
Generic method to build an efficient DRY powershell module
Powershell Modules are hard work. There is a lot of double work going on where there doesn't need to be between the psd1 and the psm1 file
Each module is required to have a ".Build-Module.config.json" file in the root of the module folder.
    ``` json
        "Manifest": {
            "Guid": "731e2d99-2143-4aaa-b0bb-4648124addfd",
            "Author": "Brett Gerhardi",
            "Description": "Build, Push and Get Powershell Modules",
            "RequiredModules": [
        "File": {
            "FileSpec": "*-*.ps1",
            "ExcludeSpec": [
            /* "PublicOnlyIfIndicated" or "'PublicByDefault" */
            "ExportMode": "PublicByDefault"
It is also recommended to have a .version file with the current version number of the module (e.g. 1.0.0)
When this is run it will
- identify all the files indicated by the filespec and exclude spec and combine with the Manifest details to build the psm1 and psd1 file
- Test the scripts
    - Function filenames should match Function names
- Test the manifest is good
- Run PSScriptAnalyzer to ensure that this is good to publish
- Optionally Load the module into a new PS session to test errors and performance
- Optionally Import the module in the current session for testing
    Imports the module in a separate PowerShell session
    and measure how fast it imports. If the module cannot be imported it throws
    an error.
    Imports the newly built module into the current powershell session
> Build-Module .\src\PSEasy.Module -load -import

function Build-Module {
        [parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string[]]$ModulePath = $pwd,
        [parameter()][switch] $Load,
        # [parameter()][switch] $Clean,
        [parameter()][switch] $Import
        # [Parameter(Mandatory)][ValidateSet('Major', 'Minor', 'Patch', 'None')][string]$VersionIncrementType,
        #[parameter()][string] $PublishToFeed too difficult until we have nuget in the path

    begin {
        Set-StrictMode -Version 2
        $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

    process {
        # $outputPath = Join-Path $ModulePath 'bin'
        foreach ($_modulePath in $ModulePath) {
            $moduleDirectory = Get-Item $_modulePath
            $moduleName = Split-Path $_modulePath -Leaf
            $psdFile = "$moduleName.psd1"
            $psmFile = "$moduleName.psm1"
            #$psbFile = "$"
            $configFilename = '.Build-Module.config.json'
            $configPath = Join-Path $moduleDirectory $configFilename
            if (-not (Test-Path $configPath)) {
                throw "Please provide a file named $configFilename"

            # get this modules config
            $config = Get-Content -Path $configPath -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

            # get the moduleManifest static values as a hashtable so we can build the splat
            $ModuleManifestArgs = $config.Manifest | ConvertTo-Json | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable

            # identify the files according to the config instruction
            $files =
            Get-ChildItem $ModulePath -filter $config.File.FileSpec -File -Recurse -Exclude ($config.File.ExcludeSpec)

            # test files and establish public files
            $files |
            Test-Script -PassThru |
            Add-ModuleManifestExport -ExportMode $config.File.ExportMode -ModuleManifestArgs $ModuleManifestArgs

            # add values that we own
            $moduleManifestPath = "$_modulePath\$psdFile"
            Set-HashTableItem -ht $ModuleManifestArgs -k 'Path' -v $moduleManifestPath
            Set-HashTableItem -ht $ModuleManifestArgs -k 'RootModule' -v $psmFile
            Set-HashTableItem -ht $ModuleManifestArgs -k 'ModuleVersion' -v (Get-ModuleVersion -ModulePath $_modulePath)
            # these we will leave as they are if they have been set by the build script
            Set-HashTableItem -ht $ModuleManifestArgs -k 'FunctionsToExport' -v @() -safe
            Set-HashTableItem -ht $ModuleManifestArgs -k 'AliasesToExport' -v @() -safe
            Set-HashTableItem -ht $ModuleManifestArgs -k 'CmdletsToExport' -v @() -safe

            # Create manifest
            $ModuleManifestArgs.GetEnumerator() | Format-Table | Out-String | Write-Debug
            New-ModuleManifest @ModuleManifestArgs

            # fix the file so it doesn't have trailing whitespace (creates warnings wth ScriptAnalyzer below)
            (Get-Content -Path $moduleManifestPath | ForEach-Object {$_.TrimEnd()}) | Set-Content -Path $moduleManifestPath

            # build psm1 file with super-fast . notation, makes importing fastest
            $sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
            $null = $sb.AppendLine('# Automatically generated from Build-Module')
            $null = $sb.AppendLine('# =========================================')
            foreach ($f in $files) {
                $null = $sb.AppendLine(@"
. "`$PSScriptRoot\$([System.IO.Path]::GetRelativePath($moduleDirectory.FullName, $f.FullName))"

            $sb.ToString() | Set-Content "$_modulePath\$psmFile" -Encoding UTF8 -force

            $null = Test-ModuleManifest -Path $moduleManifestPath

            $analyzerResults = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $_modulePath -Recurse
            if ($analyzerResults) {
                Write-Host 'Script Analyzer issues'
                $analyzerResults | Select-Object ScriptName, Line, Message, RuleName, Severity | Format-Table | Out-String | Write-Host
            } else {
                Write-Host 'No script Analyzer issues found'

            # load test
            if ($Load) {
                $powershell = Get-Process -Id $PID | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path
                & $powershell -noProfile -c "'Load: ' + [decimal]::Round((Measure-Command { Import-Module '$_modulePath' -ErrorAction Stop}).TotalMilliseconds, 0) + 'ms'"
                if (0 -ne $LastExitCode) {
                    throw "load failed!"

            # import into our session
            if ($Import) { Import-Module "$ModulePath\" -Force -Verbose -Global}

    end {
