HostList | Invoke-FalconRtr @Param
      if ($Request) {
        [string[]]$Select = 'cid','device_id'
        if ($Include) { $Select += $Include }
        @($HostList | Select-Object $Select).foreach{
          $Status = if ($Request.stdout) {
          } elseif (!$Request.stdout -and $QueueOffline -eq $true) {
            'Uninstall request queued'
          } else {
          Set-Property $_ 'status' $Status
    } catch {
      throw $_