Function Join-Worksheet { <# .SYNOPSIS Join two worksheets based on a common value .DESCRIPTION Join two worksheets based on a common value This wraps calls to Get-CellValue, Join-Object, and Export-XLSX. BETA NOTE: Minimal manual testing, no Pester tests Might add the option NOTE: Each time you call this function, you need to save and re-create your Excel Object. If you attempt to modify the Excel object, save, modify, and save a second time, it will fail. See Save-Excel Passthru parameter for a workaround See Join-Object for more details on the join operation .PARAMETER Path Path to the file to write joined worksheet to. We save changes to this. .PARAMETER Excel Excel package to write joined worksheet to. We do not save this. .PARAMETER DestinationWorksheetName Name the worksheet you are adding joined data to .PARAMETER LeftWorksheet Left worksheet to join .PARAMETER RightWorksheet Right worksheet to join .PARAMETER LeftJoinColumn Column on left worksheet that we match up with RightJoinColumn on the right worksheet .PARAMETER RightJoinColumn Column on right worksheet that we match up with LeftJoinColumn on the left worksheet .PARAMETER LeftColumns One or more columns to keep from the left worksheet. Default is to pull all left columns (*). Each property can: - Be a plain property name like "Name" - Contain wildcards like "*" - Be a hashtable like @{Name="Product Name";Expression={$_.Name}}. Name is the output property name Expression is the property value ($_ as the current object) Alternatively, use the Suffix or Prefix parameter to avoid collisions Each property using this hashtable syntax will be excluded from suffixes and prefixes .PARAMETER RightColumns One or more columns to keep from right worksheet. Default is to pull all right columns (*). Each property can: - Be a plain property name like "Name" - Contain wildcards like "*" - Be a hashtable like @{Name="Product Name";Expression={$_.Name}}. Name is the output property name Expression is the property value ($_ as the current object) Alternatively, use the Suffix or Prefix parameter to avoid collisions Each property using this hashtable syntax will be excluded from suffixes and prefixes .PARAMETER Prefix If specified, prepend right column names with this prefix to avoid collisions Example: Column Name = 'Name' Suffix = 'j_' Resulting Joined Property Name = 'j_Name' .PARAMETER Suffix If specified, append right column names with this suffix to avoid collisions Example: Column Name = 'Name' Suffix = '_j' Resulting Joined Property Name = 'Name_j' .PARAMETER Type Type of join. Default is AllInLeft. AllInLeft will have all elements from Left at least once in the output, and might appear more than once if the where clause is true for more than one element in right, Left elements with matches in Right are preceded by elements with no matches. SQL equivalent: outer left join (or simply left join) AllInRight is similar to AllInLeft. OnlyIfInBoth will cause all elements from Left to be placed in the output, only if there is at least one match in Right. SQL equivalent: inner join (or simply join) AllInBoth will have all entries in right and left in the output. Specifically, it will have all entries in right with at least one match in left, followed by all entries in Right with no matches in left, followed by all entries in Left with no matches in Right. SQL equivalent: full join .PARAMETER AutoFit If specified, autofit everything .PARAMETER PivotRows If specified, add pivot table pivoting on these rows .PARAMETER PivotColumns If specified, add pivot table pivoting on these columns .PARAMETER PivotValues If specified, add pivot table pivoting on these values .PARAMETER ChartType If specified, add pivot chart of this type .PARAMETER Table If specified, add table to all cells .PARAMETER TableStyle If specified, add table style .PARAMETER Force If specified, and Path parameter is used, remove existing file if it is found If force is not specified and an existing XLSX is found, we try to add the worksheet to it .PARAMETER Passthru If specified, and Excel parameter is used, return Excel package object .EXAMPLE #Define some input data. $l = 1..5 | Foreach-Object { [pscustomobject]@{ Name = "jsmith$_" Birthday = (Get-Date).adddays(-1) } } $r = 4..7 | Foreach-Object{ [pscustomobject]@{ Department = "Department $_" Name = "Department $_" Manager = "jsmith$_" } } #Export it to a spreadsheet with specific worksheet names $l | export-xlsx -Path C:\temp\JoinTest.xlsx -WorksheetName Left $r | export-xlsx -Path C:\temp\JoinTest.xlsx -WorksheetName Right #Get the worksheets: $Excel = New-Excel -Path C:\temp\JoinTest.xlsx $LeftWorksheet = Get-Worksheet -Excel $Excel -Name 'Left' $RightWorksheet = Get-WorkSheet -Excel $Excel -Name 'Right' #We have the data - join it where Left.Name = Right.Manager Join-Worksheet -Path C:\temp\test.xlsx -LeftWorksheet $LeftWorksheet -RightWorksheet $RightWorksheet -LeftJoinColumn Name -RightJoinColumn Manager $Excel | Close-Excel #Verify the output: Import-XLSX -Path C:\temp\test.xlsx # Name Birthday Department Manager # ---- -------- ---------- ------- # jsmith1 4/15/2015 12:30:21 PM # jsmith2 4/15/2015 12:30:21 PM # jsmith3 4/15/2015 12:30:21 PM # Department 4 4/15/2015 12:30:21 PM Department 4 jsmith4 # Department 5 4/15/2015 12:30:21 PM Department 5 jsmith5 .NOTES Thanks to Doug Finke for his example The pivot stuff is straight from Doug: Thanks to Philip Thompson for an expansive set of examples on working with EPPlus in PowerShell: .LINK .FUNCTIONALITY Excel #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='Path')] param( [parameter( ParametersetName = 'Path', Position = 0, Mandatory=$true )] [ValidateScript({ $Parent = Split-Path $_ -Parent if( -not (Test-Path -Path $Parent -PathType Container) ) { Throw "Specify a valid path. Parent '$Parent' does not exist: $_" } $True })] [string]$Path, [parameter( ParameterSetName = "Excel", Position = 0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false)] [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage]$Excel, [string]$DestinationWorksheetName = 'WorksheetJoin', [parameter( Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false)] [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet]$LeftWorksheet, [parameter( Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$false)] [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet]$RightWorksheet, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$LeftJoinColumn, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$RightJoinColumn, [object[]]$LeftColumns, [object[]]$RightColumns, [string]$Prefix, [string]$Suffix, [validateset( 'AllInLeft', 'OnlyIfInBoth', 'AllInBoth', 'AllInRight')] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$Type = 'AllInLeft', [string[]]$Header, [switch]$Table, [OfficeOpenXml.Table.TableStyles]$TableStyle = [OfficeOpenXml.Table.TableStyles]"Medium2", [switch]$AutoFit, [switch]$Force, [switch]$Passthru ) begin { #Resolve relative paths... Thanks Oisin! if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Path')) { $Path = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path) } Try { $Left = Get-CellValue -WorkSheet $LeftWorksheet -ErrorAction stop } Catch { Throw "Error getting LeftWorksheet data: $_" } Try { $Right = Get-CellValue -WorkSheet $RightWorksheet -ErrorAction stop } Catch { Throw "Error getting RightWorksheet data: $_" } $MergeParams = @{ Left = $Left Right = $Right } Switch($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'LeftJoinColumn' { $MergeParams.Add('LeftJoinProperty',$PSBoundParameters['LeftJoinColumn'] ) } 'RightJoinColumn' { $MergeParams.Add('RightJoinProperty',$PSBoundParameters['RightJoinColumn'] ) } 'LeftColumns' { $MergeParams.Add('LeftProperties',$PSBoundParameters['LeftColumns'] ) } 'RightColumns' { $MergeParams.Add('RightProperties',$PSBoundParameters['RightColumns'] ) } 'Prefix' { $MergeParams.Add('Prefix',$PSBoundParameters['Prefix'] ) } 'Suffix' { $MergeParams.Add('Suffix',$PSBoundParameters['Suffix'] ) } 'Type' { $MergeParams.Add('Type',$PSBoundParameters['Type'] ) } } Try { $Merge = Join-Object @MergeParams -ErrorAction Stop } Catch { Write-Error $_ Throw "Error merging data: $_" } } process { $ExportParams = @{ InputObject = $Merge } switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys) { 'Excel' { $ExportParams.Add('Excel',$Excel) } 'Path' { $ExportParams.Add('Path',$Path) } 'Header' { $ExportParams.Add('Header',$Header) } 'Table' { $ExportParams.Add('Table',$Table) } 'TableStyle' { $ExportParams.Add('TableStyle',$TableStyle) } 'AutoFit' { $ExportParams.Add('AutoFit',$AutoFit) } 'Force' { $ExportParams.Add('Force',$Force) } } Export-XLSX @ExportParams if($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Excel') -and $Passthru) { $Excel } } } |